Page 68 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 68

film work, work on film, which is   practice, should be justly   4 Four out of ten prizes went to   Drummond, in 1968. In tact,
     presumably what experimental   distributed, in whatever amounts,   the English: 100,000 Belgian   most of the American films
     film is dealing with. This lay with   to out of competition film-makers   Francs to Anna Ambrose's   seemed very academic, illustrative
     the fact that the pre-selection jury   as well, for the festival relies   Noodle Spinner; 50,000 Belgian   of certain notions about film,
     consisted of five Belgians none of   equally on them. It is merely the   Francs to Mike Dunford's   not films really but exercises in
     whom apparently had the     impossibility cf the jury to view   Still Life with Pear; 50,000 to   working out for example a series
     vaguest education or knowledge   nine hours a day of film which   Anthony McCall's Arts Council   of permutations (such as image
     in experimental film. And in spite   prohibits the out of competition   Film Line Describing a Cone, and   degeneration, or sound image
     of the fact that Balachoff and   films (having received less   25,000 to Richard Wooley's   punctuation on a simplistic, in
     Verhavert were on the pre-  support from the pre-selection   Diephotstrasse (submitted from   actual fact nonfilmic way that
     selection jury already twenty   jury) from being in the final   Germany where he is on a one   shows many of the younger
     years ago. Neither jury's criteria   `running'. There were many   year DAED studentship in   Americans have not understood
     was publicly discussed. So it   film-makers who just did not   Berlin). The general tendency of   what structural film can actually
     becomes awfully difficult to   come to the festival because   the festival being so low, 95% not   be. It has been misunderstood as
     explain why this mediocrity of   they could neither get the hotel   being experimental at all, that left   the carrying out of certain
     pre-selection was allowed to   paid for, nor a subsidy for the   5% of interest (and that.was   pre-written formulas, like 'relate
     happen. Of 409 films viewed,   trip. Critics and journalists had   pushing it). Of these, the Japanese,   seven sounds to seven image
     seventy-four were selected for the   no such problems, and French   the American, the German, and   stages and then go through all
     competition, and twice that   critics (many mediocre ones at   the English were the main films.   the permutations'. When
     number for the daily out-of-  that) were invited down to give   And the English stood out as the   American film-makers state
     competition showings. According   seminars and hold conferences   strongest contingent, in spite of   Structuralism is dead they must
     to rumour, one juror who has in   with the film-makers and the   the fact that the more important   realize it never really was
     the past been responsible for   public. This was ludicrous as   film of Mike Dunford was   understood in the United States
     excellent Belgian TV        there was no simultaneous   completely rejected, in spite of the   and never really worked on.
     programming of experimental   translation, an easy thing to   fact that Malcolm LeGrice   There was a retrospective of the
     film, far in advance of anything on   organize. Effectively, 90% of the   wasn't represented (he did not   work of Hollis Frampton. At
     other TV stations anywhere, only   festival visitors were thus locked   apply out of principled opposition   this stage, there is little one can
     used his vote in the pre-selection   out of understanding the   to the competitive aspect of the   say except that the work seems
     once, for some inexplicable   arguments about film, aesthetics,   festival), David Crosswaite   to be engaged in straight
     reason. Rumour has it that   politics, culture, etc. Apart   hadn't gotten a new film ready in   documentary illusionism. One
     Jacques Ledoux, the festival   from this, the speakers in each   time, Roger Hammond did not   was hoping that his new three-
     organizer and the man, in the best   seminar/conference were, with a   manage to finish a new work   hour work would be, as was
     and worst sense, responsible for   few notable exceptions, either   either. Perhaps this is the point to   Zorns Lemma, of great interest or
     Knokke, was upset by the films   ridiculous (filmically) uneducated   state that of my three films, the   importance or both. It was not.
