Page 62 - Studio International - December 1973
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        5   For further discussion see: Egbert, D. D. 'The Idea   constitutive and individuating principles   regard practice). Theorists have become
        of "Avant garde" in Art and Politics' American   established in the process of ordinary   timorous in prescribing to the activity of art and
        Historical Review Vol. LXXIII No. 2 (Dec. 1967);
        pp. 339-66.                                deliberation.                             have often preferred, where implicit
        6 Brooks, R. 'The New Art' Studio International   One outcome of the employment of this   prescriptivity is acknowledged, to regard the
        Vol. 184 No. 948 (Oct. 1972); pp. 152-3.   `framework of belief' in the practice of art   speculations as having import, not in the
         q.v. Körner, S.  Conceptual Thinking  Cambridge, 1955.
        8   The work of Alois Riegl (1858-1905) is, perhaps, a   (besides the lack of recognition of a 'framework   constructive programme of art, but in the
        significant exception.                    of belief' as such, to which it contributes) is the   apprehension of art. Consequently art-theory,
        9   'Philosophical' is used here to describe the origin of   New York academism (most explicitly   where it is not just descriptively-slanted, tends
        such theory, it is not value-laden.
         10 Stezaker, J. 'Priorities II' Frameworks Journal   propounded by Ad Reinhardt in 'Twelve Rules   to a principally epistemological dimension.
        Vol. 1 No. 2 (June 1973); pp. 1-19.        for a New Academism') which equates art-    It is not difficult to see how the notion of
        11  e.g. Domhoff, G. W. 'But Why Did They Sit on the   works with artefacts and the decision-making   `objectivity' is utilized in modern art-theory to
        King's Right in the First Place ?' Psychoanalytic
        Review Vol. 56 (1969-70) pp. 596.         activity of art with that of a craft practice. It is   maintain a non-prescriptivity with regard to art-
                                                  also felt that by the negation of all values   activity, because this concept provides a modus
                                                   conventionally associated with art-works the   operandi for theory, which is alike that of natural
                                                  simple physical artefact is an absolute    science. The concept also provides a theory-
         PRESCRIPTIVE                              incontravertible fundamental for art-practice.   practice distinction corresponding to 'theory
                                                   What is implicitly forwarded is the ontological   subject-matter', which consolidates the
         THEORY                                    directive of physicality, though if the   conventionally presupposed separation between
         PRESCRIBED                                reductionism which has yielded this 'absolute'   these two endeavours. The nature of their
                                                  were examined as one might a theoretical or   separation, in these terms (positivistically) also
        It is common for art-theorists, critics and even   analytic reduction, one could say that the   tends to promote the notion of an autonomous
        artists to treat the 'realm of art' as a piece of the   `thesis' is honorific. That is to say, it presupposes   art-practice or, as it usually is termed (in
        natural world either explicitly, in the   what it aims at forwarding. If minimal art is   accordance with the inherent determinism
        formulations asserted, or implicitly, in the   regarded as forwarding the ontological   presupposed) 'art process'.
