Page 49 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 49
finding the juxtaposition of the two organized for the professional trade'
fairs so convenient that they visit (Zwirner). The 'event' is to start next
Germany just once a year, in the year at the Cologne Trade Fair and
autumn. Sales activity is crammed then to go to a different city each
into a space of ten days—gallery year—to Brussels, Milan, etc. Stands
business for the rest of the year has are to be limited to two sizes : 60 and
gone rather quiet, the optimism 100 square metres. A decision on
evaporated. invitations (to Americans, for instance,
Above all, not enough attention was or to avant-garde galleries) has not
paid to the current monetary yet been taken. The Cologne Art Fair
restrictions in Germany by far- will most likely be dissolved on the
reaching government measures, in grounds that it is being absorbed into
contrast to the flow of 'black money' a wider association, although this in
in Switzerland. Typical was the case no way guarantees automatic transfer
of a collector who, as every year at of all its members. And what is to
this time, wanted to draw DM 10,000 become of Basle and Düsseldorf ?
from his account. Within two For the time being they will no doubt
minutes he was confronted by the carry on as before, but even if they
bank manager whom he had never were to lose no more than fifty of
seen before even when his balance their most important exhibitors they
was much more substantial. The would be left with a predominance of
manager made him an immediate small fry which might well cost them
offer of 12% interest and regretfully the participation of all the 'better
declared that there was not enough galleries' (or whoever believes that
cash to hand ... So the collector he belongs to such a category). 'Of
refrained this time from investing course a European Art Dealers'
DM 10,000 in art. Calculations Association is a mafia like any other
naively made by many gallery owners association. But there is no trade or
also have a different reality : worst off profession these days which has no
are not those who make a loss as this need to organize itself'. (Hans Mayer
has its tax compensations, but those of the Denise René/Hans Mayer
who just 'cover their costs' and end Gallery.)
up with neither money nor goods. This initiative should not be
In the light of these experiences condemned while the names and
most of the big galleries agreed that number of the members, the statutes
the situation could not be allowed and the aims are still under
to continue. Nor was it possible, after discussion. An urgent warning,
seven years of public involvement in however, should be voiced against a
art, to abolish the fairs and return to a club of the rich. Whichever way one
quiet existence of individual galleries. looks at it, it is undoubtedly a merger.
That would put art back behind locked Sixty galleries in seven countries are
doors, as it was in the 50s, dominated soon counted up. Which format will
by a narrow circle of connoisseurs constitute a borderline case ? And
pronouncing on what is art and what what about personal animosities in
is not. Several groups entertained the such a club of power ? If Xis not
idea of something akin to the acceptable to A and B, what then ?
American Art Dealers' Association, The big ones stake out their territory
but while they were still discussing while the others look on from the
ways of finding the best criteria boundary lines. If that !
through public debates two groups After the inflationary development,
quietly went ahead and, in Zurich at when art is being traded by so many
the end of October, founded the to so few — instead of the reverse —
Europäische Kunsthändler- there is a need for concentration and
Vereinigung (European Art Dealers' not for a new secession, which in turn
Association). The founder members will only cause more infighting and
are Cologne Art Fair and Zurich fragmentation. Specialized fairs of
dealers: Bischofsberger, Brusberg, manageable proportions would be
Emmerich, Huber, Neuendorf, Stünke desirable. Why not have one for
and Zwirner. For the moment, the established modern art, exclusive and
association has merely been expensive ; another for the avant-
officially registered — its first general garde, courageous and less costly;
meeting is to be held in mid- and one genuinely popular fair,
December. Envisaged are sixty broadly based and attractively priced,
members from seven countries. Once which will offer the wider public an
again, the watchword is quality. alternative to department-store art.
The main conditions of membership Every working man has a painting
are a record of regular exhibitions in a above his sitting-room sofa and even
public gallery over a period of at least the most iconoclastic leftwing
five years, with a proven public radical keeps a poster above his desk.
impact beyond local limits; three It is the need for identification which
references (members to be sponsors) even a tradition of Roman household
of which two must be from other deities and Christian sacred images
countries in order to ensure does not adequately explain and
international standards. Essential which the current art fairs have left,
aims of the association : fast through lack of strategy, to those who
assistance with information in cases trade in bad taste.
of theft, an information centre for Georg Jappe
restoration, customs and tax
problems, legal matters, valuations
and estimates of damage for Installation shots taken at Prospect 1973.
insurance claims, as well as 'an event Photos: Gabriele Pee, Düsseldorf