Page 73 - Studio International - May June 1975
P. 73

when the relative humidity is constant,                                 area and often the heat gain is at
        and, because, for a constant amount of                                  different rates in different areas.
        water vapour in the air, the relative                                   Fortunately the maximum rate of
        humidity (RH) depends on                                                moisture gain from people is not usually
        temperature (one degree C temperature                                   sufficient to modify the RH beyond the
        change causing a 4%change of RH), the                                   5% tolerance, indeed is usually much
        temperature must also be constant.                                      less, so that, provided the building is
        Typical of the published                                                well sealed against an infiltration from
        recommendations is as Figure 1, which                                   outside, it is only necessary to control
        is an adaptation from the paper                                         the temperature, and, where 'free
        `Climatology and conservation in                                        cooling' is adopted, to go progressively
        museums' by H. J. Plenderleith and                                      to recirculation as the moisture content
        P. Philppot, published in Museum                                        of the external air exceeds that required
       Vol XIII/No. 4196o (which is,                                            inside. To obtain individual temperature
        incidentally, an excellent description of                               control the possibilities are to fit a heater
        the need and methods then available to                                  and cooler on the duct to each control
        control temperature and humidity).                                      area or to arrange for the volume of air
        It is our opinion that, when it is not                                  delivered to be at constant temperature
        possible to have the objects at below,                                  and varied in the amount needed to
        perhaps —40°C, when no chemical                                         maintain a constant space temperature.
       or bacteriological activity can occur                                    Since the former approach involves
       (which is possible using freeze drying                                   water pipes as well as air ducts and also
       techniques but clearly an impossible                                     the heating of air previously cooled, or
       display temperature) then the actual                                     vice versa, leads to very poor thermal
       temperature does not matter so much                                      economy, it seems that a 'variable
       provided it is as constant as possible and                               volume' system is essential. The
       that the RH % is right. Therefore, since                                 disadvantage of this system is that, as
       the temperature needs to be near to                                      the volume introduced reduces, so the
        human comfort level, it should be at                                    air flow pattern in the space is affected
        comfort level (even if not so designed                                  and a poorly contrived system can result
        that is how it will operate.) and we                                    in stratification, and thus temperature and
        consider that the ideal is flexible between                             relative humidity differentials to be set
        19 and 21°C with 45 to 65% RH,                                          up between one part of the controlled
        controlled to 5% either way, greater                                    area and another. To reduce these
        precision not being reasonably possible.                                problems the temperature difference
        As already mentioned the cost of                                        between the supply and room air should
        providing ideal conditions can exceed                                   be as small as reasonable — perhaps
        4o% of the cost of a new building and a                                 6°C (11°F) — and the variable volume
        large part of this is in the air                                        device should be arranged to maintain
        conditioning system. It is therefore                                    as steady an effective discharge velocity
        essential to be absolutely convinced that                               as can be achieved — either by 'pulsing'
        precise temperature and humidity                                        as in the fluidic switch or by inducing a
        control are needed and, if so, the actual                               suitable volume of room air to give
        values chosen should appreciate that                                    constant mass flow. A diagram of a
        relatively small temperature changes                                    typical variable volume system is given
        (2 or 3 deg. C) at peak solar condition can                             in Figure 2.
        reduce substantially the size of installation                             A lesser system would be simply
        needed and may only occur on a few                                      to provide heating with humidity
        days in each year. Also the lower the                                   control and we would suggest that this
        temperature selected the greater the                                    will often be quite satisfactory because it
        problems of condensation and the more                                   is only low RH that affects many objects,
        energy needed to remove the heat gains                                  higher temperatures that occur in the
        in Summer, but, of course, the less heat                                Summer are not destructive because of
        needed in Winter. Another energy                                        the higher absolute humidity and hence
        factor is the degree of air purity required                             RH in the Summer. The features
        and the ideal is probably a combination                                 needed for a successful system include
        air filter in three stages (coarse fabric,                              individual thermostatic control of each
        absolute fabric and active carbon — never                               heater such as by the cheap method of a
        electrostatic because ozone is generated)                               thermostatic radiator valve, where
        with the minimum of fresh air so that the
        stored bulk is continuously recirculated
        to reach an ever increasing degree of
        purity. Unfortunately this prevents the
        adoption of 'free cooling', that is using
        external air to remove internal heat
        gains, and in these days of energy
        restriction, this is an important aspect
        and will also influence the choice of
        internal temperature. In Liverpool an
        internal temperature of 20°C would
        need mechanical cooling for some   the conditioned space, but this would
        800 hours per annum while at 18°C it   not be good enough for precise control
       would be needed for some 210o hours   and would be very expensive to run. The
        per annum.                         central plant needs to have a means of
         To control temperature, humidity and   adding moisture and the system should
       air purity at all times an air conditioning   have means of recirculating expensively
       system is needed. In its simplest form this   cooled air for running economy. Another
       would comprise of a fan drawing in   factor is that the control in an area
       fresh air from outside through a filter, a   supplied from one plant can only be at
       cooler and a heater and delivering it to    the average temnerature and RH of that

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