Page 13 - Studio International - April 1974
P. 13

Derby and others, then critically, in Blake and   should add that the existence of such systems   have one thing in common - the craftsman does
      others. Yet since visual art in the nineteenth   depends entirely upon normalizations of   not seek to vary his units in order to develop
      century was largely devoted to the imitation of   behaviour, that is to say they're created and   variety, although a craftsman will interpret the
      the world of appearances this is precisely what   changed only by their individual members.   design according to his skills and workmanship,
      we'd expect. If the factories are there, depict   The three art systems that are here relevant   he seeks to maintain or improve the quality of
      them; if the factories produce, in Marx's   to our considerations are first, the craft or guild   his sequence as a whole.
      phrase, 'new fangled men' depict them too.   system, second, the fine-art system, or art   In contradistinction to craft sequences,
      Klingender reduces the problem of art and   system in the special sense, and third, the   fine-art sequences are not produced with the
      industry to an iconographic problem; to a level   industrial system considered not as an economic   intention of maintaining or improving the
      of discourse similar, say, to the place ofthe image   system but as an art system in the general sense   quality of a sequence-as-a-whole. The quality
      of the sovereign state in baroque art.    as in the usages, industrial art, art manufactures   of fine-art sequences may indeed be
        Certainly the new images of industry are   and so forth.                           maintained and improved by the fine-art
      fascinating. But the heart of the problem   Now since all production is by its nature a   process of production, but this is not the
      doesn't, surely, lie there. It lies, I would   sequential process, one way to distinguish these   intention of the artist - in the special sense.
      suggest, in the scope that we're prepared to give   three systems from one another would be to   His intention is to achieve excellence in the
      the subject: for industry has not only been   consider the ways in which the units (the works   unit rather than maintain excellence in the
      imaged by art, it has influenced art and   of art of each system) are produced and how   sequence. In consequence fine-art sequences
      influenced our ideas of art, and produced its   they're linked within their respective   vary much more widely from unit to unit than
      own arts, such as film. In order to confront our   sequences of production.1         craft sequences. For the artist rejects the
      subject, therefore, we have need of a broad and   Consider the craft system. The craftsman   craftsman's method of replicating from a single
      generous definition of art that will embrace at   reveals his skill in reproducing an artifact from   design or prototype. Although the artist makes
      least two of its most powerful historical   a prototype by direct imitation. He follows and   use of skill in the production of his units - and
      connotations : art in the general sense as skill,   interprets the design or prototype that is before   there is an element (perhaps ineliminable) of
      and art in the special sense as style. We need a   him. Since human skill is not, as Ruskin   skill in all fine art - he rejects skill as the
      generous definition of art in order to allow all   significantly pointed out, perfect, the   principle by which units are linked. He
      man-made objects to be entered in what might   craftsman's units may differ from their   replaces skill by style. Style, though it contains
      be called the big art competition. This surely   prototype. We might describe this possible   elements of repetition and imitation, rejects
      is a common-sense view. I doubt whether many   range of imperfection or variation as the   replication from a single prototype. In order to
      of us would be prepared today to withhold the   craftsman's skill variable.         move from a craft sequence to an art sequence
     term 'work of art' from even the most        Crafts sequences may be distinguished   the craftsman-turned-fine-artist must learn to
      utilitarian object if we found it to possess   according to their mode of employment of the   employ what we might call, for the sake of this
      colours, textures and formal relations which   prototype. If the same prototype is used in the   discussion, plural prototypes. Whereas the
      delight or intrigue us. Such a definition makes   production of a sequence each unit will be as   craftsman seeks to maintain excellence in a craft
      it possible for us to include in our discussion   like the prototype as the craftsman can make it,   sequence by employing one prototype in the
      not only the 'ready-mades' of Marcel Duchamp   variations being limited to the limits of the skill   production of each of his units, the artist - in the
      but also works by the anonymous artists who   variable. In such sequences, assuming the   special sense - seeks to achieve excellence by the
      made Marcel Duchamp's 'ready-mades'.      craftsman's skill to be constant, the last unit of   employment of at least two and often many
       My dissatisfaction with movement models and   a sequence will not differ from the first by, at   prototypes in the production of one unit of a
      Marxian models has led me to seek an      most, the limit of the skill variable. We might   sequence.
     alternative. Although the model that I shall   call such a sequence a static sequence, because   This ability of the artist, as distinct from the
      now describe may be said to be sociological, I   the sequential process of production does not   craftsman, enables him to invent a method of
      am less interested in its sociological implications,   increase the difference between the prototype   procedure by means of plural prototypes which
      as explanatory of social structure, than in its   and each succeeding unit.         gives to each of his units a variety one from
      potential value for providing a balanced and   A craftsman may, however, adopt the practice   another, and a linkage only by participation in
      adequate account of art and the industrial   of using each unit of a sequence as the   the artist's style. Failure to achieve a personal
      society.                                  prototype for the next unit. In this case   synthesis by means of the use of plural
       The model or conceptual framework that I   variations produced by the skill variable will be   prototypes might be described as an eclectic
      propose for an historical account of the subject   compounded by the production process. Since   style, success as a mature style.
      posits the presence in England since the mid-  this method bears a resemblance to an organic   An artist - in the special sense - may
      eighteenth century and in most, if not all,   process of multiplication we might by analogy   pluralize prototypes in various ways. He might
      advanced industrial countries since the   describe it as an organic craft sequence.   symbolize, i.e. take an object and imagine it to
      nineteenth century, of two distinguishable and   In both static and organic sequences the Craft   be something else which is or was, or is not nor
      interacting art systems in the general sense.   variable is, however, not consciously introduced   never was, in the world. Here the prototype is
      Since the term 'art system' is not, to my   into the production process, it is simply given   transformed into art by conflating it or
      knowledge, much in use among art historians,   as a characteristic of human skill. But a third   identifying it with an image in the mind. The
      let me explain. By art system I'm here    move is still available to the craftsman as   identification between prototypical object and
      referring to associated groups of professional   craftsman. In copying his prototype he may   image does not have to be complete for th   of
      people who are concerned with the production,   become aware of an accident or mistake which   transfigured prototype to function as a work
      interpretation and distribution of works of art.   pleases him and which he decides to incorporate   art. But awareness of an apparent difference
      An art system, it seems to me, develops from   into the production process, by using the   between the 'look' of the physical prototype
      and maintains its historical continuity by means   affected unit as his new prototype. That is to   and the 'look' of the envisaged image, by which
      of, the participation in and contribution of its   say he becomes aware of the possibility of   it has been transfigured, may cause the artist
      members to a more or less coherent set of   making use of his skill variable. Since this bears   to make a second move, and to fashion his art
      beliefs, values, dispositions and expectations.   an analogy to an evolutionary process we might   from the kind of comparative activity which
      In consistency with these coherences the system   by analogy describe it as a mutational craft   Gombrich has described as making and
      evolves specialized components which often   sequence.                              matching. Or yet again he might take one or
      develop institutionalized forms. Perhaps I    The craft sequences we have discussed all   more works by other artists and match them
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