Page 74 - Studio International - May June 1975
P. 74

temperature control to some +/- z°C is   indicate any serious underheating. It   movement of people in a space, breaking
        adequate, or by more sophisticated   would seem an ideal method of dealing   of glass, break-in attempts, etc. A factor
        means such as automatic electrically   with short term exhibitions of modern   that needs to be considered is that the
        operated valve and room thermostats.   art of any type and for permanent   Fire Prevention Officer will ask for all
        Humidifiers of the evaporative type,   exhibitions of all but the most sensitive   escape routes to be open whenever the
        rather than the spinning disc, preferably   materials since it can be provided at a   building is occupied and this is usually
        with piped water and individual drain to   very low installation cost, particularly   diametrically opposite to the security
        ensure their continued use (that may be at   where electric heaters are used.   requirement that everything is locked
        risk when buckets of water need to be                                   at all times. Explosion locks that are set
        carried daily), and, finally, good   Security                           to open automatically under fire
        maintenance, particularly of the      Before deciding on what security   conditions have not yet been found
        humidifier in which the salts dissolved in   systems to install it is necessary to be   sufficiently reliable and the best
       water are continually building up and   clear as to the hazards. Apart from fire   compromise to our knowledge is to have
        need frequent removal. In 'hard' water   the hazards, in order of probability, are   all fire escape doors locked but easily
       areas particularly some form of water   accidental damage, petty impulse damage   openable from inside by breaking a glass
       treatment is often needed to reduce this   and/or theft, premeditated single person   panel.
        problem,                            damage and/or theft, and, premeditated
         Where wider temperature variations   syndicate damage and/or theft either for
       are acceptable it might be possible to   financial gain or political reasons. The   Communications
       obtain adequate control by the use of   best defence is undoubtedly the presence   Good communication is essential and a
       heaters controlled by both a thermostat   of uniformed personnel but there cannot   diagram of what might be desirable is
       and a humidistat connected in series and   be a keeper by every exhibit and it is   given in Figure 4.
       set so that the heater operates to   therefore wise to have an installation of
       maintain the temperature setting of the   security devices which give audible   Other engineering systems
       thermostat, provided the relative    warning, both locally and at a central   We have not dealt with the domestic
       humidity does not drop below the     point, and a diagram of the sort of   services needed, such as hot and cold
       setting of the humidistat. This is,   protection available is given in Figure 3.   water to lavatories, or with the central
       perhaps, rather more applicable to   It will be noted that closed circuit   electrical installations, since these are
       ancient buildings than to modern art and   television is not included because it is   not in any sense special to the display
       an experimental system is currently in   difficult for watchers to detect even   of modern art, but would finally mention
       operation at Claydon House in        exceptional changes such as movement in   that some form of emergency supply is
       Buckingham for the National Trust. The   an otherwise still scene, or very violent   very desirable so that, during times of
       logic being that unheated old buildings   action in a moving scene, a fact known   no main power supply, the security
       are often in excellent condition and it is   to all but the most ignorant of the   system will keep going and it may be a
       the introduction of central heating that   criminal fraternity. It is thus of little   statutory requirement to have an
       causes rapid deterioration to occur by   deterrent value against either   emergency lighting system. Batteries
       drying out timbers. So far the       premeditated or impulse actions. Where   may not be adequate if industrial action
       temperature and humidity recordings   there are no night patrols the system   is the cause of the stoppage and some
       taken are most encouraging and do not    needs to be strengthened to detect    form of generator should be considered. •

                             We wish to thank all the many individuals, galleries, and institutions who have
                             provided material for the supplement in this issue. We have collected far more
                             contributions than there is space for, and hope to be able to publish more of
                             these in a future number of the magazine. We especially wish to thank the
                             British Council for much help and for providing contacts in many countries
                             overseas, and institutions and photographers for the loan of illustrative material.

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