Page 66 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 66

      question of its newness is determined not by   accountable by the import of Wittgenstein's   question of the chicken and the egg. Both
      analysis but by social power or pedagogy, the   `use' rather than 'meaning' prescription in the   concepts simply contribute to the same
      vanguard painter functions in a milieu utterly   realm of art, such that artists have tended, since   framework of belief, which is here termed 'Post-
      indifferent to the content of his work'. (` The   Duchamp, to take a priori usage over constraints   Duchampian Art', for the reason that Duchamp
       Tradition of the New' 1959).              upon usage. In short, the constitutive criteria and   most explicitly instigated its conceptual
        It is certain that in prescribing an exclusive   governing principles are taken a posteriori to the   priority-ordering in his ready-made norm.
      formal determinacy of 'content' or of the   items of the realm of art, themselves, the latter   The value of 'novelty' or of 'newness' is self-
       `meaning' of art-works, what is indicated is the   being deemed to be efficacious in determining   evidently a part of the historical 'coveting
      purported intelligibility of the latter in terms of   the former. Individuation is thought to precede   concept' and in the same way can, itself, only
      certain 'pure forms', nominated in a cognitive   constitution. It is here that the division of   properly be upheld as a 'covering value', which
      framework for apprehension. The formalism to   ontological commitment has been useful in   includes other subsumed values. Having
      which I am referring is principally concerned   veiling the paradox of this gross inversion of   referred to the necessity of a telos in the
      with the 'forms' of apprehension (of       logical priorities.                       reductionistic process (of 'discovering' a
      apprehending identity and constitutive      The real factual 'objects of art' are taken   fundamental or essential aspect of the art-work)
      attributes). Naturally is it thought that, for the   a priori, and individuation is established   for the sake of (methodological if not theoretical)
      art-work to connotate a new manner of     accordingly in itemizing the realm of art. This   adequacy, it should be clear that the
      apprehension (which is primarily where     represents the operation of the normative   introduction of the concept 'novelty' in art-
      `newness' is taken to reside), it must exhibit   ontological conviction of P-D artists. However   activity has been the manner in which
      certain natural morphological attributes which   the radicalism or reductionism of P-D art   reductionism, which is fundamentalist, has
      correspond to the 'pure forms' of apprehension   which advocates the paradoxical 'expectation of   made the transition to an autonomous
      nominated. However P-D-works are taken to be   the unexpected', in its cognitive ambience,   reductionism in the absence of a presupposed
      intelligible in the latter, rather than the former.   requires that the forwarding of a new art-work   telos. It is, in short, a 'value' for the promotion
      (The post-Wittgensteinian art-theoretical   should additionally forward a new 'mode of   of sceptical reductionism, which assumes
      notions in fact provide a 'logic' which seems to   apprehension' or, in more old-fashioned   (implicitly) an identification for art in the
      maintain the necessary correspondence or even   terminology, a new 'aesthetic stance'. For this   evolution of reductionism itself. Novelty as a
      equation between the natural forms and the   purpose the morphological structure of the   value taken to the exclusion of any subsumed or
      logical forms of apprehension, though it, like   `object of art' (`contextually') must be regarded   subordinated values is similarly pre-empted of
      P-D art itself; is rooted in an 'inverted   as being efficacious in nominating 'pure forms',   meaning. Like the notion of tolerance, which
      intentionality' which commits it away from ever   which are comprehensibly linked to antecedently   seems to be rooted in the same ideology,
      becoming meaningful even in its own terms).   nominated 'forms'. Thus the introduction of a   novelty is only a value for other values, just as
      Indeed, within the rulings of P-D art and its   new item to the realm of art is thought to   tolerance is only a societal virtue inasmuch as it
      implicit 'theory', it is not even thought that   engineer a change of 'mode of apprehension'.   prescribes the pluralistic compatibility of
      `natural' formal alteration is a pre-requisite to   The way in which this purported change is   contending interests (and values, natures, etc).
