Page 24 - Studio International - June 1974
P. 24

Lucy Lippard, that the snow was put together      Irving Sandler, director of 'The Committee   can be considered for nm year. This is one
    as a reply to the comment 'the arc no womea   for the VISUl Am' established to admin   way of gett that decion-maki process out
    concep arti'. It succes analysed the       the gallery and the CODD prog told       of our hands.
    reasons why the show was never critically   me ofthe selectiprocedure: 'We would    D$: Another kind of 1tructure then.
    disc in terms of the curr tiilure of the   choose an arti who would be nnafliJiat:ed with   IS: No, it still rema the same.
    art world to adjust its definitions to include   any oommerdal or co-otive gallery, and   DS: As the fundental nature of this procs
    women and their art.                       could not have shown in New York for two   works on a one-to-one ratio, do you not think
      The action of mounting the Lucy Lippard   years. We decided furt, because of the huge   that the selecti artist might nominate an
    show produced in a minor way an alterntive   gallery spac to have three one-man shows a   arti of simi artistic sympathy?
    situation. The emphatic lesson of all these   month, because this seemed the best way to   IS: Not necessarily-at the moment we have
    events is that politics involves the manipulation   pres an artist's work.'
    of power, taki decions and implementing    The gallery has quite a capaty of spac
    them, in art as elsewhere. Grumbling,      measuring approximately 100 x so ft.
    discussion, theorizi and oomplain within   •  The committee which runs the gallery is a
    the system are not alternatives to actuay   group formed less than a year ago to devise
    cbanging it. D                            · progres for visual artists in NY State,
    SUBRADEN                                  including Doroth Rockburne
                                              Michael Heizer, Philip Pearlstein,
                                              Peter Agostini, Sol Le Witt, Ronald Bladen,
    Creativity at work:                       Carl Andre, Richard Nonas, Lucas Samar
                                              and Nancy Graves. Initially both Sandler, art
    Artists' Space                            historian/critic and teacher, and Trudy Grace,
                                              executive admintrator of tbc committee,
    At a time when idealism seems to have      were involved in an admintive capacity for
    succumbed to expeency and materiasm, New   the State Council on the Arts in NYC. Both they
    York bas recently witnessed the emergence of a   and the state felt the need to set up dire
    new form of gallery enterprise. Set up with   grants for visu artists and so began to refie
    finacial aid from the New York State Council   and sharp the conception of needs, meeting
    on the Arts and The National Endowment for   frequently with groups of artists. The conct of
    the Arts, Artists' Space is the name of this   open just another gallery did not at first
    pioneer gallery. It is situated in SoHo, Lower   appeal much, until at last they determined it was
    Manhatten, and is endeavouring to provide an   something that was really needed. When the                           .
    insight into the difficulty of getti state grants   programmes were drawn up; the state decided   three shows, chosen by two sculptors working
    to actuay reach and assist those individual   that it wasn't going to administer them because   in a hard minimali!lt vein ••• no .•• it hasn't
    studio artists who, unconnected with       that wasn't its fullon, but sugg that they   really worked in the way you desai15ed. For
    commercial or co-otive gallery interests,   set up their own orgation. This          instance, one of the most strongly figured
    find them abandoned.                       orgation became known as 'The Co�ttee     painters in America selected an abstract
      There arc a number of reasons why this   for the VJSual Arts' -a non-profit-maki   sculptor. This leads to the otherproblem in the
    Artists' Space is unique; it doesn't represent   comm exis solely to administer the   present programme-the artist known by the
    artists but is designed to give space and a gallery   gallery and formulate prog of general   artist creates a kind of limitation.
    sett for the use oflesser-known artists.   use to visual artists.                    DS: Can you foresee an 'open arena' whereby
     State machery in art centres the world over   Arti' Space is the first gallery to recee   artists are invited to exhibit?
    reco their inadequacy in providing the     such finacial aid-a total of$81,750 for its   IS: Yes, we have decided to set up a file, so that
    necessary outlets for the enormous number of   oper expe-thus seve the long          no matter who comes into the gallery, if they
     young artists pour out of our schools and   tradition of denying such supp to art galleries.   provide slides and a short biography we will
     colleges each year. Artists' Space is one of   As the Councicann give dire finacial   enter it; so that the selecti artists might go
     several plans in a progre devis to meet   assistance to individual arti, their decision to   through the file and if there is any interesting
    this problem; others include the redetion of   suppo the committee is one way of helping   work, uµght pay a visit to the person concerned.
     the present 'artist in residence' prog,   indirey.                                  This is a very di1ft thing to being forced
     and those of decentraltion-all of w�ch    The following is an extr froi a conversation   to sit upon a jury and being bombarded with.
     point to some kind of development in the   recoed late last year with Sandler:      work.
     relationship l>etwccn state and artist. One of the   Derek S,agrf: The arti selected to compose   DS: This file can be used by people other than
     main reasons why the NY State Council     the panel reprt a comprehive group of     artists.
     supped this particular gallery was the    individuals. Are you satisfed with the_ selection   IS: One of the particular thin we had in mind
     'open selection' proc employed.·          proce?                                    was that anyone could use it-it might be heads
     Lesser-known arti arc selected by a panel of   lmng Sandl: There are at the moment two   of colleges and universities interested in what
    established, recogni7 artists involved in the   weak spots in the gallery's proges;   the younger arti is up to, and of course critics,
     New York art world. The decision as to who   firs the selection proc. We hope to be able,   dealers, curators and collecto.
     exlul,its in the gallery bas been delegated to   provided we contue nm year, to pitch this·   DS: The gallery is for a probationary period of
     those artists selected to head the panel. The   proc into the art oommunity itself. We have   one year; like ever else with public funds,
     value of this is in the initiation and    devis cert ways, one of which seems to be   you� them for a limited time only. You said
     reprtation of one artist by another, in an   most promising-if we could get a list of say 200   earlier that one of the committee's problems is
     attempt to boycott the exte/materi        or 300 artists' names, make a ballot oompris   to_ develop other funding sources -for instance,
     motivations, which can at times limit the scope   of these names, send them to tlie selecti   the National Government and various private
     and variety of aesthetics promoted. Arti'   artists and ask them to choo the 24 they   individuals and non-profit foandations. What
     Space is attempting to provide an alterntive   amsidcr dese and we will take the top 24   has been the resp from the community?.
     machery to that of the usual gallery system.   names. But none of the ards chos this year   IS: It's been almost uniformly enthusiastic.

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