Page 67 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 67

            relating to the 'content' of the art-work is taken   `consistent revolution' or 'evolutionary
            to the exclusion of all independent concepts of   reductionism', etc.               ART 11 LANGUAGE
            the latter by the former. Moreover, because of   It is self-evidently only upon a recognition of   [The members of Art & Language have asked me
            the deterministic subordination of the artist's   the principality of deliberation in art, that   to point out that in their view the other
            deliberation in the 'process of art' (as it is   art-activity (as a deliberate activity) can be   contributors to this feature (with the exception of
            usually designated), to that of the public   systematically conducted. Also it is only art-  David Wood) have based their criticisms of Art &
            apprehension of art, the contextual issues, which   activity anteceded by theory that accepts a   Language on 'the avant-gardist exigencies of their
            are supposed to be efficacious in determining   contributory orientation which can be truly   own art careers'. While this may or may not be
            the content of the art-work are taken to be   accessible to rational thought. Instituting a   true, Art & Language don't at the moment talk
            cognitive issues. (The recent wholly      constructionism in art (an ultimately     (or have any desire to talk) to these people: they do
            epistemological slant of aesthetic theory has   constructive realm) in preferment to the   not feel that they have to explain themselves.
            vastly contributed to this development). The   nihilistic reductionism, which has characterized   . To paraphrase a Chomsky footnote, our
            absolute determination of art-activity is thus, in   much of this century's art is based upon a   interest in the convolutions of London Begriffkunst
            the process of reductionism, successively   recognition of the shortcomings of the   has been a negatively accelerated function
            embraced, the determining 'forms' presupposed   alternative framework of belief, some of which   approaching an asymptote of complete indifference.
            differing at different (historical) times.   have been outlined in the foregoing.11     This may involve profound relations, but they are
            Consequently, the 'new academism' of      JOHN STEZAKER                             our problem. AQUILA NON CAPIT MUSCAS.
            evolutionary reductionism gratuitously                                              And the avant garde have only their own
            subordinates its own intentionality to that of                                      suburban problems 11 11 c.s.]
            criticism and theory, and depends for its   1   First published in Art News (May 1957) reprinted in   I
            formulation on stressing the separatism   The New Art, ed. Gregory Battcock, New York, 1968.   A list of possible atomic types of implication is
                                                      2   See, for example, Kosuth's assertion of the
            conventionally upheld between these       tautological character of 'art-propositions' in   constructible. Intuitively, we think of
            endeavours. In this way the critic's role is   Art After Philosophy, Studio International (October,   implication as obtaining in accord with logic,
           maximized (as the only intelligent and     November and December, 1969).             independent of the mind as such. Now, we're
                                                       The 'commonsense' arguments in aesthetic theory
            deliberately participating mind in the whole   have become almost exclusively employed by   talking about implication in some
           process), conversely with the minimization of   Wellek and Warren in Theory of Literature, New   overstrained pragmatic context, i.e. it is related
           the artist's. The degree to which this situation   York, Harcourt, Brace, 1949, and since have gained   to 'action' in some way. But this is strange. We
                                                      widespread currency in aesthetic writing, most
           has developed recently is clear from the   pertinently, here, in Wollheim's promulgation of the   don't want it to simply devolve
            `process' and 'conceptual' art-works and their   `physical object hypothesis' in Art and its Objects,   autobiographically do we ? What's the use of
            attendent convictions, which seem to suggest   London.                              sets of formulae/models ? We don't even have a
                                                       Elsewhere (Theory for Art) I have distinguished
           that art deterministically reproduces itself,   three historical category-types of aesthetic theory.   grip on ourselves as targets. O.K. we're on about
            quite apart from the presence of human    The first is the ancient speculative theory of Plato   implication and we must mean something odd.
            deliberation at all.                      and Aristotle which prescribes to art-practice, the   `Playing the game' 11 11 . anyone who thinks
                                                      second is the post-Renaissance to early twentieth-
             Theoretical art, in propounding a        century aesthetic theory which prescribes   we're game-playing is going to have to go as far
            functionalist framework of belief for art-  apprehension, and finally the third category is   as free logics and further. Strawson 11 11 . are all
           activity, adopts a corresponding underlying   present-day aesthetic theory, which is non-  his suggestions atrocious ?
