Page 65 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 65
this can lead to a regular 'Art of £1,000- to bring building up to Prof. A. McLaren Young,
Cinema' presentation concept at GLC fire standards. first holder of the Richmond Holland
the Tate before too long. £3,000 - for publicity and Chair of Fine Art, Glasgow
Anthony McCall will be in newspaper. University, President of the
England during the whole of £2,500 - for a flag festival. recently formed Assoc. of Art
April, showing new films in his £15,000 - fees for the groups Historians and an expert on The Van Abbemuseum in
`Solid Light' series. He will also performing. Whistler, and the Glasgow Eindhoven, which has been
have a photographic series based £1,000 - for the Covent Garden School; Hans Juda, creator of directorless for the past fourteen
on Manet's Dejeuner sur l'herbe. community. The community `British Weeks' as a recognized months, this February appointed
Inquiries should be addressed would keep stalls and present way of promoting British Rudi Fuchs to the post. The
direct to the artist at: 114 West local activities like craftsmen. It is exports, one-time Senior Fellow readers of Studio International
29th Street, New York 10001. interesting to note that whilst of the Royal College of Art and know the new director from his
Bill Brand showed work at touring the Flower Market, itself Governor of the Central School of articles in this journal. His
various colleges in England more suited and more useful to Art, London. He was an appointment was actively
during January, and Sally Dixon, the community as a circus or zoo, important patron, selling his opposed by the two staff members
Curator of film at the Carnegie Mr. Lucie-Smith talked about collection at Sotheby's in 1967 of the museum, who at the last
Institute, Pittsburgh, spent a few areas to hang paintings and the and devoting the proceeds to a moment were joined in
days in London to look at some problems of hanging a tapestry. fund enabling artists from opposition by their colleagues
British film before continuing At a subsequent meeting called England to travel abroad; Frank from other museums. A
with a lecture tour in Scandinavia. by Performance and Community Perls, art dealer, founder of the countermovement was launched
Malcolm Le Grice Art groups it was disclosed that Perls Galleries. He exposed the by such top Dutch artists as
60-80% of all the groups were fakes bought by Algur Meadows, Dibbets, Van Elk, Wessel
against the 'Garden Party' as the Texan millionaire, in 1967. Couzijn and Carel Visser. One of
the underlying controversies was -
proposed by the Arts Council Appeals: Ellen Johnson Gallery and is - the relationship between
News because: of Modern Art: Ellen Johnson is a museum and its visitors.
retiring from teaching in 1977 and
1. The decision for the 'Garden
The two differing views are, .
and Notes Party' was made from 'on high' to commemorate this Oberlin roughly speaking, as follows:
and that at no time were the
College, Ohio, plans to build a
artists consulted about its effect new wing in her name. An auction a. A museum has to show art,
and use (£40,000 now but nothing of donated works will be held at good art, preferably the best.
Paul Martin writes: for the future). Parke-Bernet in the spring, having The administration has the
'Garden Party 75' is the name 2. Authority determines/ first been exhibited at Castelli, knowledge and experience to
given to a planned two-month manipulates art's use (British Sonnabend, 420 West Broadway, know which art that is. Putting
run of Performance and Painting 74 - Sculpture in April, but any donation will be on a show means choosing a good
Community Art Events in Covent Symposium - Garden Party 75). gratefully received: Athena Tacha, artist (interesting, new, original)
Garden's Flower Market this 3. They were being blackmailed Asst. Prof. of Art, Oberlin and arranging his work in
summer. A Sculpture Symposium in being told they need not have College, Department of Art, aesthetically the best way
was originally planned to take the 'Garden Party' if they did not Oberlin, Ohio 44074, USA. possible. However, the public
place in the building but has now, want it because the choice was cannot be expected to appreciate
owing to the cancellation of the just between having a little or no Shows: 'From Britain '75' the show and its catalogue without
Theatre Exhibition, been moved money. is an AIR exhibition destined the same knowledge and
to the Hayward Gallery. Edward 4. The money does not get to for Finland (where it opens at the understanding.
