Page 21 - Studio International - June 1974
P. 21

private household the excellence of the dwelling   accomplishments are the accepted measures of   Over a longer period of time the arts and
        and its painting, sculpture, furniture, food and   community achievements, it follows that   products that reflect artistic accomplishment
         conversation provided a similar test. This was   education and other support for these subjects   will, for the foregoing reasons, be increasingly
        especially true of those communities — Venice,   is not only a proper but a highly desirable   central to economic development. There is no
         Florence, Genoa, Amsterdam, Bruges and    employment of public funds. The arts, for   reason, a priori, to suppose that scientific and
        Antwerp — where the orientation was strongly   obvious reasons, have no similar claim.   engineering achievements serve the ultimate
        to economic achievement. Military and sexual   No one will be in doubt as to the source of   frontiers in human enjoyment. At some point,
        prowess, accomplishment in courtly routines   these attitudes. It lies with the technostructure   as consumption expands, a transcending
        and manners and commitments to gastronomic   and the planning system and with their   interest in beauty may be expected. This
        and alcoholic excess have always been the   ability to impose their values on the society and   transition will vastly alter both the character
        principal rivals to the arts as manifestations of   the state. The technostructure embraces and   and structure of the economic system.
        civilized accomplishment. The commercial   uses the engineer and the scientist; it cannot   It will first have to contend, however, with
        cities, as compared with the courts, were   embrace the artist. Engineering and science   the social conditioning of the technostructure
        generally more resistant to all these forms of   serve its purpose; art, at best, is something   and the planning system which, as just noted,
        display.                                  which it needs but finds troublesome and   relegate to a minor social role what cannot be
          In modern times the arts, as a measure of   puzzling. From these attitudes come those of   embraced or used. The transition will have
        both community and private achievement, have   the community and the government.     also to contend with the convenient social
        undergone a great relative decline. Scientific   Engineering and science are socially necessary;   virtue of the artist. This requires a word, for it
        and engineering accomplishments have become   art is a luxury.                       is what causes the artist to accept an inferior
        overwhelmingly more important and these     While artistic accomplishment has ceased to   economic and social role both for himself and
        have also invaded the esteem that was once   be a test of social achievement, the esoteric and   for art in general.
        associated with military prowess. Few now   pretentious apart, it has a continuing and   Specifically the artist has been persuaded that
        speak of the discipline, parade-ground    perhaps increasing importance for the individual   the world of economics is one to which, by
        virtuosity or bravery of soldiers, sailors or   and the household. The everyday standards for   nature, he has little relation. It is part of his
        aviators. It is the excellence of their tanks,   assessing the reputability and general social   pride that the number who can appreciate the
        nuclear submarines, aircraft or the guidance   position of a family do eschew any artistic   work of the true artist — who have a valid
        systems with which they are equipped that   element. They centre, instead, on the supply of   response to its meaning — must always be very
        excites comment and measures national     standard goods. The inhabitants of a three-  small. So his market and the resulting
        accomplishment. Space exploration is an even   bedroom house are thought 'better off' than   compensation must be meagre. This
        more dramatic example of the use of scientific   those of a two-bedroom house; they gain   meagreness, in turn, shows his merit. The more
        and engineering virtuosity as a measure of   further distinction from having a fully   deprived his life, the more truly is he an artist.
        national achievement. As mediaeval towns once   equipped kitchen and being a two- as opposed   Only the more modest religious offices share the
        compared the magnificence of their cathedrals   to a one-car family. The technical character and   artist's belief that merit is inversely related to
        and the munificence of their decoration,   novelty of goods, not their beauty, is stressed in   compensation.
        modern superpowers parade the number,     advertising. To attack the design of a consumer   This view of the artist of himself has two
        conception and cost of their expeditions,   product as banal is often to invite an indignant   social advantages. It economizes expenditure on
        manned or unmanned, to the moon and the   response. It is what the people want. The critic   the arts, for, if pecuniary reward does not
        planets or their laboratories in orbit around the   is an elitist.                   improve and possibly even damages
        earth. The reward, however, continues to be   However at higher income levels an artistic   performance, it should obviously be kept to the
        partly metaphysical and spiritual.3  It is part of   sense or pretence in domestic architecture,   minimum. And it means that all but a
        the normal argument for scientific or     interior decoration, furniture, landscape design   minority of artists are kept safely in that
        engineering expenditure that there is great   and even in food and entertainment tends either   subordinate and anonymous state that is
        ultimate human benefit. In the case of the   to be enjoyed for its own sake or is part of the   reserved for the indigent or near-indigent.
        exploration of the moon it is generally   claim to esteem. This, in turn, sustains a   They do not in consequence compete with
        agreed that there was little or none. That   substantial and growing market for the work of   managers, scientists or engineers for social
        we did not ask for such benefit was, in   artists as well as for individuals who provide   esteem. Nor do they compete with scientists and
        this instance, a measure of our intellectual   guidance to those who, often perceptively, lack   engineers for public funds to support the arts.
        and spiritual maturity. Again we see the   confidence in their own taste. As a        The claim on public resources is further
        influence of the convenient social virtue.   consequence an appreciable volume of modern   reduced by the belief, also accepted in varying
          Scientific and engineering accomplishments   economic activity depends not on the technical   measure by the artist, that not much can be
        are likewise the accepted measure of      efficacy of the product or the efficiency with   done about education in the arts. Given only the
        achievement in other fields — physics, chemistry,   which it is produced but on the quality of the   money, any number of scientists and engineers
        genetics, aviation, computer technology. No one   artists associated with the design. Some   can be supplied. These can be processed from
        would think of according similar importance   industries are so based. Danish and Finnish   almost any number. The number of artists
        to the comparative accomplishments of the   furniture owe their modern distinction not to   produced cannot, however, exceed the number
        Soviet Union and the United States in painting,   engineering competence but to artistic worth.   of people with intrinsic talent, and the part of
        the theatre, the novel or industrial design. At   The postwar renaissance of Italian industry had   the population with such talent is assumed,
        least until recently, in any competitive display of   a similar basis. Italian products excel not in   although on no known evidence, to be small.
        painting, poetry or music, both countries   engineering but in appearance. And there is a   And it is part of the folk attitude toward the
        would have been compelled to delete their best   similar if less visible development in the United   arts that the truly inspired artist will excel,
        or most interesting offering. Americans,   States. It is as yet little recognized — no one   whatever the barriers to be overcome. The
        selecting art for such display, would have had   would think of encouraging the artist as   convenient social virtue thus minimizes the need
        to avoid what numerous congressional critics   opposed to the engineer, scientist or business   for expenditure on education in the arts.
        would condemn as communist-inspired work.   manager as the foundation of future industrial   It is worth recalling that until about a hundred
        The Soviets would have had similarly to   development. But its monopoly of artistic   and fifty years ago the convenient social virtue
        exclude work that reflected bourgeois     achievement provides an important assurance of   held the scientist to be an unworldly and
        decadence. Since engineering and scientific    the survival of the small firm.      monkish figure, whose support was properly the
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