Page 60 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 60

swim in the sea-water breeding-grounds. These   be taken. It has by no means proved easy to   conditions for micro-organisms that consume
    can be compared to a sound which is barricaded   procure brood-stock and subsequently to keep   quantities of oxygen. At the worst, these factors
    at both ends by gratings in a concrete   it alive until it is ready to spawn. Up to the   can result in shortage of oxygen and
    framework.                               smolt stage the young salmon is very prone to   development of hydrogen sulphide. This is
      The salmon is now fed with wet-pellet food   attacks of sickness and to parasites, especially   particularly a danger for the water on the
    consisting of carefully chosen ingredients. The   when the temperature rises in the summer.   bottom. Changes of weather can cause these
    salmon's natural diet is kept to as far as possible,   For the hazards of breeding up to the smolt   layers to rise and in severe cases be toxic
    but with vitamins added. Nourishment alone is   stage there are now, however, adequate   enough to kill the fish. At the Mowi plants a
    not enough to produce a first-class product.   remedies, both medicinal and practical.   regular oxygen check is taken, also from the
    The water must be clean and rich in oxygen.   Salt-water breeding is still a little-known   bottom strata. In addition, frequent control is
    In order to keep the quality of the water at its   field. In the initial stages sea-birds are a grave   carried out by frogmen. The salt content and
    best, the company has installed pumps to   problem, and also outsider fish which probably   the flow of currents are also checked regularly.
    increase the water replacement.          feed on the young salmon. Neither can a certain   Samples of salmon are sent at regular intervals
      Although many difficulties have been   cannibalism among the salmon be excluded.   to Norges Veterinaerhøyskole (Norwegian
    overcome, and the company has begun       In addition to nutrition, environment is an   Veterinary College) for control. q
    marketing salmon for consumption, there are   extremely important factor. Food wastage and   Courtesy Thor Mowinckel
    still plenty of problems to be faced and risks to    fish excrement provide good growing

    (Top left) Overall shot of Freshwater Plant                                         (Above centre) Mowinckel and staff catching small
                                                                                        quantity of salmon to check if ready to spawn
    (Top centre) Loading boat with nets to catch salmon
    for testing and finding spawners                                                    (Above) Hatchery of last May's eggs

    (Top right) Hatchery of last May's eggs, checking for                               (Left) Testing quality and quantity of spawn which
    size, colour, growth, etc. (Detail)                                                 will be tested in laboratory later
    (Above) Mixing up food for salmon

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