Page 40 - Studio International - September 1973
P. 40

Two pages from Sheridan Le Fanu
                                                    The Watcher in A Chronicle of Golden Friars
                                                    (First edition 1896)

        to a notation of immediate and practical   bound to one another only through their   relationship caption/image (and by implication,
        utility. But in no sense does this passage or   mutual relations to the 'reality' lying outside the   text/image) : here, we move from one type of sign
        modulation rupture the web of discourse. This   text. If we press examination of these pages a   to another as from the less to the more real.
        is perhaps analogous to the point made by   little further, we can see that these relations to   It will be apparent that the two examples
        Foucault, in Les mots et les choses, that, in the   `reality' are determined by quite different   which I have used differ precisely in the
        classic episteme, there is 'no opposition between   constraints in the cases of text and image. The   problem of the relationship of the sign to
        the "arbitrary" and the "natural" except if one   most prominent device in the text is the   reality; and that is to say, in the problem of
       wishes to designate the manner in which the   variation of tenses, from pluperfect to past   subordination between the natural and the
        signs have been established' (p. 76). It also   historic, and finally to present historic:   artificial sign. The presence of subordination is
        recalls his general statement that : 'In the   `Many restless toings-and-froings had there   the direct result of the positing of a reality
        classical age, to make use of signs is not, as in   been. It was now within an hour of sunset, and   beyond the sign (consistent with Tzvetan
        the preceding centuries, to try and rediscover   she hears a whistle and she guesses who is   Todorov's judgment that the 'nineteenth
       beneath them the primitive text of a discourse   coming. She advances....'           century lived . . . in a metaphysic of the real and
       exercised and retained in perpetuity; it is a   The intention of realism is here perceptible   the imaginary'). Conversely, the lack of such
        matter of trying to discover the arbitrary   in the controlled use of variations in tense,   subordination within the system of signs
       language which will authorize the deployment   which allows the author to achieve a pitch of   indicates the lack of such a belief in a hidden or
        of nature in its space ...' (p. 77). The   immediacy and intensity. In the case of the   unattainable 'reality'.
       antithesis will become clearer, I imagine, if we   illustration, however, the caption reverts to the
       contrast the page openings from The Complete   past tense: 'A little black-eyed boy came   II
        Angler with one from Sheridan Le Fanu's 'The   running up the road'. Outside the system of   Having tested certain semiological concepts on
       Watcher', published in A Chronicle of Golden   controlled variations within the text, we might   this unfamiliar material, I should like to pass
        Friars (1896). In this second example, the   say, the use of the present historic has no   to more promising ground. John Sell Cotman's
       full-page illustration facing the text indicates   relevance. It is the image itself— the natural sign   Abbey Church of the Holy Trinity at Caen is a
       not simply an iconic variant in the flow of   identified by the caption — which achieves the   detached plate from the artist's series of
       discourse but a parallel system of meaning : in   immediacy of an approach to the real. In other   Architectural Antiquities of Normandy
        Foucault's terms, the arbitrary and the natural   words, the relationship past/present historic is   (published 1822). It depicts, as will be obvious,
       sign are programmatically opposed, and are   reflected on the right-hand page in the    the crypt of the Abbey Church. But it also

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