Page 38 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 38

Los Angeles it has become something of a   as the ultimate in schizophrenia is the   somewhat transformed by
        major art form — architectural cosmetics.   Security Marine Bank in Wisconsin   Supergraphics,5   which also destroys
          In fact, Farmer John carries on the   (Fig 13), an ordinary clapboard building   visual coherence for another purpose :
        Hollywood tradition both in style and   on one side and a stuck-on billboard of   the liner 'Independence' has been
        content; pure forests are set behind   classical architecture on the other. The   repainted by Peter Harrison with an
        ever-clipped lawns, friendly little   billboard front signifies 'bank' since it   abstract rising sun and enigmatic, angry
        animals — like the menagerie of     uses the customary signs of pediment and   eyes that seem to be emerging from out of
        Disneyworld — inhabit a wild west that is   column which are associated with this   the sea (Fig is). Why the image ?
        always tame and never polluted. Both   function. But it also signifies symbolism   Liners are socially respectable and don't
        Arnold Jordan, the muralist, and the   itself since the communicating element   need to be hidden. The motive is once
        stage-set designers at MGM paint on   is so clearly detached and at odds with   again advertisement, to attract people
        a scale which is almost life-size. Clearly   the main structure. One part of the   onto a pleasure-boat by adopting a most
        trompe l'oeil is the norm in a city of film   building tells the story, the other part   unsuitable and outrageous image. The
        studios and billboards. Stage sets and   actually works. This is not an unnatural   law for effective display directly
        backdrops 3o by 200 feet are produced   division of labour and indeed it has   contradicts the norm for modern
        as a matter of course, and specially   existed for a long time in Main Street   architects : the more unrelated a form is
        painted billboards spring up and are   America with its false fronts and attached   to its function the better, the more
        resurfaced with amazing rapidity. The   signboards.                     unforgettable. You're bound to
        fact that this art form is so ephemeral may   The logic of commerce radically   remember this sinister, Japanese-like
        account for the fact that 'serious' artists   dissociates architecture into symbolic and   terror ship the next time you want to go
        have not for the most part entered the   aesthetic areas on the one hand and   dancing, even if you settle in the end for
        field. There are exceptions such as the   cheap, well-serviced space on the other,   something more subtle.
        Fine Arts Squad and Wayne Holwick,   and this dissociation is counter to most   Inappropriateness as a virtue has
        who has produced several portraits on   architectural norms of consistency. An   found its zenith in the Los Angeles
        buildings (Fig 9). In part however the   obvious reason why architects object is   custom cars which are in the shape of
        genre is confined to amateurs who   that this takes away any expressive   everything including oversized male
        personalize their house by placing their   possibilities that aren't directly   organs (Fig 16). Of course a car has
        self-portrait on it. Quite a few of these   connected with symbolism and, more   always been a natural and implicit sign
        houses exist in Santa Monica to serve as   annoying still, hands them over to   of male virility, but to make it explicit —
        literal identifications CI live in the house   non-architects such as sign painters and   with glans, veins and all the rest in pink
        that looks like me').               commercial artists. They have a point.   flesh colour — is pushing way beyond the
         Another motive for 'fooling the eye'   The result is often a boring separation   frontiers of plausibility. The disguise
        is quite inevitably profit. Commercial   of form and function, sign and use —  wouldn't fool anyone, not even a virgin
        buildings have to attract the passing   the large banks on Park Avenue for   aunt. There is no real reason for it except
        motorist in a striking and unambiguous   example. But when the duality is at its   to shock — and seeing this phallus
        way. Hence restaurants have become   most extreme and brazen, it can    travelling straight towards you at sixty
        the building type which is by convention   actually have wit. Each facade of the   miles per hour is enough to make you
        now the most colourful and odd. I know   Security Bank mocks the other.   drive right off the road to a psychoanalyst.
        of at least five restaurants which are in   Putting on the false facade is not the   A monstrous joke, it prompts the
        converted airplanes and, of course,   prerogative of architects or cosmeticians —  question: 'and what does the garage look
        phoney railroad cars have been an   animals and plants are known to lie.   like ?'
