Page 64 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 64

which trout feed. Large amounts of algae can be   means is practised in Sweden, Switzerland and   and in the interests of its public image, has
    synthesized from small amounts of nutrients;   North America. It adds appreciably to the   adopted a more responsible position towards the
    one gram of phosphorus, for example, is   cost of sewage treatment however, and so far,   problem of pollution. Ignorance and
    sufficient to synthesize 100 grams of organic   such treatment methods have not been justified   thoughtlessness account for many sources of
    matter in the form of algae. If such nutrient-rich   in this country.               pollution: in the past, lack of knowledge of the
    waters are used for public supply in storage                                        effects of different discharges on rivers was
    reservoirs, they produce nuisance-causing algal   The changing face of pollution    understandable, but today, with the present
    growths which may impart taste and odours to   One is often asked whether the pollutional   publicity, this is no longer an excuse.
    the water and add to the cost of water treatment.   situation in our rivers is improving or   In contrast with causes of pollution which are
      For effective control of this nutrient problem   deteriorating. Because of the public awakening   socially controllable, other essential activities
    the sources of the nutrients need to be   to the pollutional problem, it is commonly   of man have an inevitable effect on his
    identified. In most British rivers the major   believed that the pollution is progressively   environment. Man's effect on the environment
    source of nitrogen is from land drainage. The   increasing, and the doomwatch attitude is   is proportional to his population density and
    increased concentration of nitrogen in our   prevalent. But surveys have shown that in   activity. Since the industrial revolution, which
    rivers is commonly attributed to the increased   Britain three-quarters of the total river length   resulted in the concentration of populations
    use of artificial fertilizers on agricultural land.   is classified as unpolluted and supports fish.   and the development of industry on the banks
    Surveys, however, comparing the relative use   Furthermore, the length of river so classified   of rivers, the problem has been accentuated.
    of fertilizers in different countries with the   has increased over the past decade. Thus, in   As an example of man's inevitable effect on his
    increase in concentration in the respective   spite of the increased pollutional load from   environment let us consider one element —
    rivers, showed that there was no general   industry and homes, we can claim at least to be   phosphorus. As a result of his metabolic
    correlation between nitrate concentrations and   holding our own. This has been due to the   activities man necessarily excretes
    fertilizer use. There is, however, an appreciable   building of new sewage works and the   approximately 1.5 grams of phosphorus per
    drainage of nitrogen from natural soils to which   renewing of older ones : considerable advances   day. A further 1.5 grams per head per day is
    artificial fertilizers are not added. Since only   have been made in the field of sewage treatment   added by the use of detergents. Taking into
    5o percent of the added nitrogen is recovered in   technology. Although the organisms responsible   account the pollution removed at the sewage
    the crop, the absence of a corresponding increase   for the purification processes are the same as   works, it can be calculated that a city the size
    in the river water suggests that nitrogen is   those active at the beginning of the century,   of Birmingham will contribute approximately
    probably accumulating in the soil or in ground   when their role in the process was not   two tons of elemental phosphorus to the river
    water. It has been estimated that the nitrate   appreciated, research has enabled us to control   every day. Apart from the effect on the river,
    concentration in the chalk bore-hole water from   their activities and greatly improve efficiency.   this represents the loss of an enormous
    the Lincolnshire wolds increased by 5o to   The pollutional problem, however, is a   quantity of valuable fertilizer. It appears an
     Too percent over the last ten years. In rivers   changing one. The recession of the coal mining   ironic consequence of sewage treatment that
    such as the Trent, for example, which drains   industry a decade ago which reduced the amount   the nutrient stripped sludge is sold as a
    the English industrial Midlands, most of the   of coal dust entering some rivers, resulted in   fertilizer and the plant nutrients, nitrates and
    nitrogen was attributable to sewage effluents.   the improvement of certain rivers so that fish   phosphates pass away in solution in the
       In contrast to nitrogen, phosphorus is not   were able to return to them. In some such   effluent. As mentioned earlier, these nutrients
     readily leeched from the land. Although   rivers however, as the mines filled with water   can technologically be removed from the
     considerable amounts of phosphorus are added   and dissolved the iron from the pyrites, the   effluent but at appreciable cost. Whether the
     to agricultural land as fertilizer, almost all of   resultant waters discharged to the rivers were   community is willing and able to pay is an
     this is recovered in the crop. Losses of   acid and contained iron which deposited on the   economic and social consideration. It has been
     phosphorus which do occur, result from water   river bed as ochre. Other rivers, previously   estimated that under British conditions it is
     and wind erosion of fertile top soils. This type   polluted organically, now suffer nutrient   probably cheaper to pay for increased water-
     of erosion of sandy soils in the Eastern   enrichment; sewage fungus growths have given   treatment costs resulting from the adverse
     counties in the spring removes appreciable   rise to the more colourful but equally   conditions than to remove nutrients at source,
     amounts of phosphorus, much of which finds its   troublesome growths of cladophora.   but this does not remedy the position in the
     way to water courses and reservoirs. Sewage   Our present understanding of the nature of   river itself. A more advanced approach to the
     effluents are easily the most common source of   pollution and water pollution control technology   problems of water pollution control would be
     nutrients entering rivers. Agricultural   could enable us to effectively control river   the positive one of conservation; that is,
     effluents however, as opposed to land drainage,   pollution. The main problems are sociological   conservation by recovery of valuable materials
     are becoming a more important source of   and economic. Although, for sake of      which would result in the conservation of the
     nutrients with changing agricultural practices.   presentation, I have classified pollution   natural freshwater habitats. In some countries
     Whereas in the days of mixed farming, animal   scientifically, the causes of pollution can be   enjoying longer hours of sunshine, algae
     wastes were recycled to fertilize the land, with   classified quite differently sociologically. These   grown on the nutrients of sewage effluents has
     factory farming they are discharged to the rivers   range from the inexcusable to the inevitable,   been used as poultry feed.
     and adversely increase their fertility.   being associated with human vices, failings, and   The problem of river pollution, at least, is
       Unlike carbon, which is oxidized by bacteria   man's essential activities both physical and   not an insoluble one. Indeed, because of
     in the sewage treatment processes, much of the   metabolic. Of the inexcusable causes of   nature's inbuilt purification process involving
     nitrogen and phosphorus is not utilized and is   pollution, malicious forms are rare. The more   evaporation and precipitation in the form of
     still present in the effluent. Although the   common form in this category is selfishness.   the hydrologic cycle, we are given another
     bacteria require some nitrogen and phosphorus   At management level it is realized that it is less   chance of improving our rivers each time it
     as well as carbon in a well-balanced diet, the   costly to discharge effluents to water courses   rains. Generally, by virtue of the developed
     relative proportions of nitrogen and phosphorus   than to install treatment plants. At the operator   technology, society can have the environment
     in relation to carbon present in sewage is in   level, the easiest way of emptying a tank is often   it is able and willing to pay for. Man's
     excess of the organisms' needs. Technical   into the nearby water course. With the general   technology has produced for him both
     processes have been developed for the removal   realization of the pollutional problem these   affluence and effluents. For him to continue to
     of nitrogen and phosphorus from the sewage   attitudes and practices are largely things of the   enjoy the former he must use some of it to
     effluents. The removal of phosphorus by such    past. Certainly industry, in its own interest,    control the latter. q

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