Page 78 - Studio International - May June 1975
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collection with little more than   `The question of [party discipline   some rather unsatisfactory
       seventy small pages, is not   for the artist] was very important   reflections (à propos of the   News
       exhaustive, but it certainly omits   for Lenin; for Marx it was not)'.   Greeks) on why the art generated
       nothing of any substance, and   Morawski, careful to distinguish   in rather remote circumstances   and Notes
       includes some fairly peripheral   Marx and Engels from their   `still afford us aesthetic
       stuff.                    successors who wrote more   enjoyment and in certain respects
        This does not mean that Marx   extensively — and sometimes more   prevail as the standard and model   Artists for Democracy was
       and Engels were uninterested in   narrowly — on the arts, extends   beyond attainment'. This is a very   formed on 6 May 1974 in London
       aesthetics or the arts, or that   the range of their interests.   important and profound text, but   by a group of artists and people
       such ideas as may be found in   Six chief aesthetic problems were   it implies much more than it says,   working in the cultural field. Its
       them do not carry weight.   considered by them: the origin of   and various implications can be   basic aims are threefold and
       Indeed Marx at one stage planned   aesthetic sensibility, the   read into it with equal   interlinked
       an article on 'Aesthetics' for an   alienation of art and how it will   justification. Morawski, following   1. to give moral, cultural and
       encyclopaedia, and was, as usual,   be overcome, the class values   Max Raphael, and anxious to   financial support to genuine
       rather well-read in the subject.   embodied in art, realism,   free Marx from the exclusive   liberation movements all over
       The well-known fragment from   `tendency writing', and the   embrace of realism, thinks it   the world
       the 'Introduction to the Critique   expression of fundamental   implies a recognition of formal   2.  to propagate in a living and
       of Political Economy', in which he   human values in art, which   attributes of permanent value.   creative way democratic
       specifically attempts to analyse   includes such little reference as   Probably. But he cannot and   culture everywhere, to
       `the unequal relation between the   they made to the problems of   does not wish to deny that Marx   encourage all forms of
       development of material    artistic form.              and Engels's aesthetic, as   progressive, experimental art
       production and eg artistic   The first of these is largely   expressed in their writings,   3. to explore and develop ways of
       production', mainly in the light of   •speculative. Morawski reads into   concentrated almost entirely on   integrating our varied artistic
       Greek art and its persisting   Marx (mainly the 1844   content rather than form. Nor   theories and practices with the
       appeal, demonstrates that the   Manuscripts and the `Grundrisse')   can we judge their aesthetic   struggle for emancipation of the
       subject was important to him.   something like the following   sensibility 'more reliably' by   international working class and
       Yet equally there is no doubt that   schemax. Art is the child of   their known passion for the great   all oppressed people.
       neither he nor Engels formulated   labour. It first developed as a   writers, since they were by no   Any worker in the cultural field
       any systematic view of aesthetics;   `kind of bonus' to the activity of   means the only mid-nineteenth-  who supports these aims can
       nor that they rarely turned their   primitive artisans mastering the   century enthusiasts for   join. Meetings are held every
      minds to them; nor that their   material world. Eventually the   Shakespeare, Goethe, Balzac,   Monday from 7 pm at AFD's
      interest in the arts was selective   structure of the object (in Marx's   Cervantes, Aeschylus and the rest.   cultural centre, 143 Whitfield
      and their judgements not    German term its Mass — measure   These are not a criticism of   Street, WI.
       particularly `marxist' . In fact,   or proportion) preoccupied the   Professor Morawksi's   Artists for Democracy's first
      these concerned overwhelmingly   artisan, purely functional   presentation. He is keenly aware   activity was to organize a 2-week
      literature. Their rare references to   considerations receded,   that in developing a marxist   international Arts Festival in
      visual artists (Titian, Leonardo,   specifically aesthetic ones could   aesthetic, we are building not so   support of the Chilean
      Raphael, Rembrandt, Dürer) are   emerge. Since the autonomous   much on Marx's texts, which may   Resistance, held at the Royal
      quite conventional; there is little   aesthetic responses thus were not   or may not imply but certainly do   College of Art, the Architectural
      sign of interest in music at all   primary, the responses to given   not contain a 'rounded, balanced   Association and Art Meeting
      (except for Mozart).        physical attributes (colour,   aesthetic theory', but on our   place in October 1974. More than
                                  timbre etc.) also appear later.
