Page 46 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 46

Projects series at the Museum of   The Midland Group Gallery   major part of its income is received   museum in another South American
           Modern Art he found that there was a   Since its formation in 1943 the   from the Arts Council of Great Britain   country. A problem expressed here :
           strike in force by the staff union   Midland Group Gallery (then the   and from the East Midlands Arts   who's to pay for transportation ?
           PASTA- MO MA. They were striking   Midland Regional Artists &   Association. Extra backing is   Nevertheless, a reasonable enough
           over better terms for a new contract,   Designers Group) has occupied   occasionally prised from industry,   idea. The donation was made to
           the last one having just expired.   5 galleries and organized around   foreign embassies and commercial   Allende's Chile, not to the Chilean
           Flanagan, whose show was the only   400 exhibitions.        concerns. The local authority has   Armed Forces, and the CIA. The fact
           ongoing event at that time, decided   It was founded by the painter   consistently refused appeals for   that her father is recovering his health
           after a couple of weeks to support the   Evelyn Gibbs —then a lecturer at   assistance, although it is hoped that   in Mexico didn't help her to come to
           strike action by postponing his   Goldsmiths, which was evacuated to   the situation will become more   any conclusion as to which South
           exhibition.                   Nottingham during the war. At a time   favourable with local government   American country the works might be
                                         of austerity, rationing and general   reorganization next year.   moved to .... I was left wondering.
           Pontus Halter, until recently the   greyness, Evelyn Gibbs' reaction was   A birthday celebrates the past but   She assured me of one thing : that the
           director of the Moderna Museet in   to issue a public invitation to   more importantly looks to the future.   art remains unharmed in the
           Stockholm, is now director of the   professional artists and designers in   The Midland Group Gallery's most   University of Santiago and that each
            Mused Nationale d'art Moderne and   the area to meet and talk.   immediate plans are for moving to   artist concerned would be contacted
           the Centre National Art Contemporain   The first major exhibition —   larger and more flexible premises.   and consulted before any move was
           (CNAC) in Paris. He will become   'Art for All' showed a collection of   We don't like the term 'arts centre'   made to retrieve it. (Presumably the
           director of the Centre Beaubourg (The   paintings, sculpture. pottery and   but we do need a place, in the City   thought is that some artists wouldn't
           Pompidou Museum) in 1975.     textiles presented in a large furniture   centre, big enough for painting,   mind donating work to a military
                                         store in the centre of Nottingham.   sculpture, crafts, photography and   government.)
           The Welfare State will be     This was the first experience of   experimental work to be seen at the   Pedroza still has, in spite of his
           performing The Runway is Complete   modern art for hundreds of people   same time. A welcoming place that is   illness, the whip hand. Many of the
           in the Lecture Theatre of the Royal   and it caused a furore—letters in the   there to provide a service to artists   works, notably the Japanese
           College of Art on 6 December at   press, objections, protests. But in 6   and public alike. There may not be   contributions, were donated to him
           8 pm.                         weeks, 6000 people visited it.   war, rationing or austerity as 30 years   personally, and as such, remain his
                                           The ideas established in this first   ago but there is probably an even   property.
           David Medalla has not, as was   exhibition provided the basis for   greater need for the arts at the   Carmen Waugh at the Madrid
           erroneously reported last month, had   all ensuing policies. The Gallery   present time.   Latin-American Galeria Aele, was in
           his Grande Vibration Noire et Bleue by   sees its role as two-fold, with   Sylvia Cooper   some way connected with the Chilean
           Soto returned to him from Sotheby's   responsibilities towards both the   Director        project, was in Chile at the time of the
           the auctioneers.              public and the artist. For the public it                    coup and was forthcoming with facts.
                                         brings to the region the more                               She was surprised that Roland
           Caroline Tisdall is organizing a   important and relevant aspects of the                  Penrose, the British representative of
           show of 300 drawings by Joseph   visual arts, whether by internationally   Museum of      the responsible committee, hadn't
           Beuys at the Museum of Modern Art,   known artists or by local students. It is            been contacted by Pedroza. (Perhaps
           Oxford, in April, 1974. The drawings   continually exploring ways in which                he has.)
           have been done over the last 25 years   the number of 'art consumers' can   solidarity,     Pedroza's recent letter to the
           but Beuys considers them to form one   be increased — by taking work out of               Madrid art critic José Maria Moreno
           irreducible piece.            the 'rarified' atmosphere of a gallery,                     Galván, which she produced for my
           Compiled by Paul Martin       into the streets, schools and   Chile                       further enlightenment, confirms that
                                         factories. For the artist the Gallery                       an attempt is to be made to remove
           Charles Spencer has become one   will offer facilities of time and space.   'It would not have been difficult to   the works from Chile and to house
           of the three selectors for Long Ines   One of the unique features of the   suppose', writes Alistair Reid of the   them in a Mexican museum.
