Page 72 - Studio International - January February 1975
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artists residing or passing through   A narrow, oblong-shaped   exhibitions and the sale prices
                                  London can buy the first four   paperback describing the fantastic   their works obtained during the
           Feedback               numbers for 12p, and subscribe to   projects, conceits, images and   period Jan 1971 to June 1973. It
                                  a further eight issues for only 50p.   structures produced by such   also contains details of 112 art
                                  The newspaper carries       tenuously architectural groups as   galleries and 39 auction houses.
        Writing about the newspaper   photographs and layouts, collages   Ant Farm, Archigram,   The text is enlivened by over a
      Art-Rite in the September 1974   etc. by artists, as well as   Eventstructure Research, 9999.   thousand small black-and-white
      `Feedback' made me wonder yet   information and reports.   UFO 	. and by such individual   illustrations.
      again whether an artist-      The first number of Exchange,   designers as Max Peinter, Cedric
      orientated art newspaper could   a double-sided printed sheet   Price, Ettore Sottsass and Hans   Wassily Kandinsky: 'Regards
      not flourish in London. I fancy   dated October 1974, states that it   Hollein. A comprehensive   sur le passe' et autre textes 1912-
      that although most of the content   `is setting out to establish a   classified bibliography is provided   1922; edited by Jean Paul
      of the New York Art-Rite may   communication network between   for those who wish to read   Bouillon. 328 pp, 8 plates; 7
      not exactly turn a Londoner on,   artists throughout Britain'. 'We   further.      illustrations. Bibliography. Paris:
      something not too dissimilar but   expect that the communication                   Hermann, 1974. (unpriced)
      dealing instead with the London   will come in many different forms,   The First World War in posters   A paperback containing a series
      scene could well do so. While it   but we will try to accommodate as   from the Imperial War Museum,   of important texts by Kandinsky.
      would be preferable to cover a   much as possible. Therefore the   London; edited by Joseph   `Regards ...' deals with the birth
      wider region, even the whole of   character of Exchange will be   Darracott . xxiii, 72 plates; 75   of abstraction between 1913 and
      the UK, it seems inevitable that   variable. Sometimes it might   illustrations (48 in colour).   1918 and the other writings date
      London's art community would   materialize as a paper, other   Bibliography. New York: Dover;   from the Blaue Reiter and Der
      provide the central focus. The   times as a book, a film, a   London: Constable, 1974.   Sturm period (1912-13). There
      economics of such a publication   performance or even simply a   £2.80 paperback.   is also an appendix which
      may not be simple, but a    meeting.' The first issue was   Artists seeking a model for an art   contains poems, letters and an
      fortnightly newspaper with a   distributed free, via the art   which serves a political function   interview.
      commitment to the diversity of   schools, but for subsequent issues   need look no further than this   John A. Walker
      art now, and without any    funds are necessary and a charge   collection of nationalistic,
      pretensions about becoming a   will be made. If you would like a   jingoistic posters produced by the
      glossy, could provide a real focus   copy write to Exchange, 11   various combatants involved in   Vision
      for polemic, criticism, debate and   Redcliffe Place, London SW10,   the first world war. It is ironic that
      discontent.                 and enclose a stamp for return.   the same crude images of
       The only English precedent, Art   Write too if you can help or are   exhortation and the same
      News and Review, did for a certain   interested in helping.   international art styles were used   Independent Film on TV
      period seem to be close to the   The other newcomer is London   for propaganda purposes by   Dzi ga Vertov said `Film drama
      concerns of its time, though this   Art Student, also a double-sided   artists on opposing sides.   is the opium of the masses'. 1 feel
      coincided with the commitment of   folded sheet, but one which   Examples by Steinlen, Nash,   sure he would agree that it should
      a few individuals. However, in its   combines information regarding   Nevinson, Brangwyn, Whitehead   now read `tv is the opium ...'. It is
      first issues in 1949 and 1950 it was   lectures, exhibitions, clubs, films,   and Pennell are included; the   fairly plain to see just how much
      already calling upon such   discos etc. in art colleges and   selection is introduced by a staff   British tv is given over to
      contributors as Alloway,    related institutions in London, in   member of the Imperial War   programmes which in a literary
      Robertson, Melville, Sylvester,   one place. Further information   Museum.         equivalent would be no better
      Hodin, Heron, Sutton, Banham,   from London Art Student, c/o                       than the poorest romantic or
      Blunt, Berger and Pevsner, and by   Slade School of Fine Art,   Will Bradley: his graphic art;   detective comic strip. Even
      the time it had reached its zenith   University College London,   edited by Clarence P. Hornung.   documentary, information and
      in the late fifties, when Alloway   Gower Street, London, WC1.   xxxvii, 97 pp; 97 illustrations   news programmes do little more
