Page 41 - Studio International - July August 1973
P. 41

On a different level it is important to note that   and East (1912/1913) and in his illustrations to   such gifted artists as Boris Gurvich, Evgenii
           both artists were influenced profoundly by   his `transrational' drama, Song of Universal   Kibrik and Yuliyan Koltsov (Yuliya Arapova),
           Byzantine and early Russian art, and, in the case   Growth of 1913,6   was his first, unpublished   staged a group exhibition at the Press House
           of Filonov at least, the crowded imagery,   version of the Theory of Analytical Art and the   (Dom pechati) in Leningrad in April/May,
           inverted perspective and parallel motifs owed   Principle of Madeness formulated and written   1927, although without Filonov himself. The
           much to the methods of icon and fresco    in 1914/1915. The eschatological concepts of   accommodation was appropriate not only
           painting: there is a remarkable similarity, for   `universal flowering' and man's regeneration   because the Press House was a main cultural
           example, between some of Filonov's Heads and   essential to the philosophical basis of Filonov's   centre of Leningrad during the mid- 1920s, but
           the former frescoes in the Cathedral of the   art were, of course, shared by many artists and   also because it contained Igor Terentev's
           Annunciation in the Moscow Kremlin,       intellectuals of the time, not least Malevich —  experimental theatre which had been decorated
           photographs of which Filonov undoubtedly   although Filonov's pecularily biological and   by Filonov and his students. Altogether,
           saw2. Dissatisfaction with the Academy and   physiological interpretation of the imminent   thirty-one artists were represented at the
           confidence in his own artistic maturity drew   cosmic transformation of the organic and   exhibition by paintings, painted sculptures and
           Filonov, naturally, to the highly influential and   inorganic worlds was alien to the mystical   stage designs, an impressive display which
           progressive cultural society, the Union of   `white, free depths'? of Malevich's Suprematism   added meaning to the large notice over the
           Youth, of which he became one of the first   or to the optical platform of Larionov's   entrance proclaiming 'Make Way for
           members in 191o. It was within the framework   Rayonism. This is not to say, of course, that   Analytical Art'. Moreover, while the exhibition
           of this enterprise, financed by the wealthy   such systems left no trace in Filonov's general   was in progress Terentev staged a futurist
           businessman, Levkii Zheverzheev, that Filonov   world-view. We have only to perceive the   production of Gogol's Revizor with costumes
           came into contact with most members of    kinetic force of many of Filonov's pictures   designed by three of Filonov's pupils. But the
           Russia's literary and artistic avant-garde — the   rendered by the multiple repetition of certain   sign in front of the exhibition proved to be
           Burliuk brothers, Velimir Khlebnikov,     forms to realize that Rayonism and Futurism,   an ironic gesture since later that year
           Aleksei Kruchenykh, Dr Nikolai Kulbin,    as interpreted by Goncharova and Larionov,   Filonov and his School were ousted from the
           Kazimir Malevich, Mikhail Matyushin, Ivan   were at least in evidence. This orbit of influence   Academy, a move which prompted an indignant,
           Puni (Pougny), Olga Rozanova, et al. It was   can be expanded to include the Neo-primitivist   but impotent, protest from the OBERIU
           through his association with the Union that   painting of Goncharova, Larionov, Malevich   writers a few months later (see below). The
           Filonov was invited to contribute to two of its   and Aleksandr Shevchenko which played such   administrative action taken against Filonov and
           St Petersburg exhibitions in 1912 and 1913/1914   a vital role in the evolution of Russian art   his disciples was, of course, symptomatic of the
           and that he was commissioned to design    between roughly 1908 and 1912.            increasing public intolerance of non-realist
           costumes for Mayakovsky's tragedy, Vladimir   Filonov's service on the Rumanian front in   groups and the increasing political interference
           Mayakovsky, staged by the Union of Youth in   1916/1918 interrupted his easel work even   in art affairs particularly noticeable after 1925.