      effecting a change in the apprehensional forms.   thought to be established is by the dual   The result of an exclusive acceptance of either,
      Latter-day conceptual art attempts the formal   ontological conviction to the real factual and the   finally engenders nihilism by the pre-empting of
      alterations which characterize the 'evolutionary   purely formal. Paradoxically, for P-D art-works   subsumed values. The dual application, in
      reductionism' of P-D art in an absence of   to remain intelligible, the latter conviction must   isolation, of these concepts is simply the
      natural substance to the 'object of art'.   be assumed to be conceptually antecedent,   articulation of a 'framework' apart from the
        There is an ontological duality involved in   whereas for the art-work to be deemed   function that the 'covering framework' logically
      the nomination of the 'pure forms' of     efficacious in maintaining the reductions or   serves. Evolutionary reductionism is just such
      apprehension, whilst retaining the real factual   'revolutions' which it presupposes, the former   a 'covering concept' for art. It pre-empts
      (or physical) art-work (whether it be     ontological conviction must be assumed to be   the functions it may serve (fundamentalism)
      substantial or not) as the explicit ontological   conceptually antecedent. Consequently, the   and yet retains the empty framework as an
      directive, though it is precisely this split which   art-work proper can neither be equated with the   identifying assignable feature of art, by itself.
      provides the paradoxical modus operandi of a   physical artefact (or factual assembly of real   P-D reductionism, taken apart from a
      reductionistic evolutionary process, as well as   things) nor with the 'pure forms' nominated,   teleologically assignable function, is maintained
      affording the value of 'novelty' some     with consistency.                          as deterministic and manneristic. Thus the
      conceptual or evaluative principality.      Conversely, the only way in which the split   underlying logic of this framework of belief is
        To understand the operation of the dual   ontological commitment can be sustained in   `means' rather than 'ends' orientated. It is
      ontological commitment in maintaining the   operation, is by the introduction of an historical   rooted in the inverted intentionality, ascribable
      radicalism imposed by P-D art, another aspect   `covering concept' of art and to stress the   to Wittgenstein by the influence of his
      of this framework of belief needs to be    `evolutionary' nature of art, so that the opposing   descriptive thesis in a prescriptive capacity,
      appreciated firstly. This is its principally   determinations (mode of apprehension   whereby art-works (items of the realm of art)
      extensional basis, such that it is assumed that the   determining the nature of the art-works, and the   are thought of as efficacious in determining the
      `range' of the concept of art determines the   art-work determining the mode of apprehension)   `concept of art', instead of prescribing, as a logic
      concept rather than vice versa. In other words,   can be given a historical or sequential ordering   for action, the reverse priority-ordering.
      it is the instances of its employment     which might appear to prevent their mutual   Consequently, such reductionism subverts the
      collectively, which are thought to determine the   exclusivity. Art is thence regarded as a   `content' of the art-work, conversely with the
      nature of the concept, rather than the concept of   succession of these alternating determinations   elevation of its covering concepts of 'history'
      art determining the range within which it is   in a strict temporal ordering. This is thus how   and 'novelty' etc. Rather than apprehension
      permissibly employed. By the introduction of   the paradoxical 'evolutionary reductionism' is   being directed to those aspects of the 'object of
      new art-works, it is thus thought that a   arrived at from the split ontological convictions   art' which are subject to conscious deliberation.
      conceptual revision is engaged. Indeed the   of the P-D framework of belief. The question of   (intentionality), it is directed away from the
      recognition of the 'newness' of art-works is   which came first, the ontological commitments   `content' of the art-work, towards the
      taken to be efficacious in determining a   or the notion of 'evolutionary reductionism'   purportedly determining issues in the planes of
      conceptual change.                        (or even of the 'avant garde') and thus which   formal apprehension — 'context stressing'. The
        This conviction of P-D art is partially   explanation is the most 'correct' is like the    assumed efficacy of 'contextual issues' over those

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