Page 46 - Studio International - May 1973
P. 46

On travelling*

                                                                                          Travel Sketch 1965
                                                                                          The Hague Gemeentemuseum

      Among the buildings that form a city —
      buildings of many natures and functions — there
      are some which play a very special part. These
      buildings, or groups of buildings, have an
      atmosphere of their own which deviates from
      that of the rest of the city, their function is in a
      sense contradictory to the function of the city,
      they represent an intrusion on the principle of
      the city, they are as it were cities within cities.
      These buildings have to do with departures and
      arrivals — stations, harbour installations,
        The city, in the usual sense of the word, is a
      place to live, a settlement, a habitat, a place
      where a number of people have organized their
      existence in a community, where they have
      created the provisions that such an existence
      calls for, where they find that which they need
      in order to go on living: work, shelter, transport
      facilities, distribution centres for consumer
      goods, recreation and possibilities of
      development. There are four functions of the
      city as defined by Le Corbusier: living, working,
      recreation and traffic to and from work. This
      characterizes the atmosphere of the modern   work, so they give up their sedentary way of life,   fluctuating population, the people have no
      functional city, the atmosphere of life and work,   the old urge to wander resurfaces.   intention of staying or settling down: they have
      the living-atmosphere of homo faber. Everything   Mechanization is not restricted to the   arrived and plan to go into the city; or they
      in the functional city is directed at production:   production processes, it extends equally to   are about to leave and have already detached
      the factories and offices, the working-class   transport, which becomes more and more   themeselves from the city's life; they are
      dwellings in the suburbs, public transport   rapid — in response to the demand for quick   prepared for the adventure of the forthcoming
      between the residential areas and centres of   travel to destinations that are further and   trip or they are transit passengers, and are to
      work, conveniences like shops, hospitals, clinics,   further away. When the holidays start and   continue an adventure that started elsewhere.
      educational institutions. Everything in these   city-dwellers leave their work for a few weeks,   The population of an airport is not a community
      functional cities is aimed at utility, everything   there is a peak in the use of transport. The city is   but a heterogenous company of people. All sorts
      has to be efficient. The functional city is the   deserted by its workers and tourists from other   of languages can be heard, Babylonic confusion
      most highly developed form of the settlement,   cities replace them, tourists who pass through   reigns, extraordinary demands on food and
      with the highest productivity since Neolithic   the city in search of adventure — the modern   drink are made, there are people of all races, all
      man started to produce his own goods and to   nomads. This temporary population makes   cultures and every social class. But, most
      build the first villages. Since man was forced to   different demands on the city from those the   important, they are in an unfamiliar situation,
      give up his nomadic way of life, the earth has   permanent population makes. They require not   not at home — they are travellers in a strange
      been covered by an increasingly dense blanket of   homes but hotels, not places to work but places   environment where their usual norms and
      constructions. Natural vegetation has had to   of entertainment. And their comings and goings   standards have lost value, they are displaced and
      make way for the living-layer of stone which has   are concentrated where normal city-life is least   have only each other to turn to. Contacts are
      become the new home of the sedentary, working,   manifest — where the city opens up to admit the   made which, in normal circumstances, would be
      human being. The city is — and has been since   outside world.                      more difficult to establish. Conversations are
      its invention — specifically a place to stay.   Travel is not only increasingly important   held between strangers who will never meet
       That is why the buildings that have to do   because of its growing frequency, but also and   again.
      with departures, with travelling, are buildings   especially because of the ever-greater distances   In short, airports play the part of 'social
     with a special atmosphere, with a divergent   being covered, by increasingly rapid means of   space' in a way that has become impossible in
     function. Travelling signifies a break in the   transport. Therefore the quickest means of   the functional city of today. Once it was at the
      pattern of everyday life. The traveller abandons   transport — the aeroplane — exhibits the greatest   annual fair that people could meet, the place
     his settlement. He goes to other places, where   rise in capacity and use. The airports, usually   where contacts were made: the social space for
     he is not at home, where he is not sedentary, not   situated outside the city centres, are becoming   citizens of the world, the 'acculturation zone'
     a resident. He resumes, perhaps, the nomadic   new centres of activity, an activity that is   where the dissemination of culture took place.
      existence he led before he was obliged to settle   different from the bustle of city life. The   Later, the railway stations became the centres
     in one fixed place. Travel is increasing in direct   atmosphere is not that of people hurrying home,   of social intercourse. Even now metropolitan
     proportion to the diminution of work. With the   shopping for their evening meal, rushing to   railway stations are meeting places for those
     increase in leisure time the action-radius of   work, or of people seeking relaxation and quiet   who stand outside the urban community. The
     every individual is expanding. As people   at the end of the day : no, this atmosphere has a   so-called 'guest workers' meet and make contact
     become less tied down geographically by their   nature all its own. Airports are filled with a    with each other in railway stations by
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