Page 48 - Studio International - December 1973
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tubing and fibre-glass. From   beauty of that part of the country.   point of embarrassment.   organizers are interested only in
          Minimalism came her basic formal   Fourteen of these Cups were on   Where the Cologne Art Fair had   letting display space — the bigger the
          structure and repetition of the same   view at Nicholas Wilder's in October,   pointed the way it did not manage to   better.
          element in a piece. But what makes   together with several drawings from   keep its lead. Confident of its ability to   The fairground chaos, the lack of
          Hesse's art so moving is that it is at   the artist's sketchbook. The porcelain   remain exclusive it failed to invite   vigorous artistic invention and the
          once sublime and absurd, organic—  cups were glazed with many bright   major foreign competitors (such as   soaring price of established modern
          often visceral — and geometric,   colours, each one having three or   Castelli and Emmerich) until it was   art, pop art included — all these have
          chaotic and perfectly ordered, ugly   more colours. They were squarer and   too late. Convinced that it could do   combined to discourage the museums
          and beautiful.                chunkier than before, with     without the non-buying public, it   and the medium-range collector. The
            Jud Fine (Mizuno Gallery,   protrusions and ledges which made   failed to provide informative   museum treasures brought out of the
          September 16 to October 13)   them look almost cubist. The   literature until it was too late and   safes since the astronomical results of
          showed work which was in the   porcelain varied from fairly thick to   attendance had dropped by half.   the Kornfeld Klippstein sale last
          transition period from the physical   the most delicate wafer thinness.   A multitude of art fairs sprang up   spring are falling prey to speculating
          to the conceptual. Two sculptures   Ann Thornycroft          overnight but were short-lived   bankers. For the experienced
          consisting of natural and cast resin                         because they were too amateurish.   auctioneer Kornfeld it was the
          bamboo leaning against the wall,                             Two professional ventures survived   'collapse of a world, the world of the
          constituted the more familiar                                and became worthy rivals of the   collector'. He said the only
          object-oriented aspect of Fine's   Art fairs                 Cologne Art Fair: 'Art' started up in   explanation for the fiercely
          work, and ten drawings revealed the                          Basle in 1970, IKI ('Internationale   competitive bidding was that the
          artist's most recent interest. Fine's                       Kunst- und Informationsmesse', the   banks were buying up secure values
          introspection communicated most   vanity fairs?              International Art and Information   in a big way as a safeguard against
          successfully in a piece which owed                           Fair) in Cologne in 1971 — held since   inflation.
          much to Oriental scrolls in its   European Art Dealers' Association   1972 at the Düsseldorf exhibition   But why is a 1916 Chirico put up
          appearance. Three identical long,   comes into being.        halls. Both were handled by   for sale by Krugier, a rare Delaunay by
          narrow sheets of paper were hung   In 1967, eighteen German art dealers   experienced municipal exhibition   Tarica or a 1912 Picasso by Schmela
          next to each other. Typed thoughts of   got together and founded the   organizers and based on the liberal   when such transactions could easily
          the artist completely covered the   Cologne Art Fair—the first of its kind   principle which allowed any gallery to   be settled on the telephone ? Why do
          paper but were rendered illegible by a   devoted entirely to contemporary   participate and rent as much space   small galleries overreach themselves
          superimposed layer of calligraphy   'progressive' art. Without precedent,   as it could afford. Thus the size of the   with valuable commissions although
          repeating the script.         it was a gamble which turned out to be   stand reflected the financial   they must realize that such posturing
            'Henry Moore in Southern    an unqualified success. At that stage   resources of the gallery. In one   can only arouse suspicion among the
          California', an exhibition organized   all galleries wanted to join in, but the   instance, the Marlborough Gallery   collectors ? (That suspicion soon
          by the  Los Angeles Times art critic,   founders had no wish to share their   towered in solitary splendour above   hardens when the collectors seek the
          Henry J. Seldis, was installed in   profits with others. Cologne's   a patchwork of tiny display   advice of some well-known dealer
          October at the Los Angeles County   Kunsthalle, the annual venue of the   cubicles.        and are given a meaningful shrug or a
          Museum. The exhibition was    Fair since 1968, cannot accommodate   The great attraction of financial   hint that the painting might be a
          limited to works in Southern   more than a maximum of forty stands   success proved disadvantageous to   forgery and the small gallery out of
          Californian collections and was   (each stand covering just over fifty   both these Fairs. Absolutely everyone   business within six months.) And
          augmented by ten loans from the   square metres). Although the eighteen   turned up, from Sidney Janis to the   why do the progressive galleries, less
          artist. The fine installation, by   founder members invited guests to   smallest village gallery, and spread   and less able in a climate of heavy
          Craig Ellwood Associates, gave great   their annual event they were very   out their wares ranging from major   investment in the classics to advance
          clarity to the development of Moore's   particular about their choice.   classical examples of modern art to   money to artists working on new
          work from the small abstract bronzes   Inevitably, the Cologne Art Fair   hippie beads. Galleries appeared   projects, run their display programme
          of 1927-34 to the large bronze,   remained an exclusive affair and those   which were nowhere to be seen at   between bazaars in such an austere
          fibre-glass and marble sculptures of   excluded founded art fairs of their   any other time of the year and there   and uncompromising fashion ?
