Page 41 - Studio International - June 1974
P. 41

We are quite inured to the possibility that   meaning, it is meaning in the most normal sense,   symbolized meaning through those materials  ,
        The little tear gland that went tic-tac may turn   the denotative signification of the words of   but it finds its point of departure both above
        out to be a piece of wallpaper with a wheel   common speech. That this meaning is   and below the level of craft — that is above and
        drawn on it, but if the catalogue entry went on   contingent on grasping the system of its   below the system of conventions which makes it
        to specify 'bronze cast from plaster original',   symbolization is no more than can be said of any   possible to work within the medium, as opposed
        then I suggest we might be very worried indeed.   written text. There is a clear distinction to be   to working about the medium.
        The art of Pollock, stripped of the accretions of   drawn between the cryptic innuendo of romantic   When students ask, as they persistently do, in
        critical indiscretion, tells us no more than that a   stereotype and the specific cryptographic   painting or drawing classes to be taught 'the
        particular material substance, paint, has been   codification of Jeffrey Spalding's videotape.   basics' first, the dangers of their request are
        used in a particular way. It declares itself in the   Effectively the 'message' closes the option on   implicit in the language they use. Crafts
        way it responds to the laws of gravity and with   disreputable possibilities.       undoubtedly have their place, and one would
        its own viscosity as the artist discharges it   As a technique, television is just another   rather that the works one admires (Pollock's for
        from a stick towards a canvas lying flat on the   technique; and I see no inherent quality in it as   instance) would last forever. But in asking for
        ground. The video camera too may be used so as   technique to make it preferable on any   `the basics' they are asking that a base line should
        to declare no more than its own presence — and   permanent basis to snow sculpture or crochet.   be drawn on which they can confidently make
        that as incontrovertible fact.            It is simply that the strategy of a particular   their mark as artists. Such confidence is
          Jeffrey Spalding, a senior student working   situation makes it possible, in an art context, to   achieved at the expense of conceding to a level of
        independently under my supervision in 1972,   advance through television the meaning of being   certainty beyond which questions need not be
        took a somewhat different approach, essentially   art; and in a teaching context, provides a more   asked, and yet one knows that it is the questions
        transferring the problem from the camera to   viable occasion to raise the central issues of   beyond that point that have consistently
        the monitor. He divided the screen into three    art as art than do courses using other materials.    resulted in the best art of our time.

        horizontal bands, just like an old-fashioned   I find myself somewhat surprised that this   (Left) Eric Cameron Contact S: Window-pane 1973
        abstract painting. Black and white (as the   should be so. Television apparatus is extremely   in. black and white video tape
        alternate neutral baselines of painting and the   sophisticated; the important art of our century   (Right) Jeffrey Spalding The Intention of this Video
                                                                                            Tape 1972. I in. black and white video tape
        extreme tonal possibilities of black and white   has till now employed simple materials at a
        television) provided two colour possibilities.   technically rudimentary level. The important   What makes television different is certainly
        A third emerged as a by-product of the    artists, where they have been craftsmen at all,   not any lack of technical difficulties in the
        mechanism itself. The tabula rasa of videotape   have been significant precisely through their   medium, but perhaps rather that the technique
        is not a carte blanche but a carte neigeuse; the   ability to forget the conventions of their art's   of television is a technique of television, and not
        `snow' represents the kinetic negative of the   craft basis. The very best artists, Picasso and   as yet a technique of art. As video courses have
        video medium and provides effective contrast   Pollock, have often been at their best as artists   been taught at Guelph by Allyn Lite, Noel
        with both black and white. By coincidence, the   when their craftsmanship was at its very worst.   Harding and myself, students from the start
        three colours allow a permutation of      One wonders before some paintings by      have been given to understand that they would
        twenty-seven combinations, one for each letter   Pollock, not so much whether his art will last   not receive full instruction in the medium, but
        of the alphabet plus a space between words.   as art, but whether the canvas will fall apart   only such guidance as would permit the
        In successive images of a few seconds duration,   before or after the last vestiges of paint flake off.   realization of specific projects. The crucial
        the tape spells out an explanation of the   It would be wrong to imply any necessary   factor is probably not what Allyn or Noel or I
        principles of its own encoding. The message in   connection between the quality of art and the   decide is the proper way to structure a course,
        no way calls into question the competence of art   poverty of craftsmanship; and yet the inverse   but the presuppositions that students bring to it.
        to comment beyond its own boundaries. It   relationship in Pollock's and Picasso's work is   If the cathode ray tube does replace the canvas,
        declares no more in fact than the key to its own   not altogether accidental. It is not that art in our   the demand for basics will undoubtedly grow,
        encapsulation, referring back endlessly to itself   century has been disdainful of art's material   and the issue of art as a structure of human
        and endlessly nullifying the achievement of its   basis : quite the contrary. The vastly greater   understanding will no doubt have to look
        decipherment as it confirms the validity of the   part of significant twentieth-century art, even   elsewhere for material support in the university
        attempt. It is a moot point if it contains   of the so-called conceptual type, takes its basis   art programme. q
        meaning or by-passes it, but in so far as there is   in the materials of art and the possibilities of   ERIC CAMERON
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