Lucie-Smith has been appointed the people it is for. Only £18,500 Taidehalli, Helsinki, on 22 This sad fact (conveniently) is
chairman of the Advisory of the £40,000 would go direct to March) Sweden and Denmark. felt to be outside the terms of
Committee for the 'Garden artists. Thirty artists have been selected reference of the museum to
Party'. At the first committee 5. The Arts Council's own from the 900 who now have slides correct. Social changes - income
meeting, at which performance Performance Art Committee did of their work filed with the levelling, better education, better
groups and anyone interested not know anything about it until Registry at Burlington House, housing - are considered the only
could attend, the chairman it was a 'fait accompli' and it has London. The exhibition has been and outside factors in the
described the 'Garden Party' as been trying to struggle by with sponsored by the British Council improvement of the public
something that could but did not £25,000. and the Artists Association of understanding of Art. But of
have to happen. If the artists 6. The decision to allocate funds Finland. The Turner Exhibition course there are always the
did not want it the £40,000 for the 'Garden Party' was made will be shown at the Hermitage educationalists of the museum.
budget would go to something at a closed meeting and that the Museum, Leningrad, 2 October - They have the (unfortunate) task
like the Ipswich Rep. The future decision was made by non-elected 13 November and the Pushkin of explaining to housewives and
of the Flower Market building is self-appointed members. The Museum, Moscow, 22 November children exhibitions about which
- 18 January, 1976.
wide open and the 'Garden Party' meeting called upon the Fairs: The Düsseldorf and they have no say whatever.
is the only proposal that has so far government to democratize the Cologne Art Fairs will be b. There is a growing number of
turned up and been accepted, the arts and proposed to set up a combined this year for the first museum people, who think of
events being only a temporary use representative body to dispense time. The likely venue will be art as part of a culture, not
for July and August because the initially a fund of £40,000. Cologne in the first week of isolated from it, but rather,
Arts Council can only afford a Although by the time you read November. related to other expressions of
one-off show. this the 'Garden Party' may well this culture. They are looking for
The budget for the 'Garden be an affair of the past, the issues Competitions: The Arts Council a structure to facilitate these
Party' is: it raises have relevance to all of Great Britain in association principles in a museum. Starting
£5,000 - for hiring the building artists working today and with the Royal College of Art from the conception that art is a
from the Greater London Council highlights the need for all artists Department of Film and part of the visual world, the
and having it prepared by them. to get together and decide how Television is inviting applications exhibition called 'The Street', two
£1,000 - for Edward Lucie-Smith they would like their money spent. for a video bursary. The bursary years ago in the Van
from February to July. Magazine: Art Spectrum - James will be worth £1,000 and the Abbemuseum, tried to show the
£1,600 - for an assistant to the Fitzsimmons's new art magazine holder will be working in the 1 in. visitor the visual aspects of our
organiser from February to dealing with contemporary trends colour studio at the RCA which daily life. These visual aspects are
August. exclusively is now out. The is making facilities available at clearly related to socio-economic
£900 - for house manager from backer is Mr. Fitzsimmons. The £25 per day. For information: and political factors.
May to July. first issue featured Bernard Rodney Wilson, Film Officer, The Poor Art ! No more the only
£360- for cleaning building Denvir on David Hockney. Arts Ccuncil of Great Britain, 105 god in the museum, but (in the
whilst the 'Garden Party' is on. Deaths: Thomas Hart Benton, Piccadilly, London W1V QAU. show 'Playgrounds') obliged to
£2,000 - for invigilating building. famous in the thirties as a painter Tel: 01-629 9495. slum with children playing in
£500 - for invigilating building in and one of the founders of the Petition: Painting students at self-built houses and with films
the evening. FAP movement, later the WPA; the Central School of Art, about education in communes
£1,800 - for night security. This Roger Hilton, English painter, London, are petitioning on (I overheard a visitor commenting
figure could be halved by honoured with a retrospective at behalf of Cecil Collins, the 'very dirty').
collaborating with an RIBA the Serpentine Gallery, March English visionary artist, who is With the new director, art
exhibition (downstairs). 1974. being forced to leave teaching at regained its lost territory; he
£1,000 - for stage lighting and Bryan Wynter, English painter the age of 65, because of a new plans shows of Daniel Buren,
additional lighting. and kineticist; Hans Hess, compulsory retirement ruling. Sigmar Polke and Lawrence
£2,000 - for installations. authority on German The ruling imposes on part-time Weiner for this autumn.
£1,000 - to bring dress rooms etc. expressionism, and Reader of teachers regardless of merit. A more active social-cultural
up to GLC standards. Fine Art at Sussex University. policy was not exclusive only to