Page 61 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 61

Man's impact on life in

                                              inland waterways

                                                               HA Hawkes

          Since his earliest days man has probably used   with the natural flow in the river will affect   allowed to enter the rivers. Coloured effluents
          water for cleansing and processing food and   the river organisms, they find it difficult to   from dye manufacture and dying processes
          other materials. The availability of a good   predict exactly how. Further changes in ecology   may have a similar effect.
          source of water was paramount in the selection   are likely to result from the proposed transfer   Another form of physical pollution may result
          of his sites for settlement. To satisfy his needs   of water from one river system to another, as   from the discharge of heated effluents, as from
          for water man interferes both quantitatively   envisaged in the scheme to supply water to the   electricity generating stations. Fortunately,
          and qualitatively with the hydrologic cycle. To   drier and more heavily populated areas of the   because vast quantities of water are needed for
          ensure adequate supply he has impounded   south-east from the rivers in the north-west.   such purposes, power generating stations are
          rivers to form reservoirs. In contrast, to   Although it is appreciated that some   usually situated on our larger lowland rivers.
          prevent flooding of the land, he has canalized   canalization of rivers may be necessary to   The life in these rivers, unlike in upland
          some rivers to speed the water on its way to the   prevent the flooding of agricultural and some   streams, is capable of withstanding a wide
          sea. Much of the used water from his different   residential areas, the effect on the life in the   range of temperatures. It is only when the
          activities, substantially changed in character,   rivers is detrimental. By replacing the variety   temperature in the river water reaches below
          returns into rivers and lakes.            of habitats in a natural river, of alternating riffles   30ºC that adverse effects result. If the river is
            Although some of the quantitative changes   and pools, by a uniform channel, often with an   already polluted organically the effect of the
          produce secondary benefits to man e.g. the   inhospitable concrete bed and banks, the river   raised temperatures on the deoxygenation of
          amenity value of an impoundment, qualitative   life is impoverished.                the river may be more serious. In upland
          changes in the character of the used water are   The return of man's used waters to rivers and   streams the cold-water species may be
          rarely beneficial and mostly seriously    lakes affects aquatic life to a degree, depending   seriously affected by increased temperatures in
          detrimental.                              upon the relative amounts of effluent and river   stream water caused by the removal of shade.
            The impoundment of a river and the      water and the concentration of the impurities it   Trout streams in America have been seriously
          consequent flooding of the river valley to form   contains. By examining the communities living   affected in this way. In some cases increased
          a reservoir changes the aquatic community   in the river bed along a length of river, biologists   temperatures in the lowland rivers have resulted
          from one of flowing waters (lotic) to one of   are able to detect such changes and thereby   in increased productivity of fish, and in other
          static waters (lentic). The over-all effect   monitor the water quality and detect sources of   cases during the colder winter periods the fish
          is to increase the population of aquatic   pollution. The bottom dwelling communities in   have been attracted to the warmer waters.
          organisms, including fish. Unlike in natural   rivers, because they are subjected continuously   Because of these potentially beneficial
          lakes the water level in reservoirs alters   to the water flowing over them, are better   consequences of heated water discharges it
          appreciably and sometimes rapidly, and since   monitors of quality than infrequent water   has been suggested that the term 'thermal
          many of the invertebrate animals, including   samples taken for chemical analysis. Having   enrichment' is more appropriate than 'thermal
          fish food, occupy the littoral or marginal zones,   detected sources of pollution by biological   pollution'.
          they are adversely affected, as are the fish which   monitoring, however, intensive sampling and   Chemical Pollution. Natural waters as they
          lay their eggs amongst the vegetation in this   analysis of the water is needed to identify the   arrive on the earth's surface already contain
          zone. Barrages may also affect the passage of   polluting substances.               dissolved chemicals and in passing over and
          migratory fish. Although fish passes can be   Different types of effluent affect aquatic life   through the soil add to the concentration of
          constructed, in barrages concerned with   in quite different ways; although most    dissolved materials. Because different natural
          hydro-electric schemes it is the downward   effluents affect organisms in more than one of   waters contain different concentrations of these
          migration of the fish which is affected as they   these ways, for convenience we shall consider   substances, it is difficult to define water quality
          are pulled through the turbines by the greater   them separately as (i) physical; (2) chemical   in purely chemical terms. Many effluents,
          flow of water.                            and (3) biotic.                           however, contain such substances or other
            In general the creation of impoundments is   Physical Pollution. The discharge of effluents   substances not occurring in nature in unusually
          regarded as being beneficial to man; apart from   containing suspended mineral matter, even   high concentrations. In the former category
          the primary purpose of supplying water or   though non-putrescible and non-toxic, can   effluents may contain high concentrations of
          power, the amenity value may be appreciable.   seriously affect the life in the river by producing   salt in which case the community of organisms
          Tropical impoundments such as the 175 mile   turbid conditions and blanketing the stream   downstream is changed to one tolerant of saline
          long Lake Kariba, which was formed by the   bed with silt when it settles. The discharge of   conditions. If, however, the discharge is
          damming of the Zambesi, has provided      china-clay wastes to many rivers in Cornwall   intermittent, then neither the natural
          commercial fisheries with the production of   has this effect. The turbidity prevents the   community nor the replacement community
          much needed protein although causing initial   penetration of light and suppresses algal and   are able to exist.
          problems with weed growth.                plant growths which form the basis of food   The most common form of chemical pollution
            Present British water supply policy,    chains upon which fish eat. Although at higher   is caused by chemicals which are directly toxic
          formulated by the recently disbanded Water   concentrations the suspended particles affect   to stream life. Many metals are toxic at
          Resources Board, is for communities to    the fish directly by abrasion of gill membranes,   concentrations lower than i mg. per litre.
          abstract water from the rivers in which the   fish can withstand high concentrations but are   Many of the synthetic organic substances which
          flow is maintained throughout the year by flow   affected by the sparsity of food. Similar effects   man is increasingly producing and using are
          regulation using flow-regulating reservoirs.   occur in coal mining areas such as South   toxic at even lower concentrations. It is the
          Although ecologists feel that this interference   Wales where coal dust from coal washeries is    occasional discharge of such toxic chemicals
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