Page 64 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 64

Vladimir Stenberg's 1973 tracings   some of the glaring errors and   approximately an hour. In
                                                                                         addition there will be one-man
           Feedback               of 1919 drawings by himself and   omissions, which are inevitable   shows by the three main
                                  his brother which relate to the
                                                             for this form of festival took place.
                                  constructions.              Important works by Gidal and   contributors to the mixed
                                                              John Ducane were excluded from   programmes —4 March, William
        Von der Fläche zum Raum/    Russian Constructivism   competition by the Belgian   Raban; 11 March, Chris Welsby;
      From Surface to Space, Russland/   revisited the 20-page catalogue   selection committee, and in spite   18 March, René Croft; all these
      Russia, 1916-24 is the 164 page   from the Hatton Gallery,   of the wishes of the final Jury,   shows begin at 6.30 pm. The
      paperback book which was    Newcastle upon Tyne relates to   their work could not be eligible   film-makers will be present to
      occasioned by, and which also   the March 1974 exhibition which   for prizes. This was particularly   introduce and discuss their work
      catalogues, the exhibition at the   attempted to recreate certain of   unfortunate for John Ducane, as   for these evening presentations,
      Galerie Gmurzynska, 5 KOIn 1,   the artworks known only from   P. Adams Sitney, a member of the   and they will have an opportunity
      Schaafenstrasse 67, during   the photographs of the 1921   jury, pressed very hard for a prize   to show films which are not shown
      Autumn 1974 (£5.00). Its cover   Obmokhu exhibition. The   for his film Relations, which could   in the afternoons, and also to
      bears a bled off and surprisingly   catalogue contains a number of   not be given as the film was only   screen work which does not
     clean and clear photograph of one   illustrations of work by   shown out of competition.   directly relate to the 'Landscape'
      end of the Second Obmokhu   Rodchenko among others, as well   However, even though a number   idea which is the central theme.
      exhibition held in Moscow in   as an introductory text by John   of the best British experimental   Each week, two of the afternoon
      1921. This and the few other   Milner, and a short piece on   film-makers chose not to enter the   programmes — Mondays and
      similar surviving photographs   Mayakovsky by Svetlana le   competition — no provision was   Wednesdays — will also be
      from this period of Russian art   Fleming. However it is   made for multi-projection or   introduced, in this case by Deke
      history, are steadily surrendering   supplemented by a brief article   performance work which   Dusinberre, and students of art
      their content; one is gradually   in issue number 5 of One   automatically excluded fifty per   and film are particularly welcome
      being educated into seeing what   magazine for November 1974   cent of the recent work here — four   to these shows which can extend
      the photograph recorded, rather   (15 p from 1 Lever Street, London   of the prizes went to British   into a seminar/discussion if the
      than simply being excited by such   ECI) and particularly by the   film-makers, Richard Wooley,   audience is so inclined.
      frail traces of remarkable but   accompanying photographs of   Anna Ambrose, Anthony McCall   Dusinberre, who has selected and
      apparently vanished works,   some of the facsimiles cf works   and Mike Dunford. I do not know   organized the whole series, is a
      particularly by means of the   by Rodchenko and George   the work of the first two, but I am   young American film critic,
      reconstruction and rediscovery of   Stenberg made by the   particularly pleased that Mike   currently writing a thesis on
      pieces known formerly only   Department of Fine Art at   Dunford's Still Life with Pear and   British avant-garde cinema.
