Page 18 - Studio International - February 1973
P. 18

Graphics                                  three-part print is by Joe Goode, 126 in. long, in   documentary/instructional films, but it did not
                                               ten colours. Also by Cirrus Editions Ltd. are   make any strong new points.
     (Print-makers and galleries dealing in graphics are   two dry points by Bruce Nauman, untitled.   Lutz Becker was one of the first people here
     invited to send information regarding their recent   Future releases will include lithographs by   to explore the use of video as an image
     work to Bud Shark, c/o Studio International,   Tom Holland, Craig Kauffman and Ed Ruscha.   generating device (through visual feed-back).
     37 Museum Street, London WCi, for possible   BUD SHARK                              Done at the Slade School of Art in 1965 with
     notice in this regular monthly column.)                                             the co-operation of A. B. Palmer at the BBC, the
                                                                                         results of the experimentation formed the basis
     Multiples, Inc. 927 Madison Avenue, New                                             of three films —  Experiment 5, Cosmos, Horizon,
     York, New York 10021, and Castelli Graphics   (Film-makers and artists working with film and   completed in 67-68. None of these could be
     have published a set of four prints by James   videotape are invited to send information   considered as great works of film art, but all are
     Rosenquist called Horse Blinders. They are based   regarding their recent and current work to 'Vision',   interesting, and with some of the colour-printing
     on Rosenquist's painting of the same name done   c/o Studio International, 37 Museum Street,   techniques, spectacular; considering the time
     in 1968. Like the painting the set of prints was   London WC1, for possible notice in this regular   and place of their making they represent an
     conceived to be shown either separately, in   monthly column.)                      exceptional development.
     linear sequence, or at right angles. It is an                                         The liveliness and graphic quality of these
                                               David Rimmer
     expensive four prints, $4,800 for the set, but                                      three films is echoed in Malevich Suprematism —
                                               The young Canadian film-maker David Rimmer
     also very ambitious. Rosenquist combined                                            a 13-minute semi-documentary made by him
                                               will be touring Europe in February and March
     lithography and silkscreen, ending up with 66                                       for the Arts Council in 1971. It was shown as a
                                               73 ending his tour in Britain 15 - 25 March.
     colours from 29 litho plates, I stone, and 27                                       prelude to the longer 'Russian' film at the ICA
                                               Along with Jack (John) Chambers, Rimmer
     silkscreens. He also used reflective silver foil on                                 screening; it kept the instructional aspect to a
                                               seems the most interesting film-maker to emerge
     each print. The printing was done by Styria                                         minimum and the second half of the film was
                                               from Canada since Mike Snow and Joyce
     Studio in New York.                                                                 devoted entirely to the production of an abstract
                                               Wieland. Though four of his films made up the
                                                                                         film in the way in which Malevich might have
     Among new publications from Parasol Press   bulk of the Canadian show at the Hamburg   done it. It followed the information that
     Ltd., 72 East 79 Street, New York 10021, N.Y.,   Festival, his work is almost totally unknown   Malevich had presented an idea for a never-
     are the white aquatints by Robert Ryman which   outside Canada.                     completed film. Becker's interpretation of
     were on show last month at the Lisson Gallery,   Surfacing, the only film of his which I know -  Malevich's aesthetic on film is reasonably
     London. The seven prints are in editions of 5o   Youngblood calls it the ultimate metaphysical   convincing, and closely resembles the Hans
     and the dimensions are 244 X 244 in. Work now   movie, the ultimate post-minimal movie - is   Richter films which Richter presents as his
     in progress which will be available in the spring   made by stretching a to-second sequence of two   Rhythmus 21 and 23, and in sections resembles
     are eight etchings by Dorothea Rockburne and   boats passing each other on the Thames to   the little-known Walter Ruttmann abstract films
     also two portfolios of etchings by Dan Flavin.   a 5-minute movie with frame by frame dissolves.   (Opus 1-4) from 1921-25, although the
                                               His films are included in the Canadian Film
