Page 17 - Studio International - February 1973
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Feedback St George's Gallery, where a notable feature Van Gogh's Sunflowers; and sixty-ninth, Linley
is the display of recent exhibition catalogues on Sambourne's 'Caricature of Oscar Wilde as a
(Items for review should be sent to Clive Phillpot, racks on the lower floor. Zwemmer has only a Sunflower'.
Studio International, 37 Museum Street, small selection. Malcolm Easton's Aubrey and the Dying Lady
London, WC r.) has already extorted a good deal of attention,
The Documenta 5 catalogue 1972 (about possibly because it includes a riddle. This, it
It is all very well drawing attention to new £9.50), is an elephantine publication in two parts turns out, has to do with Beardsley's taste in
publications, particularly those that filter down within a single, plastic-covered ring-binder, 8 haberdashery. The author writes like
unmapped byways, but where in the UK can centimetres thick. The only advantage of the Lionel Johnson.
one see a range of similar publications, and loose-leaf format, apart from publishing Beardsley's Illustrations for 'Le Morte d'Arthur'
possibly order others ? As far as art booksellers convenience, is that since information relating is inexpensive enough to buy, though rather too
go, anyone based in London is privileged, since to artists is printed on the front and back of a large for theft. The book, or its editor,
the three major bookshops are situated there: leaf or leaves these could be extracted and filed handsomely reproduces all the illustrations
London Art Bookshop Ltd. (formerly Tiranti in one alphabetical sequence, but this does not and a portion of the text of the original 1893-94
Art Bookshop), 72 Charlotte Street, London justify the thoroughly awkward format; the edition in facsimile.
WIP 2AJ ; St George's Gallery Books Ltd. weight of the catalogue suggests that visitors to
(formerly of Cork Street), 8 Duke Street, St the exhibition at Kassel must have been Hard Books
James's, London, SW1; and A. Zwemmer Ltd., provided with a mobile lectern or a caddie. The Psychology of the Arts by Hans and Shulamith
76-8o Charing Cross Road, London WC2H first part of the catalogue, and the smallest, is Kreider. Duke University Press. $13.75. Art,
OBH. Each of these art bookshops publishes the list of works and artists, and this is in fact Perception and Reality by E. H. Gombrich,
lists of books. London Art Bookshop publishes a paperbound but punched so that it prefaces the Julian Hochberg, and Max Black. The Johns
catalogue of new books several times a year, loose leaves; at the end of this list there is a fairly Hopkins University Press. $7.50.
which includes a few exhibition catalogues, a substantial bibliography related to the art Both are hard because, to understand them
few foreign language publications and many background of the exhibition. One is referred properly, one must think again. The Kreitlers
English-language books. St George's Gallery from the list to the appropriate loose-leaf have supplied 'the most comprehensive textbook
also publishes 'Books on the Arts' several times section for photos, texts, biographical, on art psychology published for many decades',
a year, and this list is valuable both bibliographical and other information about and it treats of the arts from the distance of
bibliographically and in the context of this individuals and the various themes. experimental psychology, painting, sculpture,
column for the inclusion of a wide range of The title of the exhibition is 'Befragung der music, dance, literature. Its two parts deal with
exhibition catalogues from many countries; Realität' (`Questioning Reality'), and the texts the vexed questions of the impact of different art
books from equally far afield are prominent also. in the catalogue proper are all in German, forms upon the individual sense and the
Zwemmer publishes one trade catalogue each except where an artist naturally presents a verbal emotional involvement of the 'spectator' of a
year, plus occasional duplicated lists. piece in a different language. The 8o-page work of art. Its difficulty is increased by its
While all three are specialist booksellers they introductory essay by Hans Heinz Holz is scholarly tone and format and is, as a
have different emphases. London Art Bookshop entitled `Kritische Theorie des asthetischen consequence, thoroughly enjoyable.
carries a stock of about 6-8,00o titles on the fine Zeichens', and this is followed immediately by Art, Perception and Reality, an edition of the
arts, design, architecture and the applied arts, `Audiovisuelles Vorwort'. There are then sections Alvin and Fanny Blaustein/Thalheimer
all on open display, While St George's Gallery dealing with various forms of popular art and Lectures, 1970, is the work of a very
specializes in Italian art and contemporary art, kitsch, advertising, propaganda, science fiction, distinguished art historian, a clever psychologist,
the stock of 8—10,000 titles also includes utopia and planning, play, art of the insane, and a wise philosopher, who in turn discuss
architecture and other subjects peripheral to films, artists' museums, and Socialist Realism. physiognomic likeness, theories of empathy,
the fine arts; publications are also on open Artists who exhibited are mostly presented in and conceptual analysis. The discussion is
shelves. Zwemmer holds in stock about 10,000 one of three groupings : realism, individual supported by nicely provocative illustrations.
new and out of print books on fine and applied mythologies, or idea and idea/light.
art, and also has a cinema section, as well as CLIVE PHILLPOT Western Art
`book bargains'; however, the general browser The American West by Larry J. Curry. Studio
cannot here roam right through the stock. All Books Vista. £4.50. Beautifully designed, treating
three bookshops will handle periodical painters of the American West from George
subscriptions, but they vary in the degree to Yellow Books Catlin to Charles M. Russell, and beautifully
which current periodicals can be bought direct: The Aesthetic Movement: Theory and Practice written. My sweetheart's parents gave it to me
London Art Bookshop stocks about 3o English by Robin Spencer. Studio Vista/Dutton for Christmas, and I think it's really great. I
and foreign magazines, St George's Gallery 8op/$2.45. Aubrey and the Dying Lady: A have always loved Bingham, the neglected
does not in effect stock any, and Zwemmer has Beardsley Riddle by Malcolm Easton. Seeker & Ranney, the surpassing Remington; they are all
between 10 and 15 art periodicals on sale. Warburg. £4.50. Beardsley's Illustrations for well represented here.
As regards exhibition catalogues, pamphlets, `Le Morte d'Arthur' arranged by Edmund V.
artists' booklets, etc., again all three bookshops Gillon, Jr. Dover Publications. £3.00. A Pre-Biography
express their willingness to pursue orders for Two of these books — never mind which — are Herbert Read: The Stream and the Source
these categories of publication, but emphasize actually yellow; all three have to do with a by George Woodcock. Faber and Faber. £4.75.
the peculiar hazards involved in obtaining them. perhaps temporarily over-popular movement In spite of its length this is regarded by its
There is a greater chance of non-supply because which deserves, nevertheless, the attention it author as a 'pre-biography' — 'the charting of
of sell-out small editions, itinerant publishers, receives here. Robin Spencer's Aesthetic Read's intellectual and creative life that is
etc. There is also a greater onus on the Movement. is a nicely organized history of the necessary as the first stage in assessing his
customer to provide as many details pertaining Movement indicated by its title; courteously, it importance to his contemporaries and to
to the publication as possible, sources of embraces architecture, interior design, book posterity'. Herbert Read was into all sorts of
information may be helpful too. Exhibition illustration, ladies' things, as well as painting. mild pastimes, we know, so if you want to find
catalogues are evident in the stock of London The illustrations include : first, a good out more read this book. D
Art Bookshop, but are one of the specialities of photograph of the earlier Crystal Palace; last, TIMOTHY CRA1G