Page 57 - Studio International - July August 1974
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approximating another geometrical   Society in Stuttgart to continue its   Groningen. With texts— often a kind   difference between the photographic
       ideal, a plane. The resulting piece is a   journey to Cologne. It is an   of diary — photographs and diagrams   and the painted image. As a result
       record of how the material interfered   exhibition of art by prisoners, called   he documents what goes on in and   conflicting styles are brought
       with the artist's effort to make a   'Art in the Nick'. There are about 350   around his house : stages in the   together in the paintings and
       perfect cut. What he got were two   works, chosen from 1,500 sent in by   process of growing certain vegetables,   comments on famous paintings and/
       interlocking pieces of foam rubber   prisoners. Beside a lot of imitations   the pedigree of a geranium, or the   or photographic images are
        whose inside surfaces have been   and copies, one finds pictures and   dead animals (cats, birds, mostly rats)   formulated.
       marked, indeed shaped, by a rough   sketches that give an insight into the   he finds run over by cars on the roads   Of the four artists who are showing
        pattern of knife-strokes. Here nothing   psyche of the artists. Released   near his house. Sjoerd Buisman   at the Serpentine Gallery, London,
        has been thrown away, all the original   prisoners are reconvicted at a rate of   documents his own intervention with   from 23 August (Cornelius Rogge,
       material remains, attesting to the   eighty per cent, which is an   nature— like the planting of a willow   Rudi and Jochum Van de Wint, Jules
        possibility of making the sculpture   indication of how little   upside down. Natural and unnatural   de Goede and Douwe Jan Bakker)
       disappear by putting it back together.   rehabilitation there is in Germany.   situations are created and   Douwe Jan Bakker is perhaps the
        The point of the work seems to be   This is hinted at by the exhibition,   photographed or filmed by Mari   most interesting.
        that nothing mysterious comes into   which has been heavily criticized   Boeyen ; for examplefour photographs   Like many of his contemporaries
        being with the making of it or would   throughout the whole country.   of the shape his hair takes when   he is interested in man-made objects,
        disappear with the unmaking of it.   Another thing that's moving close   blown by the wind from four different   but more than most other artists his
       Kenneth Baker                  to art and important enough to be   directions, or a film of two drinking   interest focuses on the way these
                                      museum-worthy is the German   glasses on a table, one of them slowly   objects function. Tools are made for a
        Germany                       Playing Cards Museum which has   melting away. Cultural phenomena   specific purpose. By using them, we
                                                                                                   function according to an existing
                                                                    are the object of the projects realized
                                      opened in the city of Leinfelden near
        In Berlin one never knows where   Stuttgart. It is considered unique by   by Lex Wechgelaar and Wim Gijzen.   model of society, Douwe Jan Bakker
        irony ends and sincerity begins. That   the international Playing Card   They present their projects with an   makes tools which can only function
        one has to help oneself away from   Society, and holds a very valuable   almost bureaucratic precision and   in the art world, because they are
        the grant-aided 'art world' has been   collection. In the new building there               'useless' according to society.
        known for a long time by many   are 10,000 historic card games,                            Nevertheless they are made for
        young Berlin painters. They are   old card-presses, counting machines                      people to handle, and handling them
        helping themselves now with a   and other curiosities.                                     to become aware of other possibilities
        remarkable undertaking          While Klaus Gallwitz in Baden-                             of behaviour and of functioning. He
        courageously named 'First Berlin   Baden gives his last exhibition of                      has devised strange costumes,
        Biennale 74'. The ten artists who   work by Almut Heise, his successor                     walking and playing machines and
        have gathered together this very   Hans Albert Peters is showing                           disguises; they make clear to what
        strange exhibition in a new building   sketches by Romane Holderried                       extent our behaviour is defined by
        in the Budapesterstrasse, do not want   Kaesdorf, thus introducing himself as              existing forms. The original
        to compete with Venice; they use   director in a very cheerful way.                        relationship between those forms
        the word Biennale as a parody but   Kaesdorf is a relatively unknown                       and our needs or the needs of a
        they don't participate irresponsibly ;   artist, except amongst the                        society geared to production is rarely
        every one of them has a good   cognoscenti. She captures the odd                           realized. The tools point to other
        reputation in the German      and silly manners of people,                                 possibilities of behaviour, to a new
        contemporary art world and nobody   sketching in a brittle, cramped way.                   freedom. The same applies to his
