Page 68 - Studio International - January February 1975
P. 68

scissors. They are depicted with a   pulled, dragged or drawn out'. A COUPS   words'. It appeared on the front cover of
       bayonette rising toward them from a   TROP TIRES can mean in blows too   The Little Review, N.Y. XL No. 1,
       chocolate grinder. These at least are   drawn out.                      spring 1925. In 1925, Duchamp had the
       transparent allusions, for la baïonette is   Tirer un coup is common in the idiom,   sentence, Rrose Sélavy et moi esquivons
       slang for penis, and Duchamp himself   tirer un coup de fusil 'to fire a shot from a   les ecchymoses des esquimaux aux mots
       wrote of the chocolate grinder in his   rifle', which Schwarz relates to the   exquis, engraved around the edge of his
       Notes and Projects for the Large Glass:   breaking of the hymen.' Also, a pun on   sculpture entitled Rotative demi-sphere.
      `Principe adage de spontaneité (qui   A COUPS TROP TIRES is a couteau      The sentence follows correct syntax
       explique le mvt. giratoire de la broyeause de   tire 'with knife drawn'. The knife would   and alliteration is tightly built upon all
      sans autre secours) Le célibatoire broie son   symbolize the penis, and the threatening   three syllables of each of the four word
       chocolat lui même —'trans.: Principle   weapons, like the scissors and the   groups, creating again a spiral of sound.
      adage of spontaneity (which explains the   bayonette, would equate death with   Yet the sentence, like the postcards of
      gyratory mvt. of the grinder without   incest.                           1916, makes no apparent sense.
      other help) The bachelor grinds his    Another pun is à cous trop tirés, 'with   ESQUIVONS let us cleverly escape'
      chocolate himself —.                 necks too stretched'. In the Large Glass,   implies disdain.
        Need I explain that this is generally   the Bride is referred to as a Pendu   LES ECCHYMOSES are very bad,
      interpreted as reflexive male sexuality.   femelle. This phrase is relevant but   ugly bruises, since lighter ones are
      Corresponding to this, the scissors   difficult to translate. Pendu is a gerund   called les bules. They are disgusting and
      represent female sexuality, but      meaning hung, or a hanging thing.   revolting to look at. Mention of it here
      Duchamp's diagram denies a physical or a   Femelle is female, but in a derogatory   carries a certain sexual connotation which
      sexual union. He portrays sexuality   sense. The term is something like 'bitch'   shadows physical sexuality as something
      rather as onanism for two, each      since it is usually applied to animals. The   `perverse'.
      partner trying to satisfy his her cravings   phrase Pendufemelle however does not   Logically, the Eskimoes are a people
      and finding instead a ceaseless gyratory   imply misogeny. Women in particular   that to a Frenchman seem cold and
      movement.                            are not held responsible, as sex objects for   exotic. Here, they are the possessor of
         The symbol of the scissors (and also of   a society which has long been male-  MOTS EXQUIS, where EXQUIS
       the bayonette) implies frustration and   dominated, for man's doom through   `exquisite' suggests in French something
       aggression, guilt and castration or death,   sexual incest and family passion, which in   that is sublimely and ravishingly
       yet if these strong sexual feelings are   turn becomes a basis for man's sexual   sensual. The Eskimoes, while responsible
       contained in this sentence, the forth-  aggression. That indictment would have   for the gross pain, are nonetheless
       right structure and meaning remain   called for the phrase Femelle pendue, with   extremely attractive. Perhaps they are
       banal and matter-of-fact.           Femelle as the subject and pendue as the   beautiful yet cold and unattainable sex
                                           adjective. Pendu femelle is a hanging thing   objects: or, still on an aesthetic or
       ON DEMANDE DES MOUSTIQUES           that happens in this case to be female. It   intellectual level, AUX MOTS EXQUIS
       DOMESTIQUES (DEMI-STOCK)            could be either sex since both sexes are   could refer to a seductive
       POUR LA CURE D'AZOTE SUR LA         frustrated — Duchamp seems indifferent.   sophistication. But since both the
       COTE D'AZUR.                          In this case, Pendu 'hanging' and the   sublime 'aesthetic' beauty (EXQUIS) and
         This is worded like a want-ad. A   pun, a cous trop tires 'with necks too   the disgusting physicality
       literal translation is : (Wanted) They are   stretched', indicate a state of sexual   (ECCHYMOSES) simultaneously
       asking for some domesticated mosquitoes   frustration. In the Large Glass, intercourse   qualify the same noun, they are
       (half-stock) for the nitrogen cure on the   was never achieved. The Bride was left   inseparable, so that concepts of
       French Riviera.                     hanging. The passion of the family could   aesthetic and physical taken from this
         The words,  Moustiques domestiques   therefore be the normal undercurrents   context must be defined accordingly.