                                                      prescriptive and wholly descriptive.
            logic, which is 'ends' orientated, in preference   Art Theory: A Branch of Philosophy or an Integral   How about the 'good will' function in
            to the reductionistic mannerism of P-D art. A   Aspect of Art-Activity ?, Lecture Transcripts,   meaning ? There are approximations available.
           full acknowledgement of the priority of    Gallery House, London, 1972.              When we are talking about implicature we want
                                                      6   Frameworks Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, London, 1973.
           intelligent deliberation in art-activity, ultimately   It is noticeable that recent aesthetic theory tends   to preserve an indeterminancy to cover
           involves such a functionalism. Moreover,   towards a 'means' identification of art. Indeed there   inscription and radical propositions. Forget
                                                      are a few theses in the history of aesthetics which
           because of the arbitrariness of the distinctions                                     about logic and history. It's a matter of blowing
                                                      explicitly propound a functional identification.
            permissible in such a framework between the   However, where such identifications are presupposed   up, perhaps imploding, 'if a then b'. It won't
           sorts of concepts articulated in theory and   aesthetic theory, because of its lack of recognition of   be quite as simple as that, we must be looking
           practice, the conventional theory-practice   frameworks of belief or operative concepts in art-  for relations between statements. We do talk,
                                                      practice, tends to look for either a functional or
           relation is replaced by a category distinction in   ontological homogeneity corresponding   and we seem to follow. We appear to understand
           the items of the constructive programme of   respectively to an 'ends' or 'means' identification of   each other, and we appear to be able to
           functionalism. A distinction between a     art. The 'intentionality thesis' forwarded here,   translate each other's metaphors, idiosyncratic
                                                      however, prescribes, if you like, an 'intentional'
           constructive conjecture and a construct, which   homogeneity (ontologically) whilst insisting upon a   talk. The talk has various kinds of sense
           establishes the 'theoretical conjecture', can be   functionalist or 'ends' identification of art. Thus it   assumption, etc., but more particularly
           made within an attendant conceptual scheme   radically differs from aesthetic theory in the manner   significance. We do say something. We
                                                      in which it identifies art. Equating a function (of an
           which affords a priority of the constructive   art-work) with its intention, as one must within this   ourselves don't have to know, we can be
           conjecture over the construct proper. A    framework, it is clear that acceptance of the   relatively automatic, or, rather, `automatistic'.
           discernible reductionism is consequently   intentionality directive precludes a functional   How important is the logic of the surreal ? Is
                                                      homogeneity, self-evidently, otherwise there simply
           developed within an ultimately constructive   would be only one art-work. However, functional   that implication ? Now this is surely not an
           programme, and is exercised within a       `identification' is not established by functional   assertion theory or a belief theory. A belief
                                                      homogeneity for art-works. Instead, a heterogeneity is
           presupposed teleological process, such that an                                       theory might be simple-mindedly acquiescent
                                                      presupposed and identification is established in their
           analytical procedure of reduction can be   interrelations in a framework of belief or system of art.   with respect to standard (academic)
           utilized to reconcile constructs of the realm with   8  This categorial framework has become consolidated,   developments.
                                                     and is implicity forwarded, by the `mediational
           the primary directives, characterizing a                                               Consider the relational system (c r 1, r2, r3,
                                                     involvements' of artists within the respective 'arts',
           particular functionalist or constructionistic   and by the institutional separation of theoretical   r 4, ...r n) where cc is a non-empty set of
           programme. Finally, the singularity of the   research in each of the 'arts'.         individuals, and r 1, r2, 11 r,, are n-place
                                                      9  cf. Priorities — Frameworks Journal, vol. 1, no. 1,
           ontological commitments, admissible within                                           relations defined for the members of cc.
           functionalism, avoids the necessity for    10° Reprinted in The New Art, ed. Gregory Battcock,   Assume that some members of cc are
           historicistic (`covering') identification of art and   New York, 1968.               `statements', and that for some n-place relations
                                                      11 The preceding article is a revision of
           the consequent oddities of novelty art and the                                      defined for those statements, the implicature
                                                     Presciptive Theory Prescribed, 1970, to include more
           paradoxical vanguardist presupposition of    recent extensions of P-D art.           relations are sorted out. Can we call (a r1, r2,
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