          the late 60s.                 own.                           were collectors who offered their   In order to attract attention. There
            Doug Edge showed glass and    In pursuing this policy, the   own collection for sale. The latest   has been a growing tendency in
          mirror staircases at Cirrus Editions   Cologne Art Fair achieved two   record was set by I KI 1973, in   recent years to show who one is rather
          Gallery in September. The two largest   important points while giving two   Dusseldorf : 311 stands (from all   than what one has to offer. At first, the
          sculptures, which were identical,   equally important ones away.   continents except Africa) in three   art fairs were the mirror of financial
          had five steps each, made of glass   Correctly assessing political and   exhibition halls covering 25,000   capacity— new contacts, long-term
          and backed with mirror. The sides   economic interplay, it quickly   square metres. Of course, this was no   contract business and exhibition
          were covered in black 'fake leather'   established a link in the field of art   longer an exhibition for the general   agency activity were merely an added
          and the staircases were fitted with   between the United States and the   public — rather a three-mile stalking   bonus. By now the bonus has
          hinges and clasps and could be   Federal Republic of Germany.   event for specialized art hunters to   become the essence and the art fairs
          closed up so that the mirrored stairs   Moreover, the hitherto provincial   track down bargains in the rising and   are increasingly concerned with
          were concealed and the pieces   Rhineland became a European force   falling of supplies of the various art   publicity. The presence of a gallery at
          looked like black trunks. Also   field stretching from Stockholm to   trends.              at least one of the three major art
          exhibited were six identical   Milan. Only London and Paris   The watchword of the Cologne Art   fairs has an immediate impact —far
          isometric drawings or wall    remained aloof, living largely on their   Fair is quality. 'Art' and I KI live by the   more effective, the dealers maintain,
          constructions of staircases, the   own substance. Despite being   motto of democratization. This year's   than advertising in art journals.
          compositions of which Edge varied   exposed to a gradual fading of the   Cologne Art Fair was still discernibly   Contact is visual, personal and
          by changing the position of the   New York scene, the Cologne Art Fair   artistic in its tendencies,   directly informative. Any gallery not
          mirror or the leather shapes.   engendered an enormously dynamic   particularly in the emphasis on the   represented will be suspected of
            On a Clear Day, a recent portfolio of   optimism. Without the Fair, there   pictorial effect (even with   lacking either the means or the
          30 screenprints by Agnes Martin, was   would never have been those great   Rauschenberg, Bob Morris, Arakawa   material to compete and will, in any
          on view at the Nicholas Wilder Gallery   collections of American art in   and Serra) and also in the interest in   case, be forgotten among the plethora
          in October. These prints, each   Europe and emerging German art   inscriptions, from Twombly to Alfano   of exhibitors present.
          15 x 15 in., were published by   would not have been discovered by   and Opalka. 'Art' 73 and I KI, on th e   But this immediate visual impact is
          Parasol Press in an edition of 50.   international dealers and collectors.   other hand, merely presented   becoming too expensive. At the
          Martin is at her most austere in these   Above all, the local communities were   market trends— not the individual   beginning of October, 1973, the
          examinations of the grid, all traces of   made aware of the extent of popular   painting but the image of the   Cologne Art Fair and IKI in
          her hand eliminated ; they are, still,   interest in contemporary art : 50,000   individual gallery was the smallest   Düsseldorf took place concurrently—
          extremely subtle and          visitors within a week at a modern   unit of information. The problem of   an unprecedented concentration of
          contemplative. The precisely ruled   art show, an unprecedented turn-out   the Cologne Art Fair is that   the modern art trade. After the peak
          lines of green-grey merge into the   for this part of Europe. All at once, all   membership remains too static, a   came an atmosphere of abysmal
          buff-coloured, smooth, hand-made   the museums were trying to outshine   fact that stands out in a period of no   depression. The main sufferers were
          Japan paper.                  each other with avant-garde    sensational new directions in art. The   the German galleries which had made
            Made in Taos, New Mexico, where   exhibitions. Every town sought to   dilemma of 'Art' and I KI : the art   up the majority of exhibitors. Their
          Ken Price now works, the recent   project its image through   consultants are aiming at a   former strength has become their
          Price Cups embody the clarity and    progressive art—sometimes to the    manageable layout while the    weakness : foreign collectors are
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