       demi-stock' first appeared written over   which are left unrealized in a 'normal'   MOTS EXQUIS 'exquisite words' is
       and over again on the background of   family.                           the substance of the film, and the words
       bonds for a small gambling venture in   Asphyxiation is also related to heavy   used are certainly refined and based in the
       Monte Carlo, a scheme invented by   breathing and sexual satisfaction. In   sensual. They are as words intellectual,
       Duchamp and Man Ray, dated          some primitive cultures, men have rites   so the ESQUIMAUX AU MOTS
       November I, 1924.                   of approaching asphyxiation to gain   EXQUIS is perhaps artistic activity as in
         DES MOUSTIQUES                    erection. They of course have to cut this   this film. Modified by ECCY HMOSES,
       DOMESTIQUES (DEMI-STOCK) is         a little short in order to avoid suicide.   art becomes a form of battering cerebral
       alliteration based again on 3 3, or three   A cous trop tires 'with necks too   eroticism born from insatiable desires
       times the three syllables. LA CURE   stretched' equates incest with     which are attractive yet enslaving,
       D'AZOTE and LA COTE D'AZUR are      asphyxiation and with Duchamp's plan,   painful and 'perverse'.
       two sets of three syllables which agree in   derived from the expression couper   Still the indication ESQUIVONS 'let
       consonance.                         le gaz 'to cut off the gas' to : 'Establish a   us cleverly and disdainfully escape' is to
                                           society in which the individual has to   outsmart this 'perverse' attraction, be it
       INCESTE OU PASSION DE               pay for the air he breathes (air meters;   physical or aesthetic. With characteristic
       FAMILLE, A COUPS TROP TIRES.        imprisonment and rarefied air), in case of   irony, Duchamp presented us both the
         INCESTE OU PASSION DE             non-payment simple asphyxiation, if   pun and the film, and at the same time
       FAMILLE is simply translated as :   necessary (cut off the air).'       he described his own art activity as nil —
       Incest or family passion. Passions is the   All of these serious overtones however   'I am a breather' — and claimed he
       first person plural, imperfect tense, of the   are already comic, since tirer un coup is   abandoned his projects (painting for
       verb passer, to pass. This can be in the   simple slang for having intercourse.   example, and the Large Glass) because
       sense of 'The Passing of the Virgin to the   A COUPS TROP TIRES is an odd twist   he became bored. He was in these
       Bride' (the title of one of Duchamp's   to that phrase ( TROP 'too much')   descriptions of himself consistently
       paintings, `.. . a title which signifies not a   implying intercourse too much had, or   lying of course, and in so doing
       representation of the loss of virginity but   too much intercourse.     recreating himself, hermetically sealed
       rather a succession from one form to                                    in his direct statements, as his own
      another. . . . The dialectical notion of   ESQUIVONS LES ECCHYMOSES      idealization, enacting as much as possible
       "passage", associated with that of   DES ESQUIMAUX AUX MOTS             his own wishful thinking.
       transmutation, has a profound       EXQUIS.                               Incidentally, objet dard (cf. p. 2) is a
       significance for Duchamp,' or it can be   `Let us flee from (cleverly and with   dildo, which makes the piece a pun of
       of the passing, or death, of the family.   some disdain) the bruises of the   many dimensions and a very funny
        A COUPS TROP TIRES is more         Eskimoes who have exquisite words.'   statement on or object for the function of
       difficult to translate since both COUPS   This sentence was first written in 1924   art.
      (n.) and TIRES (past part.) are      as Rrose Sélavy et moi estimons les   (. .. That it now rests untouchable in a
      ambiguous words having many          ecchymoses des esquimaux aux mots   museum collection makes it unnecessary
      meanings; COUPS 'blows, quick        exquis. arose Sélavy and I estime the   for a future artist to deface it with a
      actions; conquests', TIRES 'stretched,    bruises of the Eskimoes of exquisite    moustache . . . R.I.P !)

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