Page 15 - Studio International - April 1974
P. 15

plural prototypes, some drawn from the mind,   I've suggested that components of an art   from the time it enters the art system and trace
       some from nature, and some from other art, the   system evaluate according to their functioning.   its contacts with various components of the
        preservation of the art unit leads by association   The practising artist may value past and present   system with regard to the records it produces in
        increasingly towards claims for the preservation   achievement in a condition of inspiration or   its path through the system. It is this path of
        of its sources and prototypes. Thus the   heightened enthusiasm, or whatever, that is   units through the system which, more than
        production of each new work of art (in the   conducive to personal invention.       perhaps anything else, calls the components
       special sense) leads to the emergence of an   Archaeologists, historians and critics evaluate   into functional interaction.
       increasingly complex and functionally-     within the contexts of their respective     I want to turn now to a consideration of the
        interrelated structure of art works, sources and   disciplines; dealers and auction houses evaluate   industrial system. But first a few comments on
        prototypes, in the form of heritage.2     in terms of the contemporary art market. But all   the pre-industrial situation. Prior to the
         Around this structure there has developed   these values, it seems to me, are mediated by   Industrial Revolution most works of art were
       a system of supporting components by which   what we might describe as the interacting   handicrafted in the workshops of craftsmen or
       the fine-art mode of production functions in   beliefs and values of the art system as a whole.   of artists under the aegis of guilds or academies.
       society. Among these components may be noted   If this is so values are acquired by individual   Despite conflict on social and economic matters
       an educational component which transmits   works of art by a process of accretion and   the guilds and academies usually succeeded in
       beliefs, attitudes and methods not without   mediation. Works of art are subject, of course,   establishing a modus vivendi based on the ideal
       modification, from one generation to another; a   in the market, to the general economic factors   of the handicrafted masterpiece. The difference
       group of intellectual disciplines and techniques,   which affect the market at large. But the value   between the craft masterpiece and the art
       such as archaeology, anthropology,         of a work of art qua art is not determined solely   masterpiece is, however, as we have already
       connoisseurship, art history and art criticism,   by its competitive market relationship with   seen, not only a matter of status. It resides in
       by means of which the quality of past      products which are desired for utilitarian   the distinctive modes of sequential production
       achievement is recovered and valued; a group   reasons. It is determined by the resolution   employed by the craftsman and by the artist.
       of public and private institutions such as   within the art system, by interaction and   The artist's mode of differential production
       museums and galleries where works of art are   mediation, of the values it has acquired in   flourished mainly in what we might call the
       stored, conserved and made public; a series of   contact with component parts of the system   academic triad of the visual arts : architecture,
        techniques, such as engraving, by means of   during its effective 'life' or duration within the   sculpture and painting. Theoretically, there is
       which works of art are made available by   system, and in competition with other art works   no reason why the differential mode might not
       reproduction; and commercial organizations   in the system.                          be applied to the minor arts, such as tapestry,
       such as art dealers and auction houses, by   In order to assess some of the ways by which   ceramics, carpentry and joinery, etc: and of
       means of which, in a monetary economy, works   the fine-art system functions coherently we   course it quite often was. It is well to remember
       of art are normally transferred from one owner   might devise some empirical tests. I shall   that empirically there is always something of the
       to another.                                outline three: the education, the institution,   artist in the craftsman; and that in the best
         These components interpret, modify and   and the art-language test.                artists there is often much of the craftsman.
       elaborate the central beliefs and values of the   The education test. A child discovers a   Nevertheless in the minor arts the fine art mode
       system according to modes appropriate to their   talent for drawing at school and is enrolled in   of differential production did not become the
       functioning. For the beliefs and values of the   an art school only to find that artistic production   typical mode. The reason, doubtless, is in part
       system are not maintained with a doctrinal   is not for him or for her. Yet the world of art   economic. Compared with the craft mode, unit
       rigidity; although the hypostatization of belief   continues to hold an attraction. In the logic of   for unit, the fine art mode of production
       may occur in specific instances as in the case of   the situation such a person, endeavours to find   requires more time and more experience. The
       some academies of art. In normal practice,   a niche in the system according to talent,   patrons of the academic triad of arts were able
       however, the beliefs and values of the system   disposition, expectancy. Even in cases where   and willing to pay for the extra cost in time,
       are subject to revision by means of disputation,   the components of the system have developed   experience and materials that the fine-art mode
       elaboration and changes of taste, as a result of   their own educational institutions a considerable   of production required whereas the patrons of
       contact with component parts of the art system   movement of students within the art system as   the minor arts were not. For useful objects the
       and also with external factors which may act   a whole may still be found. To a considerable   craft mode sufficed. There may be a sociological
       both upon the components and upon the system   degree the fine-art system is educationally a   reason also. Traditionally architecture,
       as a whole.                                functionally complementary world.         sculpture and painting developed as the arts by
         Now you might well ask, to what extent can   The institution test. Fully-developed fine-art   means of which tribes, churches and states
       such a system be shown to be coherent and   systems tend to function in cities large enough   sought to consciously express their corporate
       functional and not a mere congeries of loosely   to sustain heterogeneous professional   beliefs and values. Perhaps it is to be expected
       related activities ? To answer that I would ask   populations. Components of a system tend to be   that conscious individual expression should
       you first to reflect upon the ways in which the   urban-based, even when the influence of the   first appear in those arts where conscious
       components of the system are drawn into play   system is national or international in its range.   corporate expression had long been the rule.
       by what we might describe as a typical act   An historical investigation as to the ways by   During the Industrial Revolution a major
       within the system. This takes place whenever   which the establishment of one institutionalized   shift occurred in the proportion of human talent
       an artist, influenced by another work of art,   component stimulates the establishment of   devoted to the production of craft, fine art,
       proceeds to produce a work of his own and then   another such component would be of interest,   and machine sequences of production. During
       sells, exchanges or gives it away. Consider how   as would the pattern of temporal succession or   an unprecedented period of history, two or
       many components of the system are drawn into   geographical dispersion of such components.   three generations of craftsmen-turned-
       play up to that point. Later the work may   In universities, for example, an endowment   engineers, often stimulated by scientists,
       change hands, get lost, be found again. Unless   which results in the establishment of one   developed a passionate enthusiasm for
       it is destroyed it will go on calling components   component of the system, a gallery say,   inventing machines. Mechanical invention, of
       of the system into activity; and even if it is   stimulates a demand for the establishment of   course, possesses a venerable history. It was not
       destroyed it will continue if it has influenced   associated components.             the novelty but the intensity with which the
       existing works to go on setting up echoes in the   The art-language test. I have mentioned   passion for mechanical invention swept
       system, especially if it has left a few material   something similar to this earlier. One might   Britain in the eighteenth and nineteenth
       traces.                                    take, as one does for other reasons, a work of art    centuries that is remarkable.
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