                                                                                         Ruttmann work is probably more 'advanced'
     A new workshop has been set up for editioning   Co-operative Association Catalogue 1. The
                                                                                         that the Becker geometric abstraction, and
     and proofing of intaglio prints. J.C. Editions at   Association provides a central catalogue for four
                                                                                         certainly that any other film work from the early
     24 Tysoe Street, London, EC1, 01-278 5099, is   separate organizations: Cooperative Cinéastes
                                                                                         period. Surprisingly it opened up aesthetic
     operated by Jim Collyer and John Crossley.   Indépendants, Montreal; Canadian Film-
                                                                                         concepts and perceptual experiences which
     Among artists they have completed work for are   Makers Distribution Centre, Toronto; London
                                                                                         could be pursued in their own right without any
     Patrick Procktor and Norman Stevens.      Film Co-op, London, Ontario; and Vancouver
                                                                                         deliberate archaism. Comparing his two Arts
                                               Film-makers' Cooperative, Vancouver (who
     Probably the most thorough and comprehensive   handle the Rimmer films). The Association   Council films, I find confirmation of my lack of
     book about fine-art lithography, 'The Tamarind,   Catalogue is available from 1128 rue   sympathy for the documentary/instructional
     Book of Lithography: Art and Techniques', is in   Cheneville, Montreal 128, Quebec. Any college   form. There is a real confusion of the function
     its second printing and also now available in   or institution interested in a visit by David   of a film with that of an art book or catalogue;
     paperback. Written by Gard Antreasian and   Rimmer during his stay in Britain should   the kind of 'dry' information which such films
     Clinton Adams it deals with virtually every   contact me.                           seem to feel obliged to include as sound track at
     aspect of making a lithograph by hand. The                                          best is quietly irrelevant and at worst competes
     volume is divided into two sections, one on   New film by Lutz Becker               disastrously with the dynamics of the image.
     techniques, chemistry, and details of the process.   The Arts Council presented the premier of
     The other section deals with the history of the   Lutz Becker's new film Art in Revolution at the   Experimental film in art schools
     medium and the prints that have been made   ICA Cinema in December. Built up around the   In the same way that much of the development
     since its discovery. Step-by-step photographs   Hayward exhibition of the same name earlier in   of new music in Britain has emerged out of the
     make the technical section easy to follow even   the year, Becker's film contained some fine   art school situation rather than music colleges,
     for those who may have never confronted the   inserts of material by Vertov as well as other   it looks as if the main developments in the new
     process. There are very valuable sections dealing   newsreel from the period. The presentation of   approach to film are beginning there rather than
     with paper, the signing and handling of prints   this original film footage and close-ups of the   in film courses. At some time in the future I
     and supplies. There are 479 illustrations, 87 in   theatre and architecture models were the only   would like to review the role and situation of
     colour. It is published by Harry N. Abrams Inc.,   points at which the film significantly expanded   film in art schools, both film-making and film
     New York, the hardback costing $28.50 and the   experience from the exhibition itself. Vertov's   study. I would be pleased if students or
     paperback $14.95. The book can be ordered   1929 film Man with a Movie Camera is one of   lecturers would write to me with details of film
     from Tamarind Lithography Workshop,       the most important experimental films ever   activities/facilities/interest/problems in their
     1112 North Tamarind Avenue, Los Angeles,   made; the inclusion of sections from this and   college. Probably allied to this, I would like to
     California 90038 (add postage).           the power of the photography and graphics   include information about independent film
                                               from the period would make it difficult for the   making groups outside educational institutions,
     Another flashy multi-part print has been   film to be visually dull, and at that level I have   and would welcome any material, names,
     published by Cirrus Editions, 708 North   no complaint with it. The commentary      addresses, etc., on this. q
     Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, 90038. The    was not aggravating and obtrusive as in most    MALCOLM LE GRICE
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