Page 29 - Studio International - May 1972
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machinism as an index of national power, its                                         —which can be justified in his pedagogy but not in his
           overriding insistence on `rootedness' —on                                            art. For a defence of Strukturwissenschaft: Sheldon
                                                                                                Nodelman, 'Structural analysis in art and
           man's coexistent status with and in landscape—                                      anthropology', in Jacques Ehrmann, ed.,
           made this impossible. The metropolis, the                                            Structuralism, a special issue of Yale French Studies,
           machine and the modern together symbolised                                           New Haven 1966.
                                                                                                3For the association of art and politics at the time of
           all that served to alienate natural man and to                                       the November Revolution, see my 'Dissenting
           disturb his natural order. Civilization, in the                                      Ideologies and the German Revolution' Studio
                                                                                                International November 197o.
           words of Hermann Löns, was but 'a thin veneer                                        4   The problem of the rationalisations of media that
           underneath which nature courses, waiting until                                       had relied very heavily on their emotional impact is
           a crack appears and it can burst into the open.'19                                   a larger one that can be covered by these general
              Due in no small part to Spengler's period                                         comments. What appears significant, however, is
           stylisations, and following the contemporary                                         the way in which the hoped-for creation of an
                                                                                                iconography with the same import as traditional
           polarisation of political stands into inescapable                                    symbology, when coupled with the modernist ethos,
           friend-enemy antagonisms (Freund-Fiend-                                              seems to have effected increasingly generalised
                                                                                                meanings. That this was countered only by distinctly
            Verhaltnis), the division of camps into                                             personalised alternatives (Pabst and Klee are good
           `ancients' and 'moderns' grew in pace as the                                         examples) confirms for me the basic difficulties in
           Weimar Republic progressed. The common                                               the idea of indiscriminate 'objectification'. An
                                                                                                obvious political analogy with what happened in the
           dilemma was coping with the encroachment of                                          Neue Sachlichkeit era would be the interpretation
           industrial methodologies, of collectivist                                            of the 'science' of Marxism as not the rejection but
           interpretations of human development; but the                                        the synthesising of the utopian by building on
                                                                                                utopian ideas a firm scientific superstructure.
           solution of the 'ancients' was to create an                                          5 Lotte H. Eisner, The Haunted Screen, Expressionism
           amplified romanticism to combat 'modern'                                             in the German Cinema and the influence of Max
                                                                                                Reinhardt, Berkeley & Los Angeles 1969.
           idioms and to assert a potential rediscovery of                                      'Oskar Schlemmer, Buhne, a lecture of 16.3.1927,
           `wholeness' in the correspondences between the                                       reprinted in Walter Gropius, ed., The Theatre of the
           individual, the Volk, and the natural universe.                                      Bauhaus, Middletown, Conn. 1961, the most
           And if the modernists showed themselves too                                          accessible source for Schlemmer's theories.
                                                                                                7   Siegfried Giedion Walter Gropius: Work and
           enthusiastic about what technological rationality                                    Teamwork, London 1954.
           could achieve, here, in contrast, was the                                            8 Maurice Maeterlinck, Menus propos, Le Theatre,
           sleep of reason.                          4 Riefenstahl                              Paris 189o. For the abstract theatre and the
                                                                                                Gesamtkunstwerk, see the anthology: E. T. Kirby,
              And yet, a too rigid separation of ancient   Still from Triumph of the Will       ed., Total Theatre, New York 1969; and for a
           from modernist ethos is to simplify a rather   Photo courtesy Imperial War Museum    contemporary appreciation: 'Das Buhnenbild im
           more complicated situation. Both desired the                                         "Gesamtkunstwerk"', special issue of
                                                     5 Fritz Lang                               Die Form. Monatsschrift far Gestaltende Arbeit, I, 3,
           same thing —security —and both talked of the   Still from Metropolis                 1922.
            place of the individual in the collective, of the   Photo courtesy UFA              'Richard Wagner 'Essence of Drama is Knowing
            establishment of order, and in the arts both                                        through Feeling', in Kirby, ed., Total Theatre 5-8.
                                                                                                10   See Northrop Frye's discussion of the masque in
           supported a medium of clarity capable of mass                                        his Anatomy of Criticism, Princeton 1957.
           appeal through a formal symbology of universal                                       "Quoted by Lutz Becker, 'A Cinema of Ecstasy' in
            idioms (though their interpretations of these                                       the catalogue Germany in Ferment, Durham University
                                                                                                1970, where the other catalogue essays are
            were opposite). It would, however, be most                                          relevant to the theme of these notes.
            inappropriate to rely on hindsight so as to                                         " Siegfried Kracauer From Caligari to Hitler,
            posit some kind of ideological continuity here.                                     Princeton 1966; Eisner The Haunted Screen.
