Page 38 - Studio International - September 1973
P. 38

Polynesian, and pre-Columbian Mexican art as   becomes clear that the pure body of language,   work, the main body of which in now in the
        well as by contemporary sign boards. It was in   sound of the alphabet, is the name of various   National Gallery of Georgia at Tiflis.
        1913 that the Hylaeans became known as    forms in space, the renumeration of the cases of   One cycle of his pictures includes picturesque
        cubo-futurists and henceforth any avant-  its life.'4                                and familiar types from old Tiflis, such as The
        garde art form tended to be associated with   He took various Russian words beginning   Cook, Moucha and his Barrel and the Hurdy-
        Futurism.                                 with L to show that these words correspond to   Gurdy Player. Some of these are reminiscent of
          It was also in 1913 in Moscow that the   his geometric formula :                   Soutine.
        15-page pamphlet written by Khlebnikov and   L - passage from the quantity of height,   He also painted a series of animals including
        Kruchenykh Slovo kak takovoe (The Word    coinciding with the axe of movement, to the   camels and a giraffe, though he never left
        as Such) appeared, illustrated by Malevich and   quantity of width, transversal to the trajectory of   Georgia. These pictures are similar to
        Olga Rozanova, being a mixture of manifesto   movement.                              earthenware statues with which Georgian
        and verse. The declaration derided poetry from   Though James Joyce was attempting similar   peasants decorate their houses. Others are
        Pushkin to the symbolists and stated that as   experiments, the Italian futurists were   inspired by Georgian poets. Like Henri
        thought and speech cannot catch up with the   declaiming 'Parole in Liberta', simultaneous   Rousseau, his subjects include exotic scenes
        experience of inspiration the artist is free to   poets in Paris and dadaists in various centres   such as The Hunt in India, probably inspired in
        express himself in common language, private   were to experiment in ways that were similar to   both artists by Persian or Indian miniatures.
        language and language that does not have a   those of Khlebnikov, none attempted to   By comparison Rousseau's primitivism appears
        definite meaning, that is transrational (zaum).   penetrate the material world as much as the   over-nice and Parisian whereas
          Khlebnikov had studied painting in 1912 and   Russians. In his poem Swan published in 1910   Pirosmanashvili's work is nearer to the tradition
        made collages and free word zaumist pictures.   Khlebnikov describes the revolt of objects   of the lubok and the unsophisticated paint
        At that time poets were concerned with noting   against man: 'Man is the prisoner of the   marks that the Russian avant garde admired.
        the words of popular and folk songs. Goriely3    objects'. Khlebnikov tended to equate his   As a painting support he generally used
        describes how in Kharkov, at the corners of the   poetry to plastic qualities rather than to music,   black waxed canvas on to which he traced the
        street, the blind `bandouristes' sang popular   as did the Russian symbolists. Though part of   contours of his subject. Then he painted the
        songs and accompanied themselves on old   one of his transrational poems suggests both :   light parts in white, pinks and pale blues, usually
                                                                  lips sang
        stringed instruments. These singers were   BOBEOBI 	finishing the picture in one sitting.
                                                                  looks sang
        surrounded by intellectuals who noted down   VEOMI  	                                  Meyerhold was concerned to revive a
                                                                  eyebrows sang
        every word of their forgotten poems. Amid such   PIEED  	                            primitive spirit of the stage. He introduced this
        a group of four or five persons with long hair,   LIEEEI  	smiles sang               tradition in 1910 when he produced Moliere's
        dressed in yellow and violet trousers with their   GSI-GSI-GSEO sang the chain.5     Don Juan and wrote that the academic theatre
        faces painted geometrically in triangles and in   In general the difference between Khlebnikov's   of the Renaissance, unable to make use of the
        blue or red squares one would find Khlebnikov.   experiments and those of the west was his wish   greatly extended forestage, removed the actor
          Khlebnikov went further than Biely and   to go to the primitive source both in nature and   to a respectable distance from the public.
