Page 23 - Studio International - June 1974
P. 23

among those concerned as to what would     unionization of the Brannons London factory.   perceptions of, say, Marxist-Leninist theories,
        constitute a political work of art.        Atkinson's April exhibition, also at the ICA,   in relation to (in this instance) being an artist, in
          We can only look at the events of these two   Work, Wages and Prices', tackled a much   terms of other artists. Three groups: Red
        months-and try to deduce what each group or   more rhetorical issue. The exhibition used the   Ladder Theatre, Artists' Liberation Front and
        artist considered to be the political content of   means of video playback, open discussions   Berwick Street Co-op, were all able to
        the work. Clearly, the Art Workers' Committee   and walls of cross-related information on work   contribute accounts of practical situations
        of the Artists' Union consider that the social   situations, wage packets and stock exchange   where political theories about art had been
        realist 3os-style paintings of cloth-capped,   printouts to make its point. The result was a   tried. The recounting of these experiences,
        strong-featured workers which they exhibited   powerful statement about the disparity of   however, were in no way a substitute for the
        communicate a political message. This message   earnings in Britain and the profits of the few.   potential value of the Conference. This should
        is evidently intended to be one of solidarity with   Made in the context of the ICA, it had the   have been a general free discussion allowing
        the workers. The context for the exhibition at   strategic and overriding value of making a   for the testing of political theories against
        Congress House, the TUC Headquarters, was   powerful statement about the role of art to the   individual and personal practices. The whole
        intended to enhance this statement. The price   rest of the art world. I am still unclear which   structure of the Conference prevented
        of each work was modest and the inclusion of   statement Atkinson wished to emphasize.   this sort of discussion taking place. In the
        work by the Ashington Group miners, who    Perhaps this was a case of the political content   context of the RCA therefore, John Dugger and
        were trained in WEA evening classes, created   of the art being contained by the politics of the   David Medalla's use of texts from Lenin and
        solidarity between the professional artists and   context.                           Mao, against which to test the theory of their
        the spare time painters. The paintings, although   The Royal College of Art Anglo-Dutch   own practice, was extremely valuable in
        very competent, were dull. The content and the   Conference was entirely academic in its   academic terms. But realistically the practice
        style stimulated no new ideas and even when   approach to both the theory and practice of art   has seldom violated the bourgeois barriers of
                                                                                             the gallery system and the art world. The
                                                                                             political content has been reduced to art
                                                                                               The discussion which took place on seven
                                                                                             evenings at 48 Earlham Street, during the
                                                                                             Lucy Lippard show, by contrast'with the RCA
                                                                                             Conference-had strategic effect. The
                                                                                             exhibition itself had been refused an RCA
                                                                                             Gallery showing and was finally mounted by an
                                                                                             ad hoc group of artists and art historians in
                                                                                             Earlham Street, with the help of the
                                                                                             administrators of Garage Ltd. The work itself;
                                                                                             as Lucy Lippard stated in her introduction to
                                                                                             the show, was selected from too wide a
                                                                                             background to carry a uniformly feminist
                                                                                             message. The nature of the work itself offered
                                                                                             no radical alternative to the already accepted
                                                                                             `conceptual' format. The politics which overlaid
                                                                                             its exhibition in this country offered a
                                                                                             strategic demonstration of independence of the
                                                                                             disapproval expressed by art critics and the art
                                                                                             world for an all women's show, as well as the
                                                                                             use of the occasion as a platform for the
        Conrad Atkinson at the ICA.               and politics. It was organized by a group of   discussion of women in art in this country.
        Photo: Chris Davis
                                                  students who have been meeting for some three   Significantly both aspects were studiously
                                                  years under the title 'Alternative Directions'   ignored by male and female critics. The
        the subject was narrative, such as Dan Jones's   and who are a doctrinaire Marxist-Leninist   meetings at Earlham Street began with a
        jolly march paintings, they provoked no   dominated group. My own opinions as to the   critics' panel, which refused to look at the work
        questions. In other words, these artists, like the   success of the Conference within the terms of   in its political context. The critics illustrated
        realist painters in the Soviet Union, were   Politics in Art must be limited to the experiences   their lack of concern for anything outside the
        accepting the role of artist as illustrator of   of the two evenings I was able to attend.   narrow parameters of the criticism of `fine art'
        generalized socialist themes. In analysis, the art   Within the boundaries of the Conference the   as it has already been defined within our
        illustrates a political theme but there are no   entire programme of discussions in the theory   socio-economic system. (The RCA meetings
        politics in the art.                      and practice of Art and Politics was academic.   invited no spokesman from the establishment
          By contrast, at the ICA, Conrad Atkinson, an   There were no directions within the terms   art networks, and consequently the 'opposition'
        artist who is also an active member of the   towards active goals; no plans to be made;   was never clearly demonstrated.)
        Labour Party, states that he aims 'to relate to   letters to be written; protests to be organized; or   The Earlham Street meetings succeeded in
        and directly effect real situations'. His method is   further meetings to be held. The only   offering participants a clear goal in learning the
        to take a set of circumstances relating to the   non-academic and therefore actively political   references for a more analytical way of looking
        social and economic structures, and by    goal the Conference might have assumed, was to   at women artists in terms of art history,
        retelling them with a cross reference to cause   politicize and inform the participants. Yet while   education, art criticism as well as the  gallery
        and effect, clarifty the need for political action.   undeniably some definitions and new   system. These discussions succeeded in being
        His first exhibition at the ICA (1972) `Strike at   perceptions did emerge from the three days in   politically effective in terms of the women's
        Brannons', looked at a factory in Cleator Moor   the College, its most useful function must have   movement; ie in making those involved aware
        where the AEU were stopping strike pay after a   been to emphasize the importance within any   of the position of women artists and at the
        year. The exhibition resulted in the      political standpoint to learn to define individual    time they reinforced the statement made b
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