                                                                                                " Cf. C. K. Ogden, ed., Bentham's Theory of
            Clearly this is not the case. But what is   the emotional in creating an image of the   Fictions, New York 1932 and Hans Vaihinger The
            significant is that when the Nazis came to   universe based on that of the theatre was in   Philosophy of 'As If', London 1924. Also the
            power their hybrid and opportunist theories   fact to mix up the potentialities of art with   comments on Bentham and Vaihinger by Wylie
                                                                                                Sypher in his Rococo to Cubism in Art and Literature,
            could ally ancient ambitions and modern   those of life. This confusion of functions—  New York 196o.
            techniques. Mythology could be materialized,   itself determined by the social differentia in   " Bull Kinser and Neil Kleinman The dream that
            practicality given spiritual justification, and the   their interpretation of art—was most damaging   was no more a dream, New York 1969. The general
                                                                                                tenor of Kleinman's text usefully amplifies this point.
            irrational given substance by wedding     in transferring aesthetic idioms into life itself,   "Moholy-Nagy, 'Theater, Circus, Variety' in
            Volkish anti-modernism to the most advanced   seeming to will it into artifice. But the triumph   Gropius, ed., The Theatre of the Bauhaus.
            techniques of mass communication. Their   of the will was not theirs, but their opponents';   16 I discuss the two formal structures mentioned
                                                                                                above, the fictive display stand and the
            achievement was the creation of a backward-  and it dissolved the existence of radical   participational space, in the context of Soviet arts
            looking utopia with the methods of a forward-  modernism in the process. q          in my 'On Constructivism', Artforum, May 1971.
                                                                                                17  Quoted by Jurgen Rühle, Literature and Revolution.
            looking one.                                                                        A Critical Study of the Writer and Communism in the
              But does this tailor-made totalitarian   1  Walter Gropius The New Architecture and the   Twentieth Century, New York 1969.
            availability of modernist idioms tell us anything   Bauhaus London 1935.            18   See : George L. Mosse, The Crisis of German
            about Weimar art itself beyond the fact that   'That  the Weimar period which produced an art   Ideology, New York, 1964 for an admirable chronicle
                                                                                                of these ideas. Also relevant to this theme are : Hans
            `total' ambitions are thus easily debased ?   closely involved with its world functioning and with   Kohn, Political Ideologies of the Twentieth Century,
                                                      its meanings saw also the development of the
            A famous French modernist, Le Corbusier,   Strukturforschung school of critical analysis seems no   New York 1966; Fritz Stern, The Politics of Cultural
            wrote of 'Architecture or Revolution',    accident. For Kaschnitz, 'structure is the mode of   Despair: A Study in the Rise of the Germanic Ideology,
                                                                                                Berkeley 1961; Peter Viereck, Meta-Politics: The
            implying that art could resolve life issues and   action of that energy which in art stands symbolically   Roots of the Nazi Mind, New York 1965; and for its
                                                      for those cosmic or divine forces as they reflect
            hence prevent further revolutions." On this   themselves in our conceptions and in our imagination.   relationship to the arts : Peter Gay, Weimar Culture,
            score, the utopian artists of Weimar certainly   However, the concern for meanings basic to this   New York 1970; Barbara Miller Lane, Architecture
                                                                                                and Politics in Germany 1918-1945, Cambridge,
            failed. But it could well be argued that a far   approach substitutes importance, or better   Mass. 1968; and my 'Total and totalitarian art'
                                                      significance, for quality in its evaluations; and this,
            more basic failure was in their very willingness   too, is the limitation of these notes. Those who best   Studio International, April 1970, which deals more
            to think in these terms at all. Their social   illustrate ideologies are, of course, not necessarily   specifically with some of the points raised here.
                                                                                                " Herman Loris, Der Wehrwolf Jena 1917.
                                                      the best artists. Misunderstanding of this has
            role-searching, their aesthetic generalisations   clouded much judgement of twenties art, most   20  Cf. Meyer Schapiro, 'The Nature of Abstract Art',
            and their compounding of the rational and   evidently in the inflated reputation of Moholy-Nagy    Marxist Quarterly, January—March 1937.
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