        Balmont in his interest in irrational language.   in his intuitive analysis of language, and to go   Similar to the arena of a circus, pressed on all
        He enquired into charms and conjurations of   beyond the physical to a spiritual reality.   sides by a ring of spectators, the forestage is
        language of magic, the sacred languages of   As well as having a cultural significance for   brought near the public by Meyerhold so that
        paganism, irrational language of popular speech,   Russian artists some considered primitivism to   not one gesture, not one movement, not one
        asiatic poetry, prehistoric and primitive   have a social meaning:                   glimpse of the actor should be lost in the dust of
        languages. In Zangesi Khlebnikov accounted   `Goncharov and I worked more on a peasant   the backstage....6
        for seven levels of words : I) recording of sound   level. Every work of ours had a content which,   Meyerhold led the revolt against the position
        language of birds; 2) language of the gods;   although expressed in primitive form, revealed   of realism and naturalism in the theatre.
        3) stellar language; 4) zaum language - level of   a social concern. This was the basic difference   Tairov expressed emotion by means of careful
        thought; 5) decomposition of the word;    between us and the Knave of Diamonds Group   co-ordination of simplified movement, colour
        6) phonetic recording; 7) mad language.   which was working in the time of Cézanne.'   and sound and Evreinov went to the extreme
          Khlebnikov tried to discover the mother   The expressive touches of Vrubel's work had   of simplification:
        language in the vocabulary of sorcerers,   been transformed into rayonnism by Larionov.   `When I utter the word theatre, the first idea
        magicians and shamans. As an ornithologist, in   Ancient Russia had been revived before 1900   that comes into my mind is a child or a savage
        his youth he had published scientific works on   through historical research but merely in a   and all that is peculiarly creative in their
        `Symbiosis and Metabiosis' but his interests   change of subject matter. The movement   transforming will. They are not grasping this
        extended to the alchemy and the ritual language   attempting to effect a return to the village during   world .. .. . but they are replacing it with a freely
        of primitive Siberian peoples.            the last half of the nineteenth century possessed   invented world .. .. . the attraction towards a
          Zaum appears to have been only one of   a political nuance - narodnichestva (all for the   mask as the covering of the real I's'.7
        Khlebnikov's experimental uses of language.   people and by the people) and it was from that   Primitivism with 2 special interest in its
        Stellar language is an alphabet of concepts   source that the socialist revolutionary party   simplifying forms and revelation of inner
        translated by him into geometric terms. Tatlin   emerged.                           spiritual life decided the course for some of the
        staged Khlebnikov's Zangesi in 1923 at the   The first exhibition of the 'Donkey's Tail'   most radical innovations in the arts this
        Museum of Artistic Culture in Moscow      group included work by the Georgian        century. ..
        presenting the alphabet of concepts in graphic   self-taught artist and sign painter Niko
        and geometric form:                       Pirosmanashvili (1862-1918) encouraged mainly   1See Vladmir Markov, Russian Futurism. Also Peter
        3 - rotation of one point around another   by Larionov. He painted pre-revolutionary   Vergo 'A note on the chronology of Larionov's
                                                                                             early work' Burlington Magazine CXIV , 832, July
        H - closed curve                           Georgian subjects, landscapes, village traditions,   1972.
        L - fall of the ray on the hard surface   animals, village beauties, people of all   'See Camilla Gray, Russian Art.
        M - decomposition of a determinate         professions and especially gatherings of   'Benjamin Goriely, Les pates dans la revolution russe,
                                                                                             (Gallimard, Paris,  1934) PP.
            quality into an infinitesimal quality   drinkers sitting at a table. He had a difficult life   °Ibid. pp. 25-26.
        N - absence of points, clear field.        but taught himself sign painting and travelled   °Quoted Ibid. p. 185.
        Khlebnikov concluded:                      about from village to village. In 1922 the poet   °Quoted in Oliver M. Sayler, The Russian Theatre
                                                                                             (London 1923) pp. 209-21o.
        `Thus from our point of view as thinkers, it    I. Zdanevich and others began to collect his    'Quoted Ibid. p. 259.
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