     in the festival. Ledoux, of course,   reactionaries or else old style CP   forty-minute Film Print was   But film-makers can't always, nor
     has done a prodigious       bores (even more aesthetically   completely rejected, the ten-  should they, be expected to live
     organizational job, and receives   uneducated). One got an up-and-  minute C/O/N/S/R/U/C/T was   up to their best work. One isn't,
     deserved credit from everyone,   coming French artist (whose   accepted for out of competition   after all, a maker of spectacles. It
     but this mustn't stop the   invitation was arranged, unknown   as was Room-Fragment 1967-74   was just unfortunate that
     necessary criticism which is so   to him, by his art gallery) stating   (thirteen min.). My bias in writing   Frampton's work seems to have
     clear a necessity. The criticism   `everyone knows the plastic arts   would have been a problem if I   gone for the moment far back into
     must be levelled against him and   are far in advance of film'. In   had been accepted into the   pre-Lemma illusionism, a sub-
     his Archives' Board of Directors'   fact, virtually none of the   festival: my bias seems even   Brakhage 'recording' of making
     selection of the selection jury,   speakers had seen, let alone   more problematic having been   steel in Pittsburgh, for example,
     which made the festival so   studied, advanced European and   rejected, but I am sure what I   that was simply of no filmic
     mediocre by all accounts,   American film over the last   write of the festival and of the   interest. Perhaps several
     although by all accounts again   decade. A lot of chauvinism was   other films, holds for my   retrospectives, and not only
     it was an excellent festival   thick in the air, as well.   assessment of the actual situation   American ones, would have
     in terms of everything but the                          regardless of any rejection/   clarified the current film situation.
     films and the discussion of film.   3 Everyone had a ball. The   acceptance concerning my own
     Another criticism of the greatest   casino at Knokke is a huge thing,   work. John Du Cane's Relations
     relevance: many critics were   the cinema is the most   was accepted for 'out of    5 To the films: It may be best, or
     invited for hotel and breakfast   comfortable anywhere, everyone   competition', and Sitney wanted   fairest if not best, to give the
     for the duration of the festival,   lived near the Casino: it wasn't   his work to get a prize but that   notations by some of the-film-
     while film-makers were given   exactly an orgy but it was a good   just wasn't in the brief, as they say,   makers themselves from the
     nothing at all, even if they were   feeling for the whole time; one   for final jurors. The other prizes   Knokke catalogue (exemplary
     accepted for the final programme.   found small places to buy food to   were as follows: 100,000 each for   by the way). Still Life With Pear
     This must be a basic change in the   eat at one's prepaid hotel,   Dore O's Kaskara, lamentably   1974, Mike Dunford:
     next Festival at Knokke. It should   (where the night porter at the   old fashioned shots   "Still Li/e's painterly
     be added (and it was mentioned   door always checked "is Madame   (superimposed) of her country   preoccupations, space, flatness,
     strongly at the last day's   coming ?" ie when everyone is   house in Sweden and her   context, movement, progressive
     rushed forty-five minute critique   checked in they lock the door, a   boyfriend film-maker Werner   reformalization in fluid contexts.
     of the festival) that out of   far cry from previous festivals at   Nekes; 100,000 for Alchemy, a   A still life with a pear, lighted in a
     competition film-makers should   Knokke). One also heard that   Japanese film which blew lots of   darkened space. The camera is
     also be invited since their films   Annette Michaelson had a tiny   people's minds, (more about that);   focused and after remaining in
     support an equal amount of the   room with a lousy uncomfortable   100,000 for Okabe's Shonen   the first position for one minute is
     festival. And the free Agfa film   bed, and the same went for some   Shiko a 'fifties-underground-  moved to right or left every
     which film-makers in the final   of the jurors, so there certainly   Jack-Smith-type homosexual-  thirty seconds according to a
     selection get, a highly laudable   was no nepotism on that level.    ha-ha-butterfly's-googoo-giggle-  prerecorded set of instructions.
                                                            giggle-anarchic little film; a cute   Centre section in which the pear is
                                                            little good ole underground film   eaten. Third section in which the
                                                            but experimental? The 50,000   first instructions are repeated, but
                                                            prizes went to a pig-fucker film   with the addition of a second
                                                            which was a sop to Makaveyev,   person who eats the still life
                                                            and to FM/TRCS, a film which   (pear), the camera uses the
                                                            did what hundreds of beginning   instructions as a basis for action,
                                                            film-makers do when playing   attempting to adapt them to the
                                                            around with abstract images   obstructive presence of the
                                                            and was rumoured to be a    second person. A second
                                                            favourite of Jacques Ledoux (who   soundtrack is added to the first
                                                            though was not officially on any   in which the cameraman
                                                            jury at all). The 25,000 went to   describes the actual actions
                                                            Print Generation, an academic   that the camera makes.
                                                            study of successive disintegration   The film operates dialectically,
                                                            of image, (and back again), quite   in that a prior structure was
                                                            watchable but merely illustrative   arrived at which denotes the
                                                            of a notion developed more   operations to be performed by the
     Mike Dunford                                           adequately by the English film   camera and cameraman, and this,
     Still life with Pear                                   Shower Proof, by Fred       during the course of the film,
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