Page 35 - Studio International - September 1973
P. 35

line . . . heralds ot a new primitivism to which   primitivism as a conscious style. Apart from   contrived child-like quality of careless drawing
           our modern painting has come.'1           contemporary Western European art the sources   is evident in The Hairdresser (c. 1907). Sources
             Members of the group varied greatly, having   of their pictures lay in traditional Russian icon   and style of these pictures were soon to
           no fixed programme. Apart from French     paintings, toys and lubki. The lubok is similar to   influence poetry. The work of Chagall at this
           Fauvism and Cubism exhibited in Russia before   an English chap-book or the traditional popular   time was developing from similar sources and
           191o, primitivism came directly from Russian   woodcuts produced in France and Germany.   David Burliuk's Barber's Shop combines cubist
           sources.                                   Lubki date from the seventeenth century and   forms with chap-book images.
             History in the late nineteenth and early   their subject matter was at first religious and   In 1913 Pommada was published as a small
           twentieth centuries was extended in range and   later political, but they also represented such   book of thirteen poems by Kruchenykh and
           detail, mainly as a result of archaeological   subjects as popular songs and the signs of the   E. Lunev with illustrations by Larionov. The
           discoveries revealing the pre-historic past. The   zodiac. Goncharova was very probably   cover-drawing of a barber was in a primitivist
           old and new stone ages and the historic   directly influenced by the theatre and icon   style and inside illustrations are in Larionov's
           sequence of their culture was established; the   paintings through the Abramtsevo colony. By   new rayonnist manner. Larionov's bawdy
           literary history of early civilizations of Egypt   about 1910 her works such as Dancing Peasants   subjects between c. 1907 and c. 1913 are also
           and Mesopotamia began to be read from     and Haycutting directly influenced Malevich.   typical of the mood of Russian literary and
           contemporary documents and more was being   Larionov described his work between about   artistic 'Futurism' at that time. Imitation of
           learned of the history of the civilizations of   19o2 and 1906 as impressionist, though it was   children's art, folk imagery, epithets, street
           India, the Far East and of the Americas. The   more symbolist than the French school. Then   language, words out of context, eroticism,
           framework of events through which the present   while doing military service, probably 1910-  archaism, invented words and `trans-rational'
           was shown to grow from the past owed much   1911,1  he spent winter months in the Moscow   language (`zaum') typify the poetry and
           also to the mid-nineteenth-century science of   Kremlin and the summer in a field camp, and his   manifestoes of 1912-14. Though painting was
           anthropology. Restoration of ethnic and   subject of soldiers dates from about this time,   ahead of poetry generally, the two arts were
           national styles in the nineteenth century, that   marking the beginning of his primitivism.2    closely integrated and Larionov, Goncharova
           stimulated Catalan poetry in Barcelona and the   Some of his work of 1907-12, the years of   and others illustrated poems and combined the
           Celtic revival in Britain, corresponded to the   transition from western European styles,   two media. Igra v Adu (A Game in Hell)
           return to Slavic sources in late nineteenth-  resembles Matisse but more especially the   appeared in 1912 illustrated by Goncharova and
           century Russia, which led to the early    German expressionists in their colour, crude   it was republished in 1913 and illustrated by
           twentieth-century primitivism in literature and   line and subjects of bourgeois and street life   Rozanova and Malevich. About the same time
           painting derived from Russian folk art.   such as Walk in a Provincial Town (c. 1907-8)   Starinnaya Lyubov (Old Time Love)
             By 1910 Larionov and Goncharova introduced    and Evening after the Rain (c. 19o8). This    appeared, illustrated mostly by Larionov. The

                                                  3 M. Larionov                5  M. Larionov               6 M. Larionov
                                                  Soldier on a Horse c. 1908-1r   The Hairdresser 1907      Summer 1912
                                                  Tate Gallery, London         Coll. Mme M. Larionov, Paris   COIL Mme M. Larionov, Paris
                                                  4 K. Malevich                                             7 Picasso
                                                  The Bather                                                Carafe and three bowls 1907
                                                  Coll. Gemeente Museum,
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