        accepted tradition for 'Diners' for fifty   They often use camouflage to hide from   With these zany disguises we have
        years.                              predators, or lure in the unsuspecting   reached the Surrealist territory of
         A masterpiece of commercial dupery   meal by appearing luscious and edible,   Magritte, where once-humble objects
        is the Fiore D'Italia Restaurant, again in   much as the restaurant entices the unwary   have suddenly jumped out of their
        Los Angeles (one imagines that it was   and hungry motorist. An insect mimics   everyday station in life and taken over
        tarted up by an out-of-work MGM     a twig for protection, moths can imitate   control of the mansion. Magritte painted
        artist). Basically it is just a decorated   leaves and flowers, but the classic liar   an ordinary apple in a bare room. The
        shed, a one-storey blank box made   is the chameleon who can become an   problem is that the apple has expanded
        from standard steel joists and crud-  ersatz rock when necessary. Piero   beyond the bounds of propriety to
        board, which is all Roman pretension on   Gilardi, an Italian designer of synthetic   occupy all the room, forcing the
        the front (Fig 10) and sudden, joyful   environments, has followed the example   inhabitants to flee. Just your average
        disclosure on the back (Fig II). The   of the chameleon and designed large   green apple gone mad. Why ? We demand
        emperor, as it were, delights in losing half   ersatz rocks which are actually bouncy,   an explanation of this eviction order. It's
        his clothes. In fact as you travel around   squashy, lightweight blobs of   bound to be some absurd pun (an apple
        this building you delight in finding   polyurethane painted in various shiny   a day keeps everyone away) overstepping
        duplicity a cause for celebration. The   colours that you can sit on. These rocks   its bounds.
        entrance has ersatz swags and urns and   are comfortable seats, and when   Things won't stay put in our
        fibreglass statuettes, some of which are   children discover the deception they   environment any longer. They have lost
        only half there (the other half pretends to   actually go mad with excitement. They   their place in the social order and on the
        be embedded in the pretend stone), and   stumble and pounce over them and hurl   cosmic scale. The grand systems of social
        when you turn the corner all of this   them about the room, as if they had   rank and metaphysical order which used
        phoney symbolism turns into trompe   suddenly become King Kong. In this   to provide stability and coherence for
       l'oeil painting of phoniness — a triple lie   case, ersatz transforms the participant as   objects have crumbled, or been jumbled
        (Fig 12). Yet the symbolism is      well as the object.                 together in a confusing mess. This leaves
        appropriate for all its lies, not only   Something like camouflage is now   us not without signification, but with
        because restaurants are now         being used on aspects of the environment   too much significance — an endless
        conventionally pseudo-vernacular, but   which people find ugly, or about which   profusion of meanings cut off from their
        also because in this case it is     they would rather not know. Oil derricks   habitual roots and doomed to float about
        unmistakably in the same style as the   in Los Angeles are dressed up as   in an hallucinatory world where they
        food served. You start to appreciate   skyscrapers, while water tanks and oil   can tie up with anything.
        little jokes such as the mechanical   drums are disguised as golf balls, a   The situation can be put very simply.
        equipment incorporated into the Roman   natural disguise when the shape is the   Traditional societies limit the area of
        motifs, a bizarre confrontation of gods   same (Fig 14). Warships have been   artistic expression to conventionally
        and electricity of which a Surrealist would   camouflaged by strong patterns which   significant subject-matter: religious,
        be proud. This is the kind of       break up the overall shape and make   communal and habitual meanings are
        mad amalgamation that modern        them appear either as part of a dock, or   accentuated and put together according
        architects have sought to avoid with their   random flotsam and jetsam which might   to restricted formulae. Never a Madonna
        integrated style and high-seriousness.   be floating around in the water. This   with a brick in her lap. Western
         A building which they would condemn    tradition of camouflage has been    industrial societies, on the other hand,

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