Page 42 - Studio International - September 1972
P. 42

soon seem fitted for aesthetic contemplation.   only if there existed world-wide strict control of   But I think we are also aware of impasse in
       Hence he linked the Impressionists with a   conservation, pollution, of drastic consumption   those directions where symbolic functions of
       development that includes Duchamp's       cut-back, and above all of population. You may   the art object are either isolated or minimized
       ready-mades; also with presentations at this   not agree. At any rate it is not disputed that   or consciously repudiated. This last attitude
       moment, constructions akin to industrial   ecological studies induce an awareness of the   itself tends in fact to be symbolic—symbolism
       products, seemingly casually arranged as works   delicate balance as well as the traditional power   can never be undone—of the psyche's negative
       of art. I find this analysis particularly poignant   of Nature whose interdependent processes we   estimations and of the projection of schizoid
       in view of the lack of resonance from our streets.   begin to fear will disintegrate under our touch :   states. On the other hand I regard it as a gain
       The great extension of subject-matter, as well as   Nature the broadest aspect of our home. For it is   that, doubtless encouraged by the lack of
       its disappearance, over the last hundred years   not the urban scene alone that induces some   planned reverberation from urban environment,
       will have been over-determined. I would point   estrangement, with no certainty anywhere of   from haphazard technological advance, we are
       only to the breakdown of architecture as had   unpolluted process. We know seas and skies are   thoroughly learning at last the most austere
       hitherto been achieved, and would suggest that   threatened, that is, our use of them is threatened   lesson of Darwinian evolution. It has taken a
       one reason for the vast extension of subject-  by our usages.                       hundred years for the complete realization to
       matter might be that the artist had felt the   And so, to return to art, it seems that modes   come through that there could be no plan in
       sense of meaningful urban surround to be at   evolved in the scanning of appearances promise   such a process, no built-in design: that the
       risk and that, lacking a meaningful frame, as it   no future better than their present since our   emergence, as we call it, of life itself is a chance
       were, for the urban activity of the time, he   faith in the essence of the things at which we   chemical concatenation of interest to ourselves.
       searched for its reconstruction not only in the   look suffers qualification. Yet there is the other   Such lack of partiality in its fullness is apt to hit
       studio and the studio figure: he found it   thought, namely that the natural scene, even   the non-religious as hard as the religious, the
       everywhere if he treated everywhere in such a   from the practical point of view, has become,   philosopher as well as the ordinary man. We
       way as to evoke, not architectural forms —far   and will increasingly become, more precious   acknowledge instead the power of the drives,
       from it—but the contrasts and reconciliations of   from the literal fear of its further appropriation   particularly the sexual drive. There is also the
       architectural textures. Since that time most   and poisoning by man. I can imagine panic,   instinct of self-preservation. Survival of the
       painting has offered compensation for the loss   stampede of panic in the face of wide disaster. I   species rather than of the individual, nation,
       of textures in our streets. The state of this   can imagine circumstances by which, for the   race, has, or will soon, become a sublime and
       development in the arts today show that we must   first time, the concept, the human species, will   conscious aim that must in part reverse an aim
       try to fan warmth from unlikely material   be an emotive term for all. It would require all,   uniform through the hundreds of thousands of
       unconfined by older patterns of response.   if the species at large shall survive only through   years of human existence, repudiating what is
       Whenever, wherever we may, we must        the terrible suffering bf cutting back in   now suddenly an excessive control and
       construct our home.                       production and consumption as well as,    employment of other forms of life and of
         An accompaniment of these attitudes has   drastically, in the production of offspring. It is   geological deposits.
       been the regard for Nature and the materials of   likely that the present is the moment of greatest   But moderation in the ecological interference
       Nature to which Andrew Forge also referred,   plenty, confined though it is to the rich   would not apply to the probable controls, say,
       quoting Reynolds on the imperfection of Nature   countries. Hence, to put it briefly, respect for   from genetic science over selective breeding. It
       as opposed to art, the correction by art of   the unseen delicacy of an overpowering   is easy to see that the pushing of science forward
       Nature; contrasting Reynolds's view with the   mechanism, the world: poison, otherwise,   in many directions while foregoing other
       subsequent Romantic need—we are still in the   starvation. I leave out of account the possibility   immediate power that it could bring, and indeed
       Romantic phase though in a different manner—  of destruction and atrophy from atomic warfare.   has brought, added to the urgency of strong
       to sit at Nature's feet. This coincided—grimly                                      restraints upon production, will complicate
       enough—with the beginnings of the Industrial                                        further the problem from the psychological as
       Revolution, with the unparalleled extension of                                      well as from the economic angle. This too will
       the extraction of natural resources and of                                          have to be faced. It seems that almost
       science. But whereas the biological aim                                             impossible courses are now demanded. There is
       throughout history has been the conquest, the                                       ample room for despair.
       full employment of Nature, success in recent                                           As far as we know there has not hitherto been
       years is such that man gobbles up the world, his   Art tells of ourselves in terms of the external   a survival problem for mankind as a whole
       own placenta as it were. I must repeat that   world; tells that we are now joined to things   spread over much of the earth. When in the
       natural riches as used at present are in danger of   that mean less than we would like them to do.   past an area was depleted or over-populated or
       depletion not at all distant. Some authorities   Each of the vastly differing aspects of the   had become climate-wise or predator-wise more
       believe in the efficacy of future substitutes. I   Modern Movement can be interpreted as an   difficult, if adaptation was impossible a move
       cannot argue, though it seems clear that even   attempt to get on familiar terms with these   was made elsewhere. For us there will be
       were the substitute endeavours that might   things. Yet away from art, we contemplate them   nowhere to go. It has been put out that at the
       embrace the complete victory of synthetic food   glumly. I wrote more than twelve years ago of   present rate of increase the world population in
       and the anxious re-use of metals, were they   what I called the 'is-ness' of some avant-garde   less than a century would be thirty billions, that
       enough to furnish a much enlarged population,   art. Of course modern art is most varied and   is, perhaps nine times the present swollen
       these substitute endeavours could be effective    experimental : and in achievement, magnificent.    number. No one denies the gravity. Differences

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