Page 14 - Studio International - February 1973
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sections — 'The Secret of Life', 'The Human   Arkive is very much concerned with these   ICA French
    Machine and How it Works', 'From Genot to   issues, and in its educational role can help bring
    Unimate', 'Manikins for Destruction', 'Pages   the teaching of twentieth-century art and art   programme :
    from the Aerospace Medical Laboratory' — the   history nearer to the realities of our
    images are radically transformed when     technological surroundings.                March 1973
    reproduced in the fine-art medium of etching.3    A number of items concerning the Arkive's
    The original source material was exhibited   future still remain to be clarified. If it is to grow
    alongside the etchings as well as printer's proofs   as its founders anticipate, donations must be
    and plates, and a variety of photographs   encouraged from the general public as well as
    relating to each section: medical drawings from   from artists.6   An annual purchasing policy— and
    `The Secret of Life' (1948) and other sources;   grant — probably at first quite modest, will have
    robots and human simulators for medical and   to be formulated. At present the physical
    physiological analysis; images from road   problems of housing the material are not great.?
    research experiments in Britain, the US and   Questions of conservation too are crucial for the
    Japan; and finally examples from the       survival of fragile pulp material from the 192os
    iconography of space travel and exploration.   and 193os and the already disintegrating comic
    Paolozzi also produced a special version of his   books of the 6os and Ios. In future, inspection
    Crash Head, painted chrome yellow with the   and retrieval from the collection may have to be
    characteristic diamond marks found on      done by photographic reproduction,
    Japanese test dummies. The Frankenstein    microfilming, etc. Apart from work in the
    characteristics of the Crash Head (bolt and   collection itself, research can be disseminated
    chain) were symbolically invoked by the display   through exhibitions. After Science Fiction:
     of horror and film magazines and other 2- and   Introducing Hugo Gernsback and Forest J, major
     3-dimensional objects in order to illustrate the   exhibitions on 'Twentieth-Century Styling', on
     overlap of different media.               the concept of the Grotesque, and probably on
      Ogle Designs lent the pelvis of their recently   specific iconographic aspects of World War
     developed Anthropometric Crash Test Device —  Two imagery, will be planned.
     a steel skeleton which also provided the motif for   Naturally, the Arkive does not wish to work in
     a poster ;4   and a number of American car   isolation, and invites suggestions and
     styling magazines from the early 195os were   donations in these formative years, from the
     shown. Patrick Murray, curator of the Museum   public as well as from artists, of art works and
     of Childhood, lent Japanese toys and artifacts.   source material in its widest connotation.9  q
       Approximately 30o images from different   ROBIN SPENCER
     media were exhibited. Like the 'Parallel of Life
     and Art' exhibition at the ICA in 1953,5  the   'The official title of the Krazy Kat Arkive is The
                                               Archive of Source Material for Twentieth Century
     St Andrews exhibition demonstrated the
     possibilities of transformation from consumer   2'The Conditional Probability Machine and other
     society into art, and the narrow area, populated   works by Eduardo Paolozzi' opened in St Andrews   The ICA has always had strong international
     by commercial artists, designers, precision   on r February 1972 and ran until 4 March. It was   links, particularly with France and other
                                                afterwards shown in Aberdeen City Art Gallery; the
     engineers and film makers, which divides them.   Department of Fine Arts, University of Glasgow;   European countries (though since the move to
       The display of related art and artifacts as   and a selection at the Traverse Theatre Club,   the Mall in 1968 it has reflected a general
     sources of inspiration and admired 'spiritual   Edinburgh and the Leith Festival, Edinburgh, in   tendency in Britain to look towards the USA
                                                August 1972. To coincide with the St Andrews
     ancestors' — a basic feature of the ICA    opening, a public symposium 'Art and     more than Europe). The ICA's financial
     exhibitions of the 5os and of 'This is     Communication in the year 2000' was organized by   problems have always hitherto inhibited its
     Tomorrow' at the Whitechapel in 1956 — is a   the Fine Art Department and the Extra Mural   potential as an international centre for
                                                Department. Speakers : Eduardo Paolozzi, Professor
     technique similar to that used at the      C. H. Waddington and Colin Young.        contemporary cultural activities.
     International Surrealist exhibition held in New   3Conditional Probability Machine, 1971. Etching   In early 1972 we drew up plans for a French
     York in 1937, where a section of 'comparative   22 X 15, box of 24 images; edition of 24. Divided   programme to be held at the ICA. We were
                                                into 4 sections of 6 images, numbered 1-6 in each
     material', consisting of the art of children and   section. Text by Diane Kirkpatrick, published by   advised that an approach to the British
     the insane, folk art and examples of commercial   Editions Alecto.                   government asking for a grant would be
     and journalistic art was shown. It is surely the   4Ogle-Motor Industry Anthropometric Crash Test   favourably considered. In March 1972 we wrote
                                                Device. Photographs and research material supplied
     historical vindication of the influence of   by David Ogle Ltd., Transportation Design and   to the British government with proposals for a
     Surrealism and Dada that the sort of material   Development. See articles in Design, December 1971;   French programme to be held during the month
                                                and Reyner Banham, New Society, January 1972.
     shown in 1937 is now replaced by photographs   5For an account of Paolozzi's involvement in this   of March 1973 at the ICA. Our letters stated
     of the Apollo moon landing and Mr Peanut. In   exhibition see Frank Whitford, Paolozzi and the   that it was not our intention merely to promote a
     this way, Pop Art in England not only developed   Independent Group' in Eduardo Paolozzi, Tate   wider knowledge of French cultural life, but to
     with lectures on car styling and related subjects   Gallery 1971, pp 44-8 (and bibliography).   explore some relationships between the British
                                                British Olivetti Ltd. have already presented
     given at the Independent Group in the early   Paolozzi's set of tandem etchings Cloud Atomic   and French peoples. In particular, the problems
     195os, but is really transcended by its undeniable   Laboratory to the Arkive. Printed by Editions Alecto   of mutual understanding between British and
     links with Dada and Surrealism.            exclusively for British Olivetti Ltd. in an edition   French intellectuals seemed very worth tackling.
                                                of 85.
       Unlike the ICA exhibitions of the 5os,   'The collection is at present housed in the   The British Government responded with a
     however, the Krazy Kat Arkive has a        Department of Fine Arts, a mid-nineteenth-century   grant of £10,000 leaving the ICA wholly
                                                building, which will eventually become part of a
     permanently catalogued collection to draw on                                         responsible for the content and structure of the
                                                complex to include an arts centre for the visual and
     for analysis by specialists working in different   performing arts designed by James Stirling.   programme. The French Government was then
     fields and for exhibitions on a wide range of   8All communications, including the information about   approached and at the time of writing has agreed
     themes. Its didactic aim is visual education in   the touring of exhibitions, should be addressed to:   to contribute over £4,000 to the cost of the
                                                David Walker, Research Fellow, Department of Fine
     the language of both form and symbol. The    Arts, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife.   programme. Smaller but useful grants in
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