Page 30 - Studio-International-January-1974
P. 30
these are living — aye, starving — in cottages, in aspects, ranging from the relationship of `Naturalistic Photography' appeared,
huts or boathouses studying nature, painting photography with the other visual arts to the particularly over Emerson's understanding of
her truly not for the picture's sake only, but techniques necessary to reproduce correctly a the imitation of nature's effects on the eye.
because they love her . . . by photography can be true impression of nature. He began work on Searching for a scientific foundation on which
expressed more truthfully and beautifully the `Naturalistic Photography' in 1888 and it was to build his understanding and appreciation,
beauties of nature than any other black and published the following year. Its effect was Emerson had come upon a theory of vision and
white process — the drawing of the lens is astounding; in stressing the virtues of a straight- perception in the writings of Professor Herman
unequalled....' forward and honest approach and von Helmholtz that seemed to lend credence to
Emerson's polemicism roused Robinson and encouraging reality in photography, his own notion that the popular style of
his followers, and arguments began to fill the Emerson swept aside decades of misdirection. photographic recording, although accurate,
photographic press. But despite Emerson's The book offered strong comment against lacked the essential truth of human
comparative popularity, `Pictorialism' Robinson's concepts : 'avoid prettiness — the interpretation. Helmholtz had suggested that
maintained its hold over most photographers word looks much like pettiness and there is there was a lack of peripheral definition in
who felt, at Robinson's instigation, that it was little difference between them.' Do not call human vision and Emerson advised his readers
their duty to 'elevate the subject, to avoid yourself an artist-photographer and make to place the camera lens slightly out of focus
awkward forms and to correct the artist-painters and artist-sculptors laugh; call to approximate this effect. 'Healthy human eyes
unpicturesque'. Feeling that he had to provide yourself a photographer and wait for artists to never saw any part of a scene out of focus' was
more concrete and detailed evidence of his call you brother.' Robinson's outraged reply. However,
beliefs, Emerson decided to write a handbook The opposing factions around Emerson and `Naturalistic Photography' had set the seal on
that would set out his hypothesis in all its Robinson began to argue more fiercely when Emerson's establishment as a leading figure in
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