Page 43 - Studio International - September 1972
P. 43

of opinion are about the degree and about the   affiliations could achieve fresh poetic worth,   are all the fashion as a kind of trust. The
         immediacy, not so much in regard to population   especially if men were to become better   stunning impact so much sought today in art on
         as to the aggravating factors.             resigned to their role of human animals   which we rather lazily like to lean, the
                                                    thoughtlessly evolved, driven on to death,   restriction of statement to the non-eloquence of
                                                   sustained meanwhile by love, good feeling, by   shock, marches with the impact our urban
                                                    the conviction of the value belonging not only   environment best achieves as by the array, for
                                                    to the self but to its objects. We project on to   instance, of filmy flashing lights that defies a
                                                   objects inner states and we take objects into   finite space. I do not see a shock of the
                                                   ourselves together with the projections; we   illimitable, of the extreme, as so strong a verve
                                                   introject. Inner and outer integration and   in the future should the emphasis upon the
            What is the likely meaning for the future of   stability are interdependent.      symbolic significance attached to measure,
         art ? Over and above art, we are given at least   Out of the quandaries to which I have   containment, limitation, interpose and thereby
         an aim, a simple aim: survival. A surge towards   referred a new alignment on the aesthetic level   reinforce the variety of interacting meanings
         survival that in times of great danger, as in war,   could emerge. We—I speak as if we were the   gained from different objects set together. And
         is apt to counter the surge towards death, might   future—will have some thankfulness even for   perhaps full-dress appearances may return in
         produce heroic affirmation of the good, of the   air, the purity of air—indeed we have it already—a   art, newly meant. But this is not at all to suggest
         value of life-giving processes and of brotherhood   pride in an =poisonous sea though the power of   that the milieu will cease to be powerfully
         that can be summed as love. Even a little   the sea would still appear limitless : for a restored   technological even though the future were to
         simplifying of the Western mode of life could   world, where restoration should prove still   belong to smaller communities than great cities :
         relieve a load of vulgarity: by vulgarity I have   possible, the world as it would be without undue   nor do I suggest that I can visualize clearly that
         first in mind needless, shining, obdurate   interference in the balance that has governed   measure in things to which I refer, in its
         wrapping, all the stimuli, particularly   plant and animal life, more clearly conceived   combination with technological embrace, even
         advertisement, of consumption as ideal. And it   since the thought will be present that in   in a world less at the mercy of the products of
         would signify a brake, not on invention, but on   modifying beyond a certain point we find we   this embrace. My suggestions rely totally on the
         the illimitable, as it seems, manufacture of   destroy ourselves also. This is to take Nature,   altered orientation in many spheres of which I
         machine-made products : plastic milk bottles if   rather than romantic aspects of Nature, as our   have spoken, desperately needed in the struggle,
         there is milk, but not endless plastic milk bottles.   familiar.                     if it is to be successful, for survival. Maybe even
         I believe that beyond a certain point such   And so, whereas, if I am right, the present   the journeys to the moon will prove to have
         man-made proliferation of dead material,   involvement in the creation of art objects with   fixed our feet the more firmly on this various
         unlike natural growth, is very frightening; that   the haziest, or else with the most primitive and   planet.
         were it not for kindred fears, at least a few of our   unramified, symbolic value must be linked to   I have long thought there might be no
         machines would have been developed—a      the hollow echo from the urban scene, with the   inevitable future for art, or, rather, for the
         prototype of the steam engine was designed and   impression of limitless non-resonance, the   creation of first-order masterpieces : and at the
         built in classical times—much earlier. We must   future visualized here as the only possible   same time, in compensation as it were, that
         visualize a future, then, if there is to be a rich   future wherein the human species will survive   everybody becomes a bit of an artist, will
         future, cleared of the sense of limitless plastic   in a world fit for survival, could nourish an art   attempt a mode of creativeness, an activity of
         proliferation. Materials will have better worth,   that, by conveying a temper of restraint   aesthetic rather than utility value: sometimes as
         better status, even the plastic milk bottle. The   regarding both the material world and its   a form of therapy. But now, in view of the
         psychological danger from the machine has   organisms, might rediscover richness in variety,   issues to which this talk has attempted
         always been the degradation of object-nature.   rather than in the brutalities of abstraction or   reference, I begin to hope that the diversity in
         This is because our sense of the otherness,   distillation which, while themselves native to   relationship between mind and external object
         uniqueness, self-sufficiency of objects outside   the making of art, are not of course by   from the angle of contemplation, this the
         ourselves, the sine qua non of sanity, has not   themselves, in isolation, necessarily the highest   substance of art, will again achieve
         been of easy attainment by any of us, and is   embodiments of completeness. But I am not   comprehensive contexts if—always this `if'—
         always apt to be whittled or impugned in some   denigrating forms of abstract art which I have   much more than a handful of men in a polluted
         respect or other, particularly of course in regard   always greatly admired, nor the varieties of   world robbed of metal, fossil fuel, fertility, shall
         to people whom we tend to enter, control or   Expressionism. I cannot make a comment on   survive in circumstances infinitely better than
         appropriate. Near the beginning of this lecture   their probable future. I but weakly say that   those. q
         I suggested that in spite of threatened   while it can approach an effect of cosmic
         catastrophe the present challenge brings a   contemplation, great generality, even at the   [From a lecture first given at Camberwell School
         feeling akin to relief. The limitations which will   same time, often expresses some affiliation with   of Art in March 1972.]
         have to be recognized in the practical sphere   the settlement of nerveless trance. Though we
         would tend to mitigate a disproportion, viewed   lack hope and belief, we are somewhat
         from the contemplative side, with which we are   mesmerized and stimulated by mechanical
         still by no means at home.                pressed button power, a wealth, a richness.
           By a lessening—and that from necessity—of   Such power may seem illimitable, able to take
         rapacious attitudes at least to substance, our    care of anything. Drugs, hallucination, lethargy
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