Page 76 - Studio International - May June 1975
P. 76

Greenwich Street, San Francisco,                       rejection of (though we must also
           Feedback               Calif. 94133. The first number of   Vision             suspect a rejection BY) the
                                                                                         normal cinema and TV outlets
                                  Left Curve included the
                                  transcription of a radio 'action/                      for their work. In many cases,
                                  interview' made by members of                          this is accompanied by a
        After 1, 2, 3 and 4, Schmuck 5   the Guerrilla Art Action Group:   First Festival of Independent   conscious search for a new
      has arrived (well you can't always   Poppy Johnson, Jon Hendricks,   British Cinema   pattern of film culture - new
      be sure that 5 will follow 4)! Its   Laurin Raiken, Jean Toche.   This is to be no more than a   production, distribution and
      full title is General Schmuck no.5,   Over nine years ago, in January   brief report - a longer article is   presentation conditions. We
      January 1975, 'general' because   1966, an editorial statement   needed and may get written.   must also be aware that there
      the contributors are once again   appeared in Studio International   Organized by ICW (Independent   may be as many pressing
      worldwide in origin: from   announcing that the magazine   Cinema West; for background to   ideological differences within the
      Denmark, USA, UK, Mexico,   had acquired a new publisher, and   Festival, see 'Vision', Dec 74), the   two general directions as
      Spain, Netherlands etc., etc. This   outlining hopes for the future, it   festival ran from Tuesday 11 to   between them. For example,
      issue is available from David   was the first editorial by the new   Tuesday 18 of February, at the   there can be very little point of
      Mayor, Beau Geste Press,    editor Peter Townsend and, as it   Arnolfini, Bristol. After the   contact between Mike Dunford
      Barhatch Farm, Barhatch Lane,   happened, the last, since one of   event, organizational criticisms   and Derek Jarman, both
      Cranleigh, Surrey at £2.60. The   the changes of policy was to spare   are always easy to make with   ostensibly 'experimental'
      magazine is now produced by   readers monthly editorial gripes,   such a show, but they would be   film-makers, or between the
      offset, and each page is printed in   or 'The Art World as I See It'.   relatively minor in this case. The   Berwick Street Collective and
      combinations of coloured inks   Since Peter Townsend hangs up   main error was running from   Amber Films both on the
      used rainbow-wise across the   his hat after this issue, it seems   Tuesday to Tuesday, rather than   `political' axis. Apart from the
      openings. It invites immediate   an appropriate time to glance   week-end to week-end. This was   general advance in awareness
      riffling, indeed it is literally   back over nine and a half years.   foreseen by ICW, but accepted   in the minds of the public,
      inviting, and not just for the pin-  One of the first moves made   reluctantly to fit with the   critics and official bodies, that
      ups, but also physically and   after he took over was the   Arnolfini's normal schedule. So   an alternative cinema culture
      graphically; it is bulging with   establishment of an editorial   many people travelled to Bristol   exists - which the festival
      securely fixed inserts, including a   advisory committee, the January   for the show, that it was inevitable   achieved to some extent - what
      little book by 'the Intermediary',   1966 issue listed them as Alan   that the majority would be freer   do the film-makers gain from the
      ie Victor Musgrave, which details   Bowness, Andrew Forge and   at the week-ends. Even so, the   juxtapositions in this show?
      certain Chinese exploits    David Thompson, with J. P.   attendance at the festival was
      (damned clever), as well as fold-  Hodin advising on 'international   extremely high, both from   Can there be a productive dialogue
      outs and fold-ins, a piece of stick   relations'. Later in the   outside Bristol and from within   between the two main axes,
      (for certain purposes), a leaf,   September 1966 issue, three   the city itself. The 'moral' case for   the political and the experimental?
