Page 39 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 39


        'It is just because Rembrandt is none   libraries. The dead should not be   Baudelarian, exotic, a traveller, gathering,
        of the things that posterity has given him   permitted to be so much stronger than the   romances out of vague or rare
        that he remains.'                    living. We must learn to forget the past,   or uncivilized or little known countries.
          Monsieur Duchamp explodes figurative   to live our own lives in our own time.'   `Sargent, Simon, Blanche, Cottett.
        bombs like this one in a tone that is   Monsieur Duchamp was asked for   Bernard are impossible. They trade upon
        matter of fact but not arrogant. He is   opinions upon the work of men whose   antiquity. The prolific Besnard is an
        neither modest nor vain. He has red   names are written large in the list of art.   especially disgusting parasite. Maurice
        hair, blue eyes, freckles, a face, except for   `Velasquez, like Constantin Meunier,   Denis is a little better. But he goes to
        a certain sensitiveness, and a figure that   is the type of great man. You feel that he   mass and going feels that he must reflect
        would seem American even among       asks you to stand by and admire his   the fact in his work. And so in the
        Americans. He is young and strangely   greatness, his dexterity, his grandeur   twentieth century we have what may be
        unaffected by the vast amount of     and he is terrifically suave. That is not   called neo-catholicism in art. I do not
         argument created by his work. He is   so true of Rodin who is more subtle and   believe that art should have anything in
        away from the French front on a      thus better able to fool us. His drawings   common with definite theories that are
         furlough. He neither talks, nor looks,   may last for twenty years but next to   apart from it. That is too much like
        nor acts like an artist. It may be that in   those of Cezanne they are impossible.   propaganda. I like Bouguereau better
        the accepted sense of the word he is not   Rodin is always sensuous, a materialistic   than any of these men, he is so much
        an artist. In any case he has nothing but   animal, if you will. Cezanne reaches   more honestly an Academician. The
        antipathy for the accepted sense of any of   much higher.                others pose as revolutionary and their
        the terms of art. He talked in a studio   `Greco is the root of Picasso. They call   puny little souls cannot know what
        almost bare of adornment, and        Picasso the leader of the cubists but he is   revolution means. They must have taken
        containing, here and there, leant against   not a cubist strictly speaking. He is a   their definition out of the dictionary.
        a wall, a chair and a table, pieces of a   cubist today — something else tomorrow.   `Whistler has a living personality that
        picture painted on glass that eventually   The only real cubists today are Gleizes   he could not fully conserve in his
        will be put together on a single canvas.   and Metzinger.                pictures. Remove all the evidence of the
          `Rembrandt could never have expressed   `But that word cubism means nothing   influence of traditions upon the work of
        all the thoughts found in his work. In the   at all, it might just as well, for the sense   Gustave Moreau and you will find that he
        religious age he was the great religious   it contains, have been policarpist. An   is the most isolated figure of his epoch.
        painter, another epoch discovered in him   ironical remark of Matisse's gave birth   There is a great sympathy between the
        a profound psychologist, another a poet,   to it. Now we have a lot of little cubists,   work of Redon and Moreau in refinement
        still another, the last one, a master   monkeys following the motion of the   of colour and sensitiveness.
        craftsman. This may prove that people   leader without comprehension of their   `Redon is one of the sources to which
        give more to pictures than they take   significance. Their favourite word is   Matisse has gone consciously or not.
        from them. Certainly no man can be a   discipline. It means everything to them   Matisse's colour has not the solidity of
        profound psychologist and a great    and nothing.                        Cezanne's, but it cannot be viewed from
        religious preacher at once. Rembrandt   `Daumier was good in a caricatural   the same angle. There is nothing that you
        dipped his pictures in a solution of   way, selected by himself to be sure, but   can take hold of in Matisse's colour, not
        sentiment. If they are good, they are   his irony was not so profound as Goya's.   in the old sense of quality in colour. It is
        good despite that.                   The spirit of Daumier is revived in the   transparent, thin, perhaps, but when you
          `There may be an association between   Greek cartoonist Gallinis who has lately   have left his pictures you will see that
        Cezanne and Rembrandt. I do not know.   done some very interesting themes in the   they have taken hold of you.' •
        The greatest scientific spirit of the   manner of the cubists.
        nineteenth century, greater in that sense   `Gauguin is an impressionist and a   From Arts and Decoration, New York,
        than Cezanne is Seurat, who died at   romanticist — a great force —      Sept. 1915
        the age of thirty-two. The twentieth
        century is to be still more abstract, more
        cold, more scientific. The American
        character contains the elements of an
        extraordinary art. Your life is cold and
        scientific. Perhaps you are too young in
        art. The traditions weigh too heavily
        upon you, turn you into a sort of religious
        fanatics as little yourselves as possible.
          `In architecture the Florentine palaces
        here have disappeared with the advent of
        the skyscraper, with the call of utility
        that means. Assuredly the Plaza Hotel
        with its innumerable windows,
        voraciously taking in light, is more
        beautiful than the Gothic Woolworth
        Building, but I like the immensity of the
          `New York itself is a work of art, a
        complete work of art. Its growth is
        harmonious, like the growth of ripples
        that come on the water when a stone has
        been thrown into it. And I believe that
        your idea of demolishing old buildings,
        old souvenirs, is fine. It is in line with
        that so much misunderstood manifesto
        issued by the Italian Futurists which
        demanded, in symbol only however,
        though it was taken literally, the
        destruction of the museums and

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