      through reproduction.       Newcastle University, which are   Anthony McCall's Line Describing   Whilst he admits that the
                                  not illustrated in the Newcastle   a Cone were recognized as   landscape 'tag' is a somewhat
        Half of the content of From   catalogue.              important works. I was also glad   arbitrary classification, it none-
      Surface to Space relates directly                       to see that films by Peter Ducane,   theless represents one identifiable
      to the exhibition in that it   Vordemberge-Gildewart    William Raban and Marilyn   axis of the recent work in this
      illustrates works exhibited and   Remembered is another catalogue   Halford were chosen for   country. This direction began
      gives substantial biographical   of some substance which   competition—Marilyn Halford is a   largely in 1970-71 with the
      information about each artist   documents the life of an artist   particularly bright new film-  collaboration between William
      represented, but the other half   whose activities commence just   maker who has just begun to show   Raban and Chris Welsby,
      is made up of parallel German   as the period encompassed by   work in London. (A fuller review   culminating in their joint
      and English versions of essays   From Surface to Space comes to a   of the Knokke festival appears   production of the two screen
      which discuss aspects of the   close, and whose life is an example   on page 137 of this section.)   River Yar, completed in '72. Their
      period, or the work of specific   of the, sometimes enforced,   In January, I wrote about the   early work together, and much of
      artists, as well as including   cosmopolitanism of certain   problem of independent film on   their separate work since, has
      pieces by Malevich and      artists between the wars. The 160-  TV, and mentioned the   been concerned with some form of
      Rodchenko. The bare bones of   page catalogue was occasioned   establishment of the Independent   landscape observation. Certainly
      Camilla Gray's 1962 pioneer   by an exhibition at Annely Juda   Film-makers Association — IFA.   the 'landscape' aspect of the work
      study are in the process of being   Fine Art, 11 Tottenham Mews,   At the time of writing, there have   is significant, but perhaps more
      fleshed out by publications such   London W1P 9PJ in the autumn   been three general meetings of   significant is the almost systematic
      as this, in which the fruits of the   of 1972, it costs £3.50. Nearly a   the Association, which   exploration of various
      diligent searching of archives,   quarter of the works exhibited   concentrated on the TV issue —  observational procedures. For
      and of the tracking down and   were lent by Frau Vordemberge-  agreeing a submission for the   both film-makers this begins with
      examination of fugitive     Gildewart, however, all these and   Annan commission and beginning   the simple, time-lapse method,
      publications, as well as the first   most of the additional works were   preliminary discussions with the   resulting in the compression of
      publication of newly translated   by Vordemberge-Gildewart's   BBC about a series of Independent   large-scale time events like tide,
      texts, are first disseminated to a   friends, associates and heirs,   Film presentations. The   cloud movements, passage of sun,
      wider public. For example   from Beckmann to Bill, and   attendance at these meetings has   stars or moon, into periods which
      Tatlin's encounter with Picasso   Lissitzky to Lohse. The text of   been very high, and the level of   can be experienced kinetically. Of
      is here described more fully than   the catalogue (in both German   debate extremely good. The   itself, this technique is neither
      before, thanks to a recent   and English) by Gerhard Weber   membership is expanding rapidly.   surprising nor especially
      Russian publication, while two   chronicles the artist's movements   (Jan/Feb 'Vision' has membership   innovatory, but for both film-
      previously unknown letters by   and friendships, and is augmented   details.) In the immediate future,   makers it only served as a point of
      Malevich in the Pushkin     by photographs, some from the   meetings will be held on the first   departure for the examination of
      Museum are published for the   family album, as well as   Saturday of each month,   other methods of sampling; like in
      first time as a result of their   reproductions of the remarkable   beginning at 1.30 at NFT 3. Now   Welsby's case systems based on
      discovery by Szymon Bojko;   entries and illustrations in   that the TV debate has been   wind speed and direction, and a
      the Pushkinskii Dom archive has                         largely completed, the future   concentration on unexpected
      also yielded others from    guest-book, of exhibition   meetings are expected to   filmic problems which emerged
      Malevich to Matyushin. Doctors   installations, and of publications   concentrate more on the question   originally as by-products, like
      Bowlt, Bojko and Kovtun all   with which he was associated.   of cinema presentation and   Raban's exploration of the effect
      contribute informative articles,           Clive Phillpot   distribution in GB.    of exposure-time on colour
      and Bowlt has also compiled a                             Perhaps the most encouraging   emulsion sensitivity. René Croft,
      detailed chronology commencing                          news this month is that the Tate   who is the other main contributor
      in 1910 and petering out in 1934,                       will at last present its first   to the series, has worked mainly
      with an additional section                              coherent review of an aspect of   in 8mm. Like Welsby and Raban
      documenting the 'events which      Vision               the new British cinema. As with   (and a large proportion of film
      have helped to rehabilitate                             the two previous forays by the   experimenters), Croft originates
      certain Russian artists' from 1962                      Tate, the series of British   from a painting/sculpture
      onwards. Apart from the       For a change, I have to write   Landscape Film, to be run from   background, and his work is
      reproduction of covers of   about a number of events which   the 3 to 21 March, has sprung   probably most related to the
      publications of the period and   are basically very encouraging.   from the initiative of Terry   concept and land-art film
      photos of the artists, a    First, Knokke. Belgium's Fifth   Measham of the education   produced by artists like Richard
      particularly interesting feature of   International Film Competition,   department. But this is by far the   Long, Dan Graham or Robert
      the illustrations is the recording   which was held at Christmas,   most ambitious programme to   Smithson.
      of recently relocated constructions   allows me the subtle duality of   date. There are to be three mixed   There is some indication that
      by Rodchenko and the        both saying 'I told you so' and at   programmes, each running for a   certain of the films included in the
      Stenbergs, the work of the latter   the same time being pleased by   week (weekdays only) at midday   series might be purchased for the
      being presented together with    some of the results. As I expected,   and also at 4.00 pm for    Tate's film collection. I hope all
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