Page 54 - Studio International - July August 1974
P. 54

Contributors                    Chance-fields is subtitled 'an essay   than BLAST, pages from which are   Occupations series ; Annabel
                                        on the topology of randomness' and   also reproduced, and it certainly   Nicolson with Reel Time and
          Clive Phillpot is Librarian at   illustrates five series of five   offers far more information than the   Precarious Vision; Peter Gidal with
          Chelsea School of Art ... Malcolm   configurations involving one   1956 Tate Gallery catalogue   Film No.1 and Film No. 2 ; David
          Le Grice is a film-maker and teaches   rectangle in the first series, then two,   Wyndham Lewis and Vorticism.   Dye with his projection-analogue-
          at St Martin's School of Art, London   three, five and ten. The limits which   However, it seems a pity that there are   camera work; Francis Bennie's
          ... Paul Martin is an artist and   de Vries has imposed upon the   so few illustrations, particularly of the   three new untitled works (perhaps
          teaches sculpture at Goldsmith's   development are such that the   Vorticist period proper, even   I might include here my own White
          College, London . .. Kenneth Baker   sequence using one rectangle   allowing for the presence of some   Field Duration) and its
          is a freelance writer in Cambridge,   illustrates five configurations out of a   other sources of illustrations (such as   descendants). Though I have not yet
          Mass ... Günther Wirth is a German   possible 76,176, while the sequence   Abstract Art in England 1913-1915,   seen Tim Head's new films, his recent
          art critic living in Stuttgart ...   using ten rectangles illustrates   mentioned in 'Feedback' April 1974,   installation at the Garage, London,
          Liesbeth Corstius is an art historian   five out of a possible   and artist monographs), and the   titled Infra Red, using mirrors and
          and editor of  Het Museumjournaal   6,579,329,566,975,974,127,670,720,   paucity of extant works; another   infra-red slides of the same set-up,
          John Stezaker is a contributing   595,328,889,430,137,295,077,376   omission was a proper bibliography.   explores similar problems.
          editor to Frameworks journal ...   configurations. These two paperbacks   It was good to see that as well as the   What about American work ?
          James Faure Walker is a free-lance   are good examples of the potential of   £1.50 catalogue, the Arts Council   Obviously the pace-setters like Snow,
          writer on art ... Timothy O'Keefe is a   the book for artists who handle visual   also provided a broadsheet guide to   Frampton and Sharits continue to
          partner in the publishing firm Martin   information which does not depend   the exhibition for only 10 pence,   make important work, but their
          Brian O'Keefe ...John Glaves-Smith   upon personal handwriting, indeed   which was attractively designed with   concerns are well established. Tony
          is in charge of twentieth-century   the drawings in Chance-fields were   a good large illustration on the front   Conrad's is the only new film I have
          sculpture photos at the Conway   done for de Vries and not by him.   and several more inside, as well as a   seen from the US which opens up
          Gallery, Courtauld Institute, London   Computer graphics would   brief sketch of what Vorticism was   genuinely new issues, and has much
          ... Andrew Brighton is a lecturer in   obviously lend themselves to   about and a detailed and substantial   in common with the current British
          the Fine Art and Art History   presentation in book form,    chronology, both by Richard Cork.   scene. Conrad was very much
          Departments at Goldsmith's College,   particularly where one wished to   Since the exhibits themselves were   involved in the 'Underground Film'
          London ... Lynda Morris is a free-  observe changes of a sequential   adequately labelled a checklist was   period in New York in the early 60s.
          lance writer and art critic ...   nature which took place over a   rendered unnecessary, but perhaps   In 1962 he began a long association
          Tony Rothon is a portrait painter ...   spread of images too numerous to   half a dozen lines of 'Further reading'   with La Monte Young, playing violin.
