Page 40 - Studio International - September 1972
P. 40

what fine wild use the Futurists especially made   Before long Marx's concept 'alienation' is born.   feel that the general timbre of the urban
      of it—can itself be interpreted as its chief echo—  Though we visualize betterment, and indeed its   environment has not been willed; in which,
      and art of course is the manipulation of echo—in   achievement in our time, perfect conditions, the   from the contemplative angle, no one is truly at
      spite of the greater variety that stems from this   Utopias, these are altogether out of season, as   home. Our milieu is all by-product. At the
      environment, the enlarged choice of experiences   are the hopes of heaven, once the firm refuge   same time, custom, legend, religion, much of
      available. So an appeal to the random may attest   that Utopia replaced. Even in Buddhist   what are called the cultural roots, have
      a negative identification with our urban   cosmogony, so much more pessimistic than   crumbled, muCh of the under-pinning, in
      mise-en-scène created by the ordering of man.   those of the West, there is law and perpetuity of   short, of any culture as that word is used by
      This aspect, if it is an aspect of the cultivation of   happening. In these matters most of us who are   anthropologists. So, unless we have adopted a
      the random, interests me more than the    neither politicos nor mystics are disorientated   political religion, those of us in towns especially
      sometimes concomitant doctrine of a hidden or   entirely : in these matters we live neither in the   enjoy small common culture of positive effect
      mystical order buried there. Though the   past nor in the present nor in the future.   other than as vogues expressing corporate life;
      so-called 'opting out' of the hippy may prove, in   But to this state of suspension—it is my chief   that is, mostly in matters of its surface alone.
      spite of schizoid connection, to have been the   point—there has now accrued a limiting factor,   Art, of course, must reflect cultural position if
      first sign that our species may survive the   the barrier of catastrophe that in virtue of so   only because consensus is assimilated by art
      present impasse, I consider reactionary the   definite a challenge brings a feeling akin to   with integrative activities of the artist's psyche.
      perhaps inevitable mysticism that accompanies.   relief. Apart from atomic warfare, the first   The witness to some degree of sanity or of
      By the way, those of us who persevere in   horror to be widely recognized was the dilemma   revolt is sought from surroundings real or
      representing appearances are, by this now   from over-population, soon joined by the   imagined. The artist is the furniture removal
      prosaic limitation, opters-out also of a different   pollution threat, and then we encounter the first   man of great ambition, converting vague objects
      kind, if we work less with a false sense of a   dilemma hugely enlarged by the threat of the   from the dark into chair and dresser laid on the
      continuing past, more in reaction to a present   imminent depleting of natural riches that are   street, insisting upon neighbourhood
      whose actuality is estimated fully. Achievement   unlikely in most instances to be permanently   communion, the inner with the outer. In each
      is likely to be modest for a time, it seems to me.   replaced by substitute endeavours including,   sphere, however, some co-ordination must be
         Here, in the West, where we are surrounded   one is told by some scientists, the harnessing of   apparent for this feat, a clue to their
      by human triumph in means of communication,   atomic or the sun's energies. The species   correspondence. In regard to the outer sphere,
      in possibilities of health and comfort, the news   appears endangered by processes that seem   whether viewed in terms of urban panorama or
      is always bad. I do not refer to the fact that only   nearer inevitable than the danger of atomic   of culture, the co-ordinating factors are not
      disaster makes perfect news at any time nor to   warfare with which we have lived for some   propitious.
      the endemic kind of bad news, much of it   time, the first global threat—still with us—from   Now, without the many, or without many of
      arising from industrial success; unemployment,   the side of man, a threat not only to the present   the constrictions placed upon him by his
      say, largely the result of what used to be called   but to the accumulation of the past and to the   culture in the past, the artist has for a hundred
      automation; not even difficulties, risks, the   hopes of the future. I am sorry to rehearse   years more specifically, more openly, projected
      outcome of occasional pollution. We are more   matters equally well known or better known to   his own mind and emotion in the terms of outer
      widely in the stranglehold of a success deeply   yourselves. I do so because, in a rather shaky   forms. I think we are bound to say that as one
      dangerous, of a failure due not only to   manner though it will be, I want to make some   result we better understand the character of art;
      difficulties easily paralleled with those of the   guesses at the psychological effect, and therefore   and of course we know far more about the
      past—there has always been depletion of soil   about art. Moreover one needs constantly to be   psyche; but that none of this success, this
      and other resources of a particular area; there   reminded. It is bad to entertain these problems,   knowledge, has made of living or of art a fuller
      have always been painful economic shifts—but   worse to ignore them. Now that they have been   achievement.
      danger now from the point of view of the future   registered I think there is urgent need that they   We miss, particularly from art, modes for
      of the entire human race. It is the more   should influence, indeed determine, many   our envelopment in wide connectiveness as well
      remarkable since in rich Western countries   attitudes over an area wider than is apparent at   as in matters elemental. Whereas it was once the
      perennial miseries, disease, slum, shanty town,   the moment.                        concern of artists to organize Nature for the
      starvation, though much remain have been                                             picture of Nature, there is today the tendency to
      reduced considerably, have waned because of                                         employ Nature not only for expressionism but
      science and technology as well as of political                                      also, as we have seen, by a degree of concrete
      pressure. Yet dreams are abandoned that were                                        treatment whereby to project a symbolic value.
      common some decades ago. Without these                                              Even so, symbolic evocation of any kind seems
      hopes for the future our crippled culture is                                        less effective now to some who are unsure of
      naked; and it is sad to realize that the period of   Technological advance has caused these   meaning beyond the lean actuality of the object
      fervent hope was during the last two hundred   problems that in regard to their cosmic scale we   that might support it: and since a varied
      years, dating exactly from the time that   feel to be unfair, a heartlessness neither willed   connectiveness involves doubts rather than
      industrial development begat mass misery on a   by man nor promoted by the untouched   assurance, many of us long to be enveloped,
      larger scale in our country, began to uproot not   malignity of Nature. Thus they may seem   even brow-beaten, carried away, by a mere
      only the traditional occupations but where   gratuitous in their emotional demand.   impression of elemental actuality; of pure or
      people congregated, the face of the earth.   Similarly, for the aesthetic sphere, we may well    abstracted actuality.
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