Page 42 - Studio International - July August 1973
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in Novosibirsk of which the catalogue (two   far from supporting Boris Kushner's assertion   was reminiscent of Kandinsky and even
        editions) is an invaluable, although very rare,   that 'a work of art is no more than an object, a   of the surrealists with their perverse
        document, and since then several          thing'17  or Aleksei Gan's call for 'Death to   interpretation of Surrealism as mere
        sympathetic descriptions of the master and   Art',18   witnessed an intense renewal of interest   `experimental scientific data.'26  As a
        his work have appeared in diverse printed   in art as an individualistic and 'lyrical' process —  member of the Petersburg INKh Filonov was
        sources.12   Nevertheless, the bulk of Filonov's   so stimulating the appearance of a plethora of   in close communication with the rational
        copious writings remains unpublished while,   manifestoes and aesthetic trends in the fields of   attitudes to art favoured by Punin and,
        paradoxically, his pictures, which he painted   easel painting, especially after 1922. In this   undoubtedly, was acquainted with the
        for the populace, remain accessible only to the   respect, Filonov's Theory, which received   physico-psychological programme of research
        privileged few.13                         recognition particularly during the mid-1920s,   which Kandinsky had drawn up for the
        Filonov's letter to Vera Sholpo, although   was one of several which, paradoxically, tended   Moscow INKhUK and then for the Academy
        written as late as 1929, provides a synopsis both   to stress the importance of the artist's   of Artistic Sciences. But even without these
        of his celebrated Theory of Analytical Art and   individualism, thereby encouraging the   theoretical affinities Filonov and Kandinsky
        Principle of Madeness and, on a broader level,   expressionist and surrealist directions in   shared common features in their paintings :
        of his general intellectual and psychological   Russian painting in the 1920s. Significantly, we   both had used an equestrian and apocalyptic
        attitudes to art and life. The fact that the letter   find as early as 1920, a date to which Gan   symbology (in 1911 Filonov had even entitled
        is addressed to one of Filonov's pupils, who had   relegated the emergence of Constructivism,19   one picture Riders) and the nebulous masses of
        worked with him in Leningrad but who, by   some artists were, conversely, beckoning their   Filonov's paintings of 191o/1912 bore a striking
        1929, had moved to Baku, points immediately   colleagues towards the 'transverse point   resemblance to some of Kandinsky's parallel
        to the propagational and pedagogical value with   between the physical and the astral.'20  Filonov's   Compositions and Improvisations. Their
        which Filonov imbued his artistic theory and   Theory, therefore, although formulated as   respective attitudes to colour, however, were
        practice. Despite his physical and spiritual   early as 1914/1915, was acting by 1929 as a   quite different and, furthermore, it is debatable
        aloofness, Filonov had student interest very   synthesis of two extreme tendencies — towards   whether Filonov ever reached a totally abstract
        much at heart and took an active and practical   the 'object' on the one hand and the 'subject' on   conception, despite his several apparently
        part in the work of the students and auditors   the other, to which such apparent   non-representational works executed during the
        connected with his School, as survivors such   contradictions as 'analytical intuition' and   192os and early 193os. However, Filonov's
        as Yuliya Arapova are quick to emphasize.   `constructive or colorific' testify so clearly. But   specific observations on form and perspective
        Hence, despite the unique and highly      one hastens to add that although Filonov   are curiously similar to the general ideas of
        individual quality of his canvases, Filonov   employed the word `madeness' with its obvious   non-Euclidian space which were particularly
        found it in order to participate in, or at least   constructivist overtones and saw it as a work's   popular in Russia during the 1920s. For
        inspire, group projects such as the decorations   ideological as well as professional criterion — so   example, Matyushin at one time had headed a
        done for the Leningrad Press House in 1927 or   very much in keeping with the rational,   studio called 'Extended Viewing' where he had
        the remarkable illustrations to the Kalevala.   tectonic attitude of the constructivists — he   urged his students to paint not only what was
        Filonov's School, the so-called filonovtsy or   remained, both in theory and in practice, a   in front of them but also what was behind, to