          David Sylvester is working on the   show conveniently on the wall. One   would have completed its   He made the sound track for Jack
          catalogue raisonné of René Magritte...   would then have the option of making   usefulness ? Finally it should be said   Smith's  Flaming Creatures  and
                                        use of the flicker-book technique   that seven of the eight illustrations in   assisted in Rice's Chumlum. In 1965
                                        or see-through pages or both,   the broadsheet were not repeated in   he made The Flicker, a major
                                        in order to demonstrate both the   the catalogue, nor was the very   innovative film which formed
                                        general pattern of change and   useful chronology, so those requiring   the basis of film work for the next
                                        changes in detail.             the fullest documentation will need   six or seven years. In 1972 he
                                          It is but a stone's throw from this   both publications.   visited Europe to show work at
                                        kind of presentation to animated   Clive Phillpot            Documenta and perform with Young,
                                        films made with the aid of a                                 and he stayed on for an extended
                                        computer. Two or three artists                               period. He became more involved
          Feedback                      kind are represented in International                        than most visiting American film-
                                        already engaged in activities of this
                                                                                                     makers in the problems of European
          Random Objectivations is the title   Computer Graphics, the catalogue   Vision             work. He returned to the USA to
          of the book by Herman de Vries which   of the recent exhibition at the                     produce in 1973 his most innovative
          was published by Edizioni Amodulo,   Concourse Gallery, Polytechnic of   The most radical new departures in   work since The Flicker, called Yellow
          Brescia in 1972, and which, together   Central London (25 pence, inc.   experimental film are taking place in   Movies. These were first presented at
          with his Chance-fields published   postage, from the Exhibition   London, but I want to avoid the kind   the Millenium in March 1973 —
          by Edition E, Augsburg ( ?) in 1973,   Consultant, Polytechnic of Central   of premature, over-simplified   twenty in all, they comprise a series of
          was available at his recent exhibition   London, 35 Marylebone Road,   categorization which occurred when   large sheets of seamless paper (about
          at the Lucy Milton Gallery, 125   NW1 5LS). The catalogue is a cheap   P. A. Sitney sprung the term   6 by 4½ feet) each painted evenly, a
          Notting Hill Gate, London W11 at   production, but is useful for the   'structural film' (Film Culture No. 47.   single colour, somewhere between
          £4, while the latter cost £3. De   statements contributed by the artists,   Summer 1969). Whatever the danger   white and yellow, and surrounded at
          Vries has been making what he   as well as for the generally adequate   of generalization, however, it is clear   their extremities by a broad black line.
          calls 'Random Objectivations' for   reproductions. The artists represented   that there is a consistency of   The major concept in these works is
          over ten years, but the book of this   are Briscoe, Horvat, Mohr, Molnar,   development which should be   that of 'duration'. They are concerned
          title incorporates one hundred   Nake, Nees, Palumbo, Vilder, Zajec   recognized. I will blandly characterize   with duration as a function of change,
          precision drawings from his   and Zwing. Roger Vilder's statement   this as an investigation of the   each 'movie' beginning with its
          sketchbooks, printed black on white   expresses enthusiasm for working   fundamental material and procedural   realization, at which time it is marked
          with occasional addition of colour.   with a computer, rather than other   aspect of the film medium as content.   with the date, size, type of paper and
          The drawings are square in format   media, because 'the exchange, while   This investigation is not a search for   paint. They focus on our experience of
          but printed on an oblong page so as   the process of creation is happening,   an extension to the expressive   events of extremely long duration
          to leave a narrow margin on the   seems more alive because of its   language of film, but is a region of   with minimal visible change.
          binding edge, and on paper which   instantaneity. It is almost like having   problematic in its own right. In my   Unfortunately these works have never
          permits a degree of 'see-through'.   a conversation with someone from   view this changes the time/space   been seen in Britain, though two were
          While it is sometimes an interference   which something visual results.'   construct in film as drastically as   sent for the Avant-Garde Film Festival
          to have another image showing   Vorticism and its allies, the catalogue   Cezanne and analytical Cubism   last September. They somehow got
          through the page, this device has   of the recent Arts Council exhibition   changed painting. In terms of artistic   lost between airline and customs, and
          generally been employed to allow the   compiled by Richard Cork, is in the   development it is post-structural and   in spite of a search, which continues,
          overlay of images, which have either   nature of an interim statement in   post-conceptual — particularly   they presumably languish somewhere
          been derived from similar basic plans,   advance of the author's imminent   through its phenomenological   in the precincts of Heathrow. His
          or have been conceived as developing   book on the subject. It consists of a   solution to the conceptualist impasse   record with Faust Outside the Dream
          sequences. The effect of turning the   very clear concise account of the   of constraint by the conventions and   Syndicate is available, however, from
          pages can therefore be additive, as   genesis and composition of the   material aspects of language,   Virgin Records. The atmosphere
          each page contributes a further   movement, which is well worth   however abstract, which it thought to   generated by working with students
          element to a growing image, or can   having and is suitably footnoted,   transcend by ignoring. The film-  during the winter at Antioch proved a
          reveal both continuity and change,   biographical outlines of the artists,   makers who have contributed to this   further stimulus to Conrad, and was
          rather in the way that the pattern of   a list of key exhibitions, a commentary   are : William Raban, 2 Minutes 45   followed by another period of
          air bubbles in a cross-section of a   on all the works included in the   Seconds being seminal; Mike   innovative work. It is in this work, that
          sliced loaf changes as each slice is   exhibition, and a number of black and   Du nford, particularly with Deep Space   one can see the greatest connection
          removed but still relates to the   white plates, plus five in colour. It is   and Arbitrary Limitations; Gill   with the British situation. It is an
          previous configuration.        well designed, and just a bit larger    Eatherley with the whole Light    enquiry into erroneous fundamental
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