Page 38 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 38

Wonderland, he will be led to pass
                                                                               through the looking-glass of the retina, to
                                                                               reach a more profound expression.
                                                                                 I am only too well aware that among
                                                                               the 'isms' which I have mentioned,
                                                                               Surrealism introduced the exploration of
                                                                               the subconscious and reduced the role of
                                                                               the retina to that of an open window on
                                                                               the phenomena of the brain.
                                                                                 The young artist of tomorrow will, I
                                                                               believe, have to go still further in this
                                                                               same direction, to bring to light startling
                                                                               new values which are and will always be
                                                                               the basis of artistic revolutions.
                                                                                 If we now envisage the more technical
                                                                               side of a possible future, it is very likely
                                                                               that the artist, tired of the cult for oils in
                                                                                painting, will find himself completely
                                                                                abandoning this five-hundred-year-old
                                                                                process, which restricts his freedom of
                                                                                expression by its academic ties.
                                                                                  Other techniques have already
                                                                                appeared recently and we can foresee that
                                                                                just as the invention of new musical
                                                                                instruments changes the whole
                                                                                sensibility of an era, the phenomenon of
                                                                                light can, due to current scientific
                                                                                progress, among other things, become
                                                                                the new tool for the new artist.
                                                                                  In the present state of relations
                                                                                between artists and the public, we can
                                                                                see an enormous output which the public
                                                                                moreover supports and encourages.
                                                                                Through their close connection with the
                                                                                law of supply and demand the visual arts
                                                                                have become a 'commodity' ; the work of
                                                                                art is now a commonplace product like
                                                                                soap and securities.
                                                                                 So we can perfectly well imagine the
                                                                                creation of a union which would deal with
                                                                                all the economic questions concerning the
                                                                                artist . . . we can imagine this union
                                                                                deciding on the selling price of works of
                 Where do we go                                                 art, just as the plumbers' union
                                                                                determines the salary of each worker . . .
                         from here?                                             we can even imagine this union forcing
                                                                                the artist to abandon his identity, even to
                                                                                the point of no longer having the right to
                              Marcel Duchamp                                    sign his works. Would the total artistic
                                                                                output controlled by a union of this kind
                  Symposium at Philadelphia Museum College of Art, March 1961
                                                                                form a sort of monument to a given era
                                                                                comparable to the anonymous
         To imagine the future, we should    Scarcely twenty years ago the public   cathedrals ?
       perhaps start from the more or less recent   still demanded of the work of art some   These various aspects of art today bring
       past, which seems to us today to begin   representative detail to justify its interest   us to look at it as a whole, in terms of an
       with the realism of Courbet and Manet.   and admiration.                 over-developed exoteric. By that I mean
       It does seem in fact that realism is at the   Today, the opposite is almost true . . .   that the general public accepts and
       heart of the liberation of the artist as an   the general public is aware of the existence   demands a lot from art, far too much
       individual, whose work, to which the   of abstraction, understands it and even   from art; that the general public today
       viewer or collector adapts himself,   demands it of the artists.        seeks aesthetic satisfaction wrapped up in
       sometimes with difficulty, has an     I am not talking about the collectors   a set of material and speculative values
       independent existence.              who for fifty years have supported this   and is drawing artistic output towards an
         This period of liberation rapidly gave   progression towards a total abandon of   enormous dilution.
       birth to all the 'isms' which have followed   representation in the visual arts; like the   This enormous dilution, losing in
       one another during the last century, at   artists, they have been swept along by the   quality what it gains in quantity, is
       the rate of one new 'ism' about every   current. The fact that the problem of the   accompanied by a levelling down of
       fifteen years.                      last hundred years boils down almost   present taste and its immediate result will
         I believe that to try and guess what will   entirely to the single dilemma of the   be to shroud the near future in
        happen tomorrow, we must group the   `representative and the non-      mediocrity.
        `isms' together through their common   representative' seems to me to reinforce   In conclusion, I hope that this
        factor, instead of differentiating them.   the importance I gave a moment ago to   mediocrity, conditioned by too many
         Considered in the framework of a   the entirely retinal aspect of the total   factors foreign to art per se, will this time
        century of modern art, the very recent   output of the different 'isms'.   bring a revolution on the ascetic level,
       examples of Abstract Expressionism     Therefore I am inclined, after this   of which the general public will not even
       clearly show the ultimate in the retinal   examination of the past, to believe that   be aware and which only a few initiates
       approach begun by Impressionism. By   the young artist of tomorrow will refuse   will develop on the fringe of a world
        `retinal' I mean that the aesthetic   to base his work on a philosophy as over-  blinded by economic fireworks.
        pleasure depends almost entirely on the   simplified as that of the 'representative or   The great artist of tomorrow will go
        impression on the retina, without   non-representative' dilemma.       underground.
        appealing to any auxiliary interpretation.   I am convinced that, like Alice in    (Translated by Helen Meakins)
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