        modus operandi adopted. Consequently the   directive of physicality, it is also observable   Positivistic and naturalistic art-theory does
        standpoint adopted conventionally by much   that the manner of reductionism is itself,   not recognize a framework, ontological or
        theory has been that which presupposes an   subject to this very directive. It thus   otherwise, to which it contributes, just as it does
        `objectivity' for its observations. Implicit in the   presupposes the directive which it aims at   not recognize the operativeness of such
        objective approach is of course the idea that   forwarding in the very process of so forwarding   frameworks in the practice of art (let alone that
        art-works (those items of the realm of art) are   it (reductionism). This would scarcely   such frameworks could be admissible as a part
        objectively real, and sometimes even that they   surprise or worry affiliates to such academism,   of its subject-matter). Consequently,
        are subject to natural law for their      as the cult of the meaningless tautology and of   conventional aesthetics, by virtue of its stance of
        determination. The sceptical nihilism of   honorificness can be regarded as a part of the   objectivity, does not recognize that it imposes
        minimal art and of Post-Duchampian art     more explicit commitment to meaninglessness   upon its subject-matter the ontological status
        generally, as articulated in its reductionistic   which attends the forwarding of this directive,   of being 'objectively real', implicitly by the very
        programme, has come up with approximately   (Tautology and the cult of the meaningless is   adoption of this stance. A difficulty which can
        the same 'conclusion'. When all extraneous   explicitly celebrated in the writings of the   be witnessed however, is in such theory's
        conventions and arbitrarily attendant norms of   American affiliates to the 'new academism' e.g.   determination of the range of subject-matter
        art-practice are removed, when all purportedly   Kosuth, Reinhardt, Jude, Andre).2    prior to developing generalization. Choice which
        inessential aesthetic desirata are eradicated from   Another characteristic of this kind of art-  is in some sense, evaluative must enter into
        the minimalist 'objects of art', what is left, it is   practice and art-theory has been its refusal to   individuation of those entities which are to be
        felt, are truly the 'fundamental' aspects of the   recognize the presence or operation of a   considered, and the kind of choice which is
        realm of art. The 'conclusion', thus forwarded,   framework of belief as such, or conceptual   implicitly upheld in naturalistic and
        is that art-works are real factual entities or   schemes or indeed any manner in which   positivistic aesthetic theory is precisely
        physical objects, pure and simple.         ordinary human deliberation can be regarded   determined by its ontological commitment to
          One might examine the nature of the      as efficacious in determining (systematically or   the 'objectively real'. Appeal to commonsense
        reductionism which comes up with these     otherwise) the items of the realm of art. Theory,   becomes a widespread but in itself, inadequate
        `fundamentals', firstly, by an examination of its   when it attempts to generalize (which seems to   form of argument here, particularly given the
        ontological directives (which are implicit in   be the most uniform supposed aim), does so by   epistemological-orientation of much aesthetic
        determining its 'conclusion') and secondly, in   observation of what is taken to be an objectively   theory and thus its attendant prescriptivity with
        terms of the presupposed fundamentalism,   real set of entities conjoined by some common   respect to apprehension. If aesthetic theory is
        which associates the ultimate objective of the   element in rerum natura. There is only non-  thought to function in prescribing to
        reductionistic process with an incontrovertible   intentional categorization in terms of the   apprehension of art-works, it can scarcely, with
        and essential natural law.                 physical differentia which distinguish the   adequacy base its speculations upon observations
          However else Post-Duchampian art is      category-types of the 'arts'. In other words, art-  into a range of entities themselves determined by
        individuated, it is certainly characterized by the   works are not linked by virtue of frameworks of   consensus opinion. Otherwise the only
        operation of the ontological directive asserting   belief which are operative in a particular area of   prescription is the simple retention of
        the real factual nature of its entities, and is   work, nor is it thought possible that theory   commonsense beliefs about art for no other
        rooted in the concept of a fundamental pre-  might provide a manner of elucidating and   reason than because they are `commonsense'.3
        requisite for art which is, in a sense, natural   articulating these frameworks of belief. Art-  It is quite clear that all decisions made in
        rather than 'conventional' or subject to human   theory has tended during this century   theorizing are framework-bound. The initial
        determination. In exactly the same way the   particularly, to adopt a deliberately non-  selection of the range of subject-matter is
        theory which contributes most obviously to this   speculative orientation, rarely recognizing its   ontologically directed, and thus an
        state of affairs in the practice of art itself, prefers   own implicit evaluative frameworks and never   acknowledgement of this fact is a pre-requisite
        to regard the 'realm of art' as an assembly of   conceiving of the possibility of contributing to   to adequate (non-honorific) theoretical
         pre-existing natural entities, rather than a realm   the same framework of belief as a particular area   conjectures. The alternative (i.e. the veiling of
        of pre-established entities, conforming to   of art-practice or art-activity proper (as it would    evaluative frameworks on the pretext of
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