      cards, a piece of elastic, in fact                      staging it outside London is   I don't think the Bristol show
      you name it and the odds are   contributing editors were also   fairly obvious. However, there   answered this clearly, but there
                                  listed: Dore Ashton, Jean Clay
      that it couldn't possibly be                            was an unforeseen (for me at   were sufficient points of contact
      included - it's only a magazine   and Frank Whitford; both these   least) advantage in the Bristol   between some of those working
      after all. However, attractive as   groups were subsequently   venue - virtually living in, the   within the political grouping and
      the contents are visually, even   enlarged. `Naum Gabo and the   film-makers and other visitors   the experimental film-makers to
      sculpturally, when one gets down   Constructivist tradition' in the   had a chance to talk to each other   convince me that the process
      to the texts, particularly the   April 1966 issue (which coincided   in a more relaxed way than is   should continue. The
      literary pieces, and even some of   with the first issue of Art and   possible in London, where travel   experimental film-makers should
      the graphic work, a lack of zip   Artists) made it quite plain that   and the scale of the city makes   continue to be exposed to the
      or an excess of stodge, takes the   the magazine really had adopted   long and casual discussion   problem of 'accessibility',
      edge off one's initial excitement.   a new and no longer parochial   difficult. Even if no spectacular   counteracting the tendency to
      'Onbl exleptions for me,    outlook, indeed the magazine   grouping took place after the   become simply incorporated into
      Ian Breakwell, Robin Crozier,   rapidly became part of the British   Festival (the Independent   the 'art-world' where the
      Charlie Garrad, General Baba,   modern art establishment,   Film-makers Association is   formally sophisticated audience is
      Jiri Valoch.                demonstrating close links with   already formed), I feel that all the   most readily found. At the same
                                  the Tate Gallery, the ICA, the
        After Schmuck 5, Schmuck 6 -  Arts Council and the British   people who attended now have a   time, the political film-makers
      but since it's not out yet, first   Council, and with leading critics,   practical 'sense' of the broad   should be made aware of the
       Wallpaper 1 and 2, of September   historians, artists (who were   independent film movement.   poverty of sensibility and the
      and December 1974 respectively.   encouraged to write), and   Many must have been surprised   reactionary conventionality of
       Wallpaper is available quarterly at   dealers; although this end was   by the scale of this movement -  much of their film-form. That
      £1.00 or $2.50 per copy, plus   not without its dangers, its   the sheer volume of work which   the process of interaction can
      postage, from 437 Springtown   realization was a considerable   has been done, the range and the   be productive was shown most by
      Road, New Paltz, N.Y.12561,   achievement. In October 1967   number of people involved.   Night Cleaners, a film by the
      and 11 Ascham Street, London,   Charles Harrison's name appeared   Fortunately, representatives from   Berwick Street Collective.
      NW5. It is a hybrid visual/literary   as Assistant Editor to Peter   the BFI, the Arts Council and   This work demonstrated how the
      magazine, and includes - yes -   Townsend; this partnership   Local Arts Associations attended,   subtler aspects of film 'image'
      wallpaper !                 lasted until the October 1971   and at least in that respect the   carry their own political
        Control Magazine issue 8   issue and saw special numbers on   Festival must have functioned to   implications, and begins to open
      appeared in the latter half of 1974   Minimal Art, Biederman,   demonstrate that the British   up a form where political issues
      and is a bargain at £0.75 plus   Newman, the British Avant   Independent Cinema is well   can be handled within a film,
      postage; copies are obtainable   Garde and the exhibition in   beyond the embryo stage, and is,   without resort to a conventional
      from the editor, Stephen Willats,   the magazine in July/August 1970,   in many areas, in an advanced   propagandist system of editing
      5 London Mews, Paddington,   as well as the gradual involvement   stage of development.   and commentary. The film makes
       London W2. Contributors to this   of the magazine with the   Perhaps the main underlying   use of image repetition and empty
      issue include Kevin Lole,   international avant-garde, more   assumption about the Festival's   black spacing as practical
      Erling Steen Petersen, Joe Wilson,   risk-taking, less adherence to a   selection and scope was that the   devices for the re-examination of
      Andrew Ironside, Stephen Willats,   safe formula and a more   various directions of the current   the image content, and to avoid
      Gerald Laing and John Stezaker.   challenging magazine. Recent   non-commercial film scene could   simple narrative consequence in
      The articles by Lole, Willats and   developments hardly need   be usefully brought together and   the montage of one sequence with
      Stezaker, in particular, enhance   recapitulation since they must   viewed as aspects of a broad   another. At the same time the
      the claims of the magazine on the   still be fresh in the mind; I would   cultural movement. It is already   film sacrifices simple
      attention of anyone interested in   suggest, in conclusion, that the   obvious that as the situation   accessibility - aware that it aims
      radical reassessments of art theory   last decade has been one of the   develops some basic   at 'intellectuals'. Of the political
      and practice.               high-points in the 82-year history   incompatibilities must emerge   work shown, whilst I remain
        A tri-quarterly (sic) magazine   of Studio.           between the various film    generally sympathetic to the
      which has 'a basic orientation                          `ideologies' represented by the   intention of groups like
      centering around issues                    Clive Phillpot   scope of the Bristol programme.   Liberation Films, Cinema Action
      concerning art and revolution'                          The broad divisions remain the   or the Women's Film Group,
      and which sets out to accommodate                       post-Underground, avant-garde,   even liking some of the work more
      `all "left" tendencies' and to                          experimental direction, on one   than I had anticipated, only the
      `include all art - from film to                         hand, and the political, social,   Night Cleaners presented a
      poetry' entitled Left Curve, first                      community direction on the   surprise and avoided simplistic/
      appeared in the Spring of 1974; it                      other. They are for the moment   propaganda analysis. In general
      costs $1.00 per issue from 1016                         held together by a common    my preferences and prejudices
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