           December, 1913 — the same month in which the   though his experiences provided material for   In Filonov's case this state of affairs reached a
           Kruchenykh/Malevich/Matyushin opera,      a few water-colours and drawings of military   culmination in the procrastination and eventual
           Victory Over the Sun, was produced also under   life. On his return from duty Filonov expressed   cancellation of his one-man exhibition projected
           the auspices of the Union of Youth.       his support for the Revolutionary government,   early in 1929 and scheduled to have opened in
           Mayakovsky's play with its emphasis on the   feeling, as he always did, an emotional   the Russian Museum in 193o. The pictures
           monstrous and nightmare reality of the big city   attachment to the working-class, as, of course,   were, in fact, hung and the catalogue, with
           was entirely in keeping with Filonov's notion   did many of his colleagues, Malevich and   excerpts from the Theory of Analytical Art, was
           that the world was chaos and could be overcome   Tatlin among them; indeed, the reason why   printed, even though the initially moderate
           only by a supreme intellectual effort; he   Filonov hardly ever signed his pictures and   introduction was replaced by a highly critical
           therefore extended his conviction into his   refused to sell them was that he thought of them   text by Sergei Isakov who declared that 'Filonov
           costume designs which, as one of the actors   as universal symbols and hence as popular   in no way can be acknowledged as the bearer of
           recalled, 'had only madness and terror, nothing   property. The direct result of Filonov's   the proletarian world-view'.9  Ultimately, the
           else.'3   Filonov's membership of the Union of   proletarian allegiance were pictures such as   exhibition did not open because of pressure
           Youth enabled him also to contribute illustrations   Formula of the Petrograd Proletariat (1920/1921)   both from the administration and from
           to the miscellany, Futurists: Roaring Parnassus, a   exhibited at several Petersburg exhibitions   realist artists such as Isaak Brosky, members
           booklet published at the beginning of 1914   during the 192os and Entry into Universal   of AKhR (Association of Artists of the
           which contained verse by Khlebnikov,      Flowering (1919/192o) shown at the big Russian   Revolution). Filonov and his group, however,
           Mayakovsky, et al. and drawings by Puni and   exhibition at the Van Diemen Gallery in   continued to exist, albeit precariously, for the
           Rozanova as well as by Filonov — although the   Berlin in 1922. In that year, on the invitation of   next two years, as their collective illustrative
           latter was censured for his alleged pornography.4    Malevich, Matyushin and the critic, Nikolai   contribution to the Academy edition of the
           As a direct result of his connections with, on the   Punin, Filonov joined the newly opened   Finnish Kalevala published in 1933
           one hand, Malevich and the painter and    Petersburg affiliation of the Moscow Institute   demonstrated so well. From 1933 until his
           theoretician Vladimir Markov (pseudonym of   of Artistic Culture (INKhUK; but INKh in   death Filonov was not represented at any
           the Lithuanian Waldemars Matveis) and, on   Petersburg), and a little later he published his   official exhibition and his 'pathological . . .
           the other, his familiarization with such diverse   Declaration of Universal Flowering in the   decadent expressionism" was subjected to
           masters as Bosch, Dürer and Michelangelo   journal, Life of Art.8   At the same time Filonov   violent attacks in the press. Filonov died of
           during a trip to Western Europe in 1912,5     began to rework his Theory of Analytical Art   pneumonia during the Leningrad blockade in
           Filonov came to study the problems of form and   and Principle of Madeness particularly within   1941.
           composition in even greater detail.       the context of his teaching activity in the   Recent years have seen a partial revaluation
           Consequently, the purely decorative features   reorganized Academy of Arts where he   of Filonov in the Soviet Union, although he is
           identifiable with much of his very early work   disseminated his ideas among his students;   still in many eyes a bete noire. During the
           and recalling the stylized pictures of the World   some of these were shortly to join him in   mid-1960s several events helped to focus
           of Art artists soon gave way to a more ascetic   establishing the so-called Collective of Masters   attention on this solitary and unique member
           and cerebral approach to the canvas. The   of Analytical Art or Filonov School which   of the Russian avant-garde: in 1966 the first
           logical outcome of Filonov's intense concern   lasted from 1925 until 1932. Many of these   monograph on the artist appeared in. Prague,11
           with form, mirrored in such paintings as West    devoted students and auditors, who included    in 1967 the first one-man exhibition was staged
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