Page 37 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 37
12. Fiore d' Italia. Semi- 13. Security Marine Bank,
engaged columns and urns and Wisconsin, c. 197t. The
real electric metres. (Photo, billboard-building, a natural
Jencks) hybrid of commerce, one part
communication and status, the
other part function. (Photo,
Wayne Attoe)
14. Dunlop 65, near Sydney,
Australia, c. 1970. This oil tank
is in the shape of a golf ball
both as a witty disguise and
because a golf course is directly
across the road. (Photo Jencks)
15. Peter Harrison,
Independence Liner, repainted
1969, with enigmatic symbols
which suggest a Japanese terror
ship out to exact revenge.
(Photo, Peter Harrison)
6. Stephen Paige, Dickmobile,
c. 1971. A mild steel body is
fitted on to a Hillman chassis
with grp testicle rear guards
and purple flake grp glans.
(Photo, Environmental
Communications, Los Angeles)