           Symphonette Art Society, an   MGG is its membership—it has   Chilean poet Pablo Neruda (The   Any country which gives a home to
           American mass-circulation Print Culb   been called 'an artists' co-operative'.   Listener, 4 Oct.), 'had one not known   the Chilean donation now, is
           operated by a subsidiary of the   The membership is a practising,   of (his) failing health over the past   committing itself to the support of the
           Westinghouse Corp. Mr Spencer's   professional one, living and working   two years, that he died of grief and   ideals of the Allende government.
           appointment as Consultant to the   in many parts of the country. There   despair — or worse — over the recent   Mexico is willing to do this. (Galván's
           Editions Alecto Collectors Club has   has never been a 'group style' —  fate of Chile and of his long-time   opinion is that the final resting place
           therefore been terminated.    rather as the type of member — and of   friend Allende'.    of the collection may well be Italy
                                         exhibitions generally — reflected the   Salvador Allende, the Chilean   where a committee for the aid of the
           PASTA/MOMA continue on strike   changes in the general art scene.   President, was murdered in the crude   oppressed Chilean people is already
           (November 26) and no immediate   The membership provides a   military coup in the first weeks of   more than active.)
           settlement seems likely. The Marcel   'power-house' of original ideas, for   September; Neruda's works have   A translation of Pedroza's letter to
           Duchamp retrospective which was to   which the Gallery is known —the first   been burnt by troops in the streets,   Galván in Madrid, dated 25 October
           have opened in December has been   'pop-art' exhibition, the first   his house sacked. It is a matter of   tells all that is to be told at the
           postponed. Anyone interested should   'concrete poetry' exhibition, the first   some concern and much conjecture   moment :
           write to Richard Oldenburg, MOMA,   lending library of original paintings.   how the military junta will deal with,
           21 W 53, NY 10019 and send a   The range of exhibitions has   if it hasn't already dealt with, that   Dear Friend,
           duplicate to PASTA/MO MA, Gorham   always been wide — as well as   donation of works from foreign   As you know, President Allende's
           Hotel, Room 1302,136W 55, NY   painting and sculpture — ceramics,   artists acquired by Mario Pedroza in   Government, the legally established
           10019.                        glass, film, experimental work, and   collaboration with an international   power, came to a tragic end, being
                                         recently Midland Group Photography   committee, for the Allende   usurped by a military coup d'état.
           (See article 'Strike I MO MA under   was launched.          government's new museum of modern   Therefore our cherished plans of
           pressure', p. 218 et seq.       Exhibitions during the past 30   art in Santiago, which was due to be   forming the 'Museum of Solidarity
                                         years have included all the major   inaugurated on the 20th of this   with the Chilean People', in the true
           Some Japanese businessmen and   national names and many     month (Nov.). The British donation,   socialist spirit, have been dashed to
           the Marlborough Gallery have formed   international ones— Minton,   including works by Denny and others,   the ground. I have found asylum in
           Marlborough-Torii which it is hoped   Vaughan, Piper, Moore, Soto, Riley,   was on show at the ICA this summer,   Mexico, from where, with your help
           will control half the Japanese market   leWitt, Smithson, Brancusi, Warhol,   concurrently with Peter Cook's   and that of the other members of the
           for Western art. Japanese private   Dibbetts, Dekkers, Cruz Diez.   Carnaby Cavern.       'International Committee for Artistic
           investment is moving away from real   Major exhibitions have been   Pedroza's daughter, the cultural   Solidarity with Chile', I hope to
           estate and the stock market and into   regularly toured to other parts of the   attaché at the Brazilian Embassy in   realize this idea of forming the
           art objects.                  country, including the Gallery's   Madrid, tells me that her father is at   Museum, this time outside Chile.
                                         foreign shows from Latin America,   present in rather a poor state of health   For this to come about, it is
           Peter Selz has resigned as Director   Holland and Venezuela. Negotiations   in Mexico, unable to work or travel.   fundamental in the first place to
           of the University Art Museum,   are in hand for a Japanese   Allowed to slip through the   recover all the works given by artists
           Berkeley, effective January 1. He will   Exhibition for 1975.   conventional veil of diplomatic hush-  from all over the world. These works,
           continue to teach in the Department of   Lack of finance has always been the   hush was the fact that her father's   paintings, drawings and prints are
           History of Art, full-time.    Gallery's most serious problem. The    plan is to remove the collection to a    left in three places in Chile : in the

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