        wants to risk his name. They have   Nothing is tasteful, everything is                     recent research into language. Words
        formed a loose cooperative to enable   harsh : like Eulenspiegel being taken               are abstractions, language is a
        them to develop their plan. The DM   seriously. Almut Heise, born 1944,   Robert van Koningsbruggen Untitled   system of conventions. When we
        7,000 cost was found by each artist   who suddenly became famous five                      want to express ourselves in
        giving thirty sketches to be sold, and   years ago, gives her Realism free   completeness. E. G. Wechgelaar   language we are tied to fixed
        because each one of them, from   range as she paints the interiors of   shows full documentation — letters to   abstractions, which limit our
        Hermann Albert to Jurgen Waller,   the fifties : German comfort and   authorities, maps and photographs—  possibilities. The awareness for
        from Kaminski to Koberling, from   cleanliness is carefully portrayed, with   on the realization of his 'modern ruin' :   instance of the material aspects of the
        Paul Uwe Dreyer to Gerd van   the Kandinsky print over the beds, the   one vertical and two horizontal   objects described by words is often
        Dülmen, from Markus Lüpertz to   heavy abstract curtains on the   concrete piles, which indicate the   lost. Bakker is looking into the
        Eugen Schönebeck, is a good painter,   windows. She says she experienced   height, width and length of the units   possibilities of a different language
        the thirty folders of ten sheets each   it like that as a child. Now she is older   of a modern flat building. They are   system. For more than three years now
        sold out on the opening day. Each   and cannot get rid of it. Painting like   firmly planted on an open space   he has been constructing his
        folder cost DM 2,500, so all the   this can keep a trauma alive.   between modern apartment buildings   'pronounceables' : small, wooden
        expenses were covered and the   Finally, a lot of German galleries   at Maastricht. With the same   objects, in series, which should be
        thick book-form catalogue     made great preparations for the Art   accuracy Wim Gijzen photographed   'handled' by the mouth. Instead of
        financed. This typifies the Berliner's   Fair in Basel, where they expected   all the streets with the same name in   pronouncing words, you take one
        attitude : everything is      good business.                 two different cities (Amsterdam and   object after the other in your mouth.
        unaccountable, but sometimes it   Günther Wirth              Rotterdam) and aspects of his visits   Some series are figurative : a violin, an
        works like clockwork.                                        to all the 675 municipalities of   ear, a piece of bread, a staircase a
         The exhibition is not very   Holland                        Holland (this project kept him busy for   house, a table, a chair, a window, an
        exciting but it is interesting. It had a                     more than two years). Pieter Engels   eye ; others have abstract forms that
        lot of press coverage and all Berlin   Some young Dutch artists will be   also occupies himself with our   are difficult to describe (a series of
        attended. Paul U Dreyer, the Berlin   visiting England in August; their work   present-day culture by making neo-  these is reproduced above). The
        constructivist, whom I met a few days   will be on show in London and   dadaistic useless objects and   objects are painted in different
        ago in the Academy of Art in   Edinburgh. The work of the eleven   environments, all meticulously   colours, which suggest relations
        Stuttgart, where he is a professor of   artists, exhibiting at the Fruitmarket in   executed and beautifully polished.   between the different
        painting, told me that the Berlin   Edinburgh from 17 August onwards,   This is in strong contrast with the   'pronounceables'. For carrying a
        Biennale would appear every two   gives a fairly good idea of what is   environments of d'Armagnac and   series around with you the artist
        years in the future, to encourage   presently going on in Holland.   Dekker, who show the more sordid   has constructed a beautifully
        artistic self-help and as an example   The work of Rob van   and unfinished situations in our   finished case. More analogous to the
        of how to manage without state aid.   Koningsbruggen, Jan Hoving and   culture.            written or spoken language than
        The ten artists want to remain   Paul van Dijk investigates more or   Rudy and Jochum (Van de Wint),   traditional painting, these 236
        together, but it would be very   less intuitively the properties of the   'The Painters', as he calls himself   'pronounceables' literally form a
        uncharacteristic if no row were to   materials they use : canvas and paint,   following Gilbert and George.   'pictorial language'. Bakker explores
        occur in the two years.       paper and pencil, paper and the   Splitting himself into two is directly   the field between visual
         On a completely different track is   imprint of an undressed copper, zinc   related to his paintings. Jochum   communication and language. By
        an exhibition that started in the   or iron plate. Hans de Vries and Sjoerd   simply loves painting figurative   doing so he makes explicit the limits
        Ministry of Justice in Bonn, then   Buisman both explore the 'forces of   images on canvas. Rudy does not   of both.
        went to Hanover and has now been   nature'. Hans de Vries lives as a   deny him this pleasure but ponders   In this century visual artists have
        taken up by the Württemberger Art    farmer in the northern province of    the concept, different styles, the    augmented their material with the
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