Page 52 - Studio International - July August 1974
P. 52

D. W. Bolduc
                                               Poet Smokes 197 4
                                              Acrylic on canvas, 78 x 66 in.
                                              Photo: Peter MacCallum

    Modernist conventions makes Graham more                                              format. And for those who were looking, these
    stylistically interesting a painter than other                                       pictures contained some of the most beautifully
    Canadian regionalists such as Dorothy Knowles,                                       sustained and subtle brushing to be seen
    though I do not mean to imply that Knowles is                                        anywhere. They had the kind of intelligence of
    inferior in quality. The regional bias of                                            Motherwell that Bolduc has shown for Olitski.
    Graham's work explicitates Toronto's                                                 But this synthesis seems to have proved too
    unexpected position as a meeting point of style                                      encompassing to let Solomon continue with the
    in North America.                                                                    characteristic armature he had been developing
      The extent to which this situation is reflected                                    through the earlier pictures, because in the past
    in younger painters with ambitions toward                                            year brushed shapes different in hue from the
    major art is best seen right now in David                                            ground colour have reappeared.
    Bolduc's work. His development as a colourist                                          Thus his problem is much like that of
    looks like a textbook example of the problems                                        Bolduc's, but approached from the opposite
    that face the younger North American painter                                         way. He begins with the drawing and seeks to
    today. I think particularly of the work since his                                    introduce colour variety, and in so doing arrives
    last exhibition, which managed to clearly                                            back at the problem of how to successfully
    polarize the problem of getting a variety of                                         compose with colour in a way that is not so
    hues into the picture without separating them                                       planar as to lead him into the stylistic obstacle
    from the drawing.                                                                   both Motherwell and Olitski, among others,
      One set of pictures used shapes and      characteristically as his colour sensibility has   define. Also, Toronto has never fully possessed
    occasionally a bottom division to play off   organized itself. Yet this leads to the questions   wall-size painting and this more than any other
    blended ground colours, usually abutting rather   of options, and that is what interests me here.   factor qualifies the claims a writer makes for
    than being underneath these elements. What   In  apparently discounting regional influences   what he sees here. The problems of painting
    was so good about these pictures was the number   in his ambition toward major art, Bolduc has   newly accustomed to being 'big-attack' are all
    of different hues they successfully worked with,   done in his way what Graham and Bush have   too evident in Toronto even with Bolduc and
    sometimes up to seven, within the context of an   done in theirs, without there being any   Solomon, and it affects the quality of their
    original, characteristic drawing. One left   connotation of a 'school'. In fact, the similarity   work. But the quality is nevertheless there. One
    impressed by the potential range of Bolduc's   is only a broad one of pattern. But it   admires other painters in Toronto for directly
    colour sense even though the format looked too   demonstrates the peculiar position Toronto is in   tackling these problems, but the quality is not
    close to the scale of easel painting to give the   and suggests I think that when aware of   evident enough yet. You do not find the
    colour room enough to develop. The other kind   mainstream style, the modest tradition of   successful picture that stays successful in these
    of picture was organized in Olitski's style but   regional painting one finds in Toronto opens a   ambitious terms other than in Bolduc and
    with fewer colours, usually four, and with less   number of options to the younger painter that   Solomon.
    emphasis on linear drawing near the edge. As   can be seen to potentially align themselves with   In the above I have really just repeated the
    often happens with derivation of this kind some   the most difficult problems facing major art   necessity in general of being yourself. Fichte
    of these pictures were better than the more   today, as Bush demonstrates. Moreover, the   would have called it making yourself. My
    original looking ones I just mentioned. Bolduc   imperatives of Bolduc's painting, which, as I see   suggestion is that right now in North America
    fully exploited his gift for colour blending and   it, is to develop a more characteristic vehicle for   there are stylistic reasons to think that Toronto's
    thus gained the decorative, planar unity of   his colour would seem to be favoured by a   position as a meeting place of regional and
    colour and drawing.                        region whose artistic quality has traditionally   modernist traditions makes it a peculiarly viable
      For subsequent pictures, the lesson of   resided in the markedly individual appeal of a   place to paint and to look for painting. Though
    polarizing his.options this way was learned at   few of its artists. And this says something in   writing about it hardly helps matters in this
    the edges of the second group. I mean, when   general for the development of painting in   regard, the younger painter in Toronto feels
    the colours were blended in the centre of the   Toronto. Daniel Solomon's pictures show what   perhaps less pressured into not being himself
    picture accidents and overlappings occurred at   I mean.                            and yet retains an openness to traditions that
    the edges that threw out the careful colour   Born in the United States, Solomon has   allows him to intelligently make his art what he
    balance of the centre. Therefore, in both types   worked seriously only in Toronto. Until about   wants it to be. x
    of picture Bolduc realized the need for    two years ago his pictures were using mainly   W. NEIL MARSHALL
    separating the colour interaction in all parts.   irregularly poured or stained shapes with a
    And this is what the most successful recent   ground colour either underneath or abutting   1  To name one of Clement Greenberg's many
    paintings do. Blended colour is seen as blended,   them. The success of these pictures and the   accomplishments, especially The John Power Lecture,
                                                                                        `Avant-garde Attitudes', in this context.
    the drawn passages are allowed to freely effect   possible directions they suggested made   2 Principles of Art History, Dover, p. 37.
    these areas precisely, and a broader range of   Solomon's new geometric formats of last year   Jules Olitski, Boston Museum catalogue, 1973, p. I.
    hues can be introduced.                    look like more of a departure than they really   4   The difficulty of defining this quality should make
                                                                                        me cautious in referring to it, but to my mind it
      This led Bolduc to a more defined level of the   were. The poured and stained drawing as well as   flavours Bush's work in much the same way as
    problems today's colourist faces. Perhaps it is   the ground painting had all in fact been brought   English design, or English tastefulness flavours
                                                                                        Caro's sculpture. However, just about no one would
    enough to say that the drawing has yet to   together within the brushwork, the      understand Canadian taste in general, in the sense I
    organize itself more characteristically, as   monochrome armature, of the new geometric    mean here, outside Canada.
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