      had really found his voice, other   Art newspapers are flourishing   (27 in colour). New York: Dover;   than provide a cathartic
      contributors included Lynton,   in other countries too, and a   London: Constable, 1974. £2.24.   spectacle. BBC 2 has never fulfilled
      Bowness, Reichardt and Roger   couple more from a different   Posters, illustrations, typographic   even Radio 3's function of
      Coleman, together with artists   region offer further contrasts. The   design and decoration by the   covering independent, minority
      such as Richard Smith, Harold   American West Coast Artweek   American artist Will Bradley   or controversial views, and since
      Cohen, Rumney, Hill and Kitaj.   costs 35c. a week from P.O. Box   (1868-1962). Bradley was a   it has become nation-wide it has
      Perhaps the time is ripe for   2496, Castro Valley, CA 94546,   member of the American Arts and   increasingly duplicated the style
      another such enterprise, but done   and includes reviews,   Crafts movement and a great   and range of the two more
      better and to a somewhat    correspondence, exhibition lists   exponent of the Art Nouveau   `popular' channels. The social role
      different formula.          and small ads. Its somewhat   style. All the examples reproduced   of tv creates for it a normative
        During 1973 and 1974 The   staid format resembles the old   in this collection date from the   tendency. The nightly tv vigil of
      Mewspaper emanated from the   Art News and Review. But there   period 1893 to 1915. The   the majority of the population
      Royal College of Art and lasted   is also Mail Order Art (or at   introduction incorporates   provides the main basis for a
      for 25 issues; it began as a college   least there was a year or so back),   Bradley's `Notes towards an   unified 'national' consciousness.
      newspaper but gradually,    available from 687 Fairmont   autobiography'.          The boat may not be rocked too
      apparently due to the apathy of   Avenue, Oakland, CA 94611 in                     much, nor too much thought
      its potential readership, began to   the same state. This gives each   The art of the Japanese kite by   provoked. Though in the
      reflect wider issues and to   artist or group of artists a page   Tal Streeter. 183 pp; 130   conditions of broadcasting there
      communicate outside the college.   in which they can describe what   illustrations (many in colour).   is clear, explicit, political and
      However, since its demise at least   they have available for sale by   Bibliography. New York &   moral censorship, more
      three other newspapers have   mail order, at least that's what it   Tokyo: Weatherhill, 1974. $20.   important and more difficult to
      appeared in London, suggesting   appears to be doing, for while one                combat is the implicit censorship,
      that there is a need for extra   can buy artist-designed T-shirts,   Some Japanese are kite freaks.   filtering and manipulation created
      channels of communication.   postcards and stickers, all one   They fly kites which vary in size   by the structure itself. Television's
        Art Meeting Place News has at   learns from one artist, in a caption   from inches to three hundred feet;   organizational structure, social
      the time of writing produced the   below a close-up picture of   one giant kite requires a team of   function, the limit on broadcast
      most issues, six, over a five-month   Donald Duck glomping, is that:   fifty men to control it! For once   time, duplication between
      period. Obviously the information   'In my first life I lived to be   the title does not exaggerate —  channels, 'good' taste and even
      carried by this newspaper on a   seventy-two/in my second life I   judging from the stunning   the liberal concept of 'balance'
      single densely packed folded sheet   was a grasshopper and a bird ate   examples illustrated here —  make it almost impossible to show
      focusses on the Art Meeting   me before I was a week old/thank   Japanese kite making is a major   risky or minority-interest
      Place, which is a 'collective   you'. And thank you.  Clive Phillpot   artform. The American author is   material.
      managed by its users' which seeks                      a sculptor and creator of giant   At the same time there is a
      `to maintain its meeting area,                          kites; he includes a chapter on   production paradox. With 16mm
      gallery, and information centre                         how to make kites.         film, the facilities for independent
      free from commercial pressures',   Books                                           film production are increasingly
      and which, while having its roots                      Bolaffi international catalogue of   good. Television does nothing to
      in a locality, is open to all. 'At                     modern art, No. 2. viii, 248 pp;   present this work, whilst its effect
      present there is no inflated   Architettura `radicale' by Paolo   1444 illustrations. Turin: Giulio   limits cinema audiences.
      institutional sub. for AMP News',   Navone & Bruno Orlandoni. 200   Bolaffi, 1974. 30,000 lire.   Consequently a lot of independent
      so institutions as well as   pp; over 130 illustrations.   A reference tool of interest to   films are being made only to
      individuals wishing to inform   Bibliography. G. Milani —   dealers and collectors which   receive very limited presentation,
      themselves or others of the   Documenti di Casabella, 1974.   provides brief biographies of 250   mostly through university film
      activities and facilities open to    (unpriced)        contemporary artists. It lists their    societies. There is a growing
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