        Marxist aesthetics is therefore                       knowledge of Marx's more   200 artists, poets, film-makers,
      at two removes from Marx    This view (which incidentally   general thought and, hopefully,   dance, theatre and music groups
      himself: it is a theory (or a school   implies that 'realism' or the   on a command of his method.   took part as well as representatives
      of theories) based on the attempt   imitation of physical reality was   His own extremely intelligent   of liberation movements in Latin
      to construct a coherent view of   not a primary aesthetic category   version has the advantage of   America, Asia and Africa, trade
      the arts from the scattered   for Marx) is at variance with   seeking to emancipate marxist   unionists, political and diplomatic
      references to be found in the   other interpreters, such as   criticism from some of the more   people, and many others.
      classic texts, on the assumption   Lukacs'. It is not so much based   primitive versions which long   AFD's cultural centre in
      that underlying these there is such   on what Marx says, but on   monopolized its conventional   Whitfield Street is open seven
      a coherent analysis. Without this   citations from him which are   image. He is also keenly aware   days a week from noon till 6 pm.
      attempt the scattered texts   compatible with it, at least to   that the history of marxist   Activities there for the coming
      themselves are not very     Morawski's satisfaction. It is   writing about the arts must deal   months include: exhibition by
      illuminating. In fact, their very   therefore a marxist interpretation,   less with the 'classics' themselves   painters Stephen Pusey, Pauline
      collection and selection reads   but not necessarily, or even   than with their successors. That is   Seaton and David Dennison
      something into Marx which may   probably, Marx's own. The only   why the series edited by Morawski   (April); exhibition by Jonathan
      well be there, but is certainly not   firm thing about it is Marx's   and Lee Baxandall is to be   Miles, Ife Orr, Christine Halsall,
      explicit and formulated.    undoubted view that man evolves,   welcomed not only for this book,   Adrienne Lee Poster Group:
        So a review of Marx's and   or ought to evolve towards a state   which forms its first volume, and   `Propaganda v. Reality'.
      Engels's texts on the arts must be   where his physical and mental   Morawski's introduction, but for   exhibition with films, events and
      primarily one of the compiler/   capacities are in free creative   the eleven volumes planned to   discussions (May). Also poetry-
      editors and their interpretation.   play, that as it were 'homo Faber'   complete it. Among these one   readings, music, film shows,
      Fortunately one of the co-editors,   is on the way to becoming 'homo   looks forward with interest to   discussions with artists about
      Prof. Stefan Morawski of the   ludens' (p 13).         Morawski's own forthcoming   their work, etc.
      Polish Academy of Sciences, has   The other aspect of Marx's   `Marxist Thought after Marx and   In June AFD is organizing a
      written an excellent introduction   aesthetics which lies outside the   Engels' and to volume III which   show devoted to Vietnam,
      of some forty pages. Not the least   conventional impressions   is to consider, among others, the   integrating information and
      part of its value is that it contains   concerns the persistent appeal of   contribution of William Morris.   artistic work as imaginatively as
      one of the rare accounts of the   art in societies other than those   E. J. Hobsbawm   possible to show the Vietnamese
      background to Marx/Engels   which have given it birth (eg                          people's 25-year struggle for
      aesthetics, apparently based   ancient Greek art) or in more                       freedom and independence against
      largely on a Polish doctoral   general terms 'the unequal                          imperialism, and their present
      thesis of 1967 on 'Marx and   relation between the development                     efforts to rebuild their land `ten
      classical German aesthetics';   of material production and                         times more beautiful.'
      possibly for this reason it may not   eg artistic production'. The                 Postscript: John Hoyland and
      pay sufficient attention to the   unfinished passage at the end of                 Jeffrey Steele both had works
      ideas of the French left in the   the 'Introduction' to `Grundrisse'               brought from the show by the
      period 1830-48, which developed   is perhaps the most important                    Ateneum Museum, Helsinki. The
      theories not dissimilar to   text of Marx in aesthetic matters.                    exhibition will be available for
      socialist realism.          Unfortunately it is brief,                             bookings in this country from
        The conventional marxist view   unsystematic and fragmentary. It                 June. Interested parties should
      of the arts is that they are, above   denies that 'progress' in the usual          contact Norma Binnie at AIR,
      all, socially determined, that the   sense applies to the arts,                    Burlington House, Piccadilly,
      most desirable art is 'realist', and   discusses the social roots of 'great        Wl.
      that socialist art should be   art' in specific historical
      committed art (though Morawski   conditions — with an unexpected                   `Britaniasta 75', Taidehalli,
      correctly points out that this did   stress on the importance of                   Helsinki (and now touring
      not imply Lenin's `party-spirit' —    mythology and breaks off with                Finland)
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