        filonidy, therefore attracted a large and diverse   highly subjective and synthetic artist.   the side, above and below.27   David Shterenberg,
        number of names, far more than the thirty-one   Filonov's recourse to intuition had a long   known as the administrative head of IZO
        represented at the one and only Exhibition of   history in modernist Russian art and was a   Narkompros (Department of Visual Arts
        Masters of Analytical Art of 1927 : it is known,   concept which had been especially popular just   within the People's Commissariat for
        for example, that the celebrated poet, Nikolai   before the Great War, specifically within the   Enlightenment) but who was a painter in his
        Zabolotsky and the surrealistic writer, Deniel   framework of the Union of Youth. Markov   own right, was also preoccupied throughout
        Kharms, both members of OBERIU (Union     (Matveis), for example, had written of the   this period with the destruction of the
        of Real Art),14   took lessons from Filonov and   `Principle of Free Creation' and the 'beauty of   conventional conception of surface by
        that their support of Filonov was expressed in   chance' in 1912,21   Rozanova had referred to the   minimizing causal and sequential connection
        their public declaration of January, 1928 :   `Intuitive Principle' of creation in 191322  and   and 'unfolding the object on the plane'.28   Of
        `We cannot understand why the Filonov     Malevich had identified 'Intuitive Reason' as   particular relevance to Filonov was the theory
        School has been forced out of the Academy,   the stimulus to suprematist forms in 1915.23  In   of 'spherical perspective' formulated by the
        why Malevich cannot develop his architectural   turn, of course, the Russian avant-garde's   very gifted painter, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, who
        work in the USSR and why Terentev's       concern with the intuitive and alogical reflexes   sought to link the particular with the universal
        Revizor was booed so stupidly.'15  Indicative of   of the creative process owed much to such   by depositing a given object or scene on a
        Filonov's attention to his students' artistic   specific philosophical forces as Bergson and   curved, planetary surface. Indeed, Petrov-
        endeavours was the fact that, contrary to   Steiner, especially as their teachings had been   Vodkin's ideas that 'form conditions colour'
        general opinion, he was liberal in verbal and   refracted through numerous symbolist   and that 'symptoms of growth are visible in
        written advice and that many of his theoretical   interpretations and deductions in the 1900s.   object-phenomena'29  coincided with Filonov's
        tenets concerned the teaching of art: and,   Perhaps, therefore, we might argue that Filonov   own evolutionary and biological interpretations
        therefore, it was both because of his originality   was the last link in an individualistic and   of reality — although in his case the medical
        and because of his universality that Filonov   idealistic evolution and precisely for this could   references in Dr Kulbin's earlier art theories
        was followed by a 'group of pupils blindly   be condemned in the 193os as being 'alien to the   were, probably, of decisive and formative
        believing him and accepting his every word as a   proletariat's world-view.'24      importance." In this context we must remember
        revelation.'16                              The tension between the concepts of analysis   the very close relations between the disciplines
         The attraction of Filonov's analytical system   and intuition to be found in Filonov's Theory   maintained in Russia both before and after the
        lay precisely in its consistence (to use a Filonov   is nowhere more evident than in his frequent   Revolution, so that in the 192os the radical
        term), for despite its emphasis on analysis, the   recourse to scientific terminology, paralleled in   ideas of such pioneering physicists and
        Theory, especially as it developed in the 1920s,   pictorial terms by his application of concrete   biologists as Orest Khvolson and Vladimir
        was a composite one and its essential ideas owed   titles to highly subjective and abstracted themes.   Vernadsky were discussed amongst artists and
        much to various tendencies in pre- and post-  This juxtaposition of realia with realiora,   litterati as widely as the latest verse by Anna
        Revolutionary Russian art. It should be   occurring on a plane where Physiognomical   Akhamatova or the latest work of Malevich. It
        remembered, in fact, that the period 1917-1934,    analysis changed to physiological analysis',    was precisely within such a composite
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