Page 40 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 40

Nothing but an Artist



        `I am nothing else

        but an artist,
        I'm sure, and

        delighted to be • • • •'

                         Marcel Duchamp, 1961

         Chocolate Grinder 1914. Coll: Nordrhein-Westfalen Museum, Düsseldorf

       1. 	                                information' is one of the factors   has become clear that journalistically,
          'It is perfectly true that an
       experienced anthropologist, visiting a   producing the 'sophistication without   modern art can be exploited far more
       `new' primitive society for the first time   depth' that is a characteristic of the   profitably : it can be presented as
       and working with the aid of competent   modern public's reaction to art.   something out of the ordinary, but for
       interpreters, may be able, after a stay of   Moreover, art conveyed by the Press   that very reason, entertaining as well.
       only a few days, to develop in his own   comes into collision with the great social   On the other hand, this presentation
       mind a fairly comprehensive 'model' of   problems of our time, thus making its   must be as readable as possible. Thus the
       how the social system works, but it is   status even more doubtful and difficult to   content of modern art is compressed into
       also true that if he stays for six months   assess. 3                   a few easily remembered catch-phrases :
       and learns to speak the local language,   Here Alloway is pointing to an   Pop Art, Op Art, Minimal Art,
       very little of that original 'model' will   important truth. No amount of publicity,   Conceptualism, Hyper-realism, and so on.
       remain. Indeed the task of understanding   no matter how competently or critically   These phrases are coined quickly, as the
       how the system works will by then   presented, can take the place of direct   occasion demands and, rather than
       appear even more formidable than it did   contact with a work of art. The art critic   explaining, they tend to confuse the
       just two days after his first arrival.'   can tell you that his experience in studios   meaning and value of the works. What in
       So wrote Edmund Leach in his well-  and galleries is similar to that of the   fact does Lichtenstein's pop art have in
       known book on Levi-Strauss, and he   anthropologist in situ: he must be   common with that of Segal ? Or can
       adds : 'Levi-Strauss himself has never had   continually ready to find his theories on   Pearlstein, Estes and de Andrea really be
       the opportunity to suffer this      modern art inadequate to deal with the   grouped together under the same
       demoralizing experience and he never   new work; he must always be prepared to   heading ? The work of some artists lends
       comes to grips with the issue involved."   be taken aback or surprised by   itself especially well to journalistic
         It is somewhat the same with art   something, and to adjust his ideas   treatment, and many go out of their way
       criticism. Today, contemporary art is   accordingly. But from this it follows that   to be obliging in this regard; other
       receiving an unprecedented amount of   art criticism can never lead to definitive   artists may seem far less effective, and
       publicity while, at the same time, the   conclusions. It must remain open; it   thus a quite special scale of values is
       number of people who actually see the   must pose questions rather than give   created. Think of all that goes on under
       works remains minimal. Lawrence     answers.                            the label of conceptual art! A sculptress
       Alloway, writing in Artforum about the   Today, however, people are used to   who in New York exhibits a series of
       function of art in modern society, points   having the media provide them with   nude photographs of herself as
       out that it is rare for more than a   predigested information so that they   documents of her successful reducing
       thousand people to view a gallery   won't have to bother thinking for   cure, and the dilettantish questionnaire
       exhibition, and art reaches a wider public   themselves, and art journalism has had to   action organized by Hans Haacke in a
       almost exclusively through the Press.   adapt itself to this attitude. Until   museum, are given world-wide
       In this context, he says, 'the works of art   recently, it was enough to dismiss modem   publicity in the art press. The reader no
       become part of the lively flow of signs   art with ridicule. Today, it is treated as   longer need view the new work directly:
       and symbols that populate the       nonsense and humbug by only a very few   reproductions and commentaries are
       environment', and this 'saturation by   backward writers. For in the meantime it    enough. But if he goes on to an

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