Page 39 - Studio International - September 1973
P. 39



           and the open


           Stephen Bann

                                                     Two pages from Izaak Walton The Complete Angler
                                                     (Nineteenth-century facsimile of original edition)

           I                                         obviously impure context of the book      of Charles Peirce. Thus, on p. 177 we have a
           The strategy of this article represents an   illustration and the second pair being 'works of   modulation from the conventional and
           attempt to expose some of the polarities which   art' of almost diametrically opposed types : a   symbolic medium of typography to the iconic
           arise in the semiological analysis of the 'visual'   topographical etching and an 'environmental'   engraving of the fish. On p. 172 the
          sign, and to show how they may possibly be   project in the constructivist tradition.   typographical medium incorporates the purely
           reconciled. In the first place, there is the   Although I make no apologies for this   indexical sign representing the 'small piece of
           tension that arises from the need to use concepts   strategic choice of material, I would like to   Scarlet about this bigness'.
           that are univocal or universally applicable, and   emphasize from the start the peculiar aptness   What I wish to emphasize at this point is not
           yet simultaneously to acknowledge the     of a semiological approach in cases where, as   simply the presence of the three different types
           paramount importance of what Michel Foucault   with the book illustration, we are apt to overlook   of sign within the single sequence, but the
           has called the episteme of an epoch: the   the specific problems of interpretation, or   harmonious compatibility of these three types.
           characteristic way in which signs are related   indeed to suppose that they are unworthy of   The emblem of the fish is inserted within the
           and distributed at that particular historical   close attention. Such an approach can be   flow of discourse without even a break in the
           stage. In the second place, there is the ambiguity   invaluable in inducing what might be called a   sentence. As an iconic sign, it represents that
           that arises from the status of 'visual' sign itself.   creative disorientation, that is to say a state in   particular variety of fish in terms of its specific
           Obviously the individual painting — much less   which the perception of discontinuities is   differences from the other fishes illustrated in the
           the pictorial 'masterpiece' — is not the only unit,   facilitated by the explicit use of   manual : in other words, as a term in a paradigm.
           or necessarily the most significant unit, for   pre-established categories. There can scarcely   Even the indexical sign, which departs from the
           semiological analysis. In the argument which   be any work which would appear less   typographic and the paradigmatic sequences in
           follows, the examples used to illustrate the   problematic than Izaak Walton's The Complete   being an exact and purposeful imitation, is at the
           critical trajectory are chosen deliberately   Angler, anything which would appear less   same time accommodated within the linear
           because of the ways in which they bear upon   transparent, as it were, to criticism.   sequence. We might redefine the point by saying
           this problematic. They belong — or so it will be   Nevertheless, from a semiological point of   that the opposition between the conventional
           argued — to three different systems of signs, to   view, Walton's work is accessible to analysis.   and the natural, between the coded message and
           three successive epistemes. At the same time,   It would seem to me, in effect, to offer a   the real world (or between theory and practice),
           they are dissimilar in kind, the first two   fascinating paradigm of a total semiological   is implicit: 'this Tench' draws our attention to a
           examples being taken indeed from the      system, in terms of the tripartite classification    recognizable image of the fish, 'this bigness'
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