Page 71 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 71

TWO ROOMS /RELATIVE SLOW-MOTION                                                   1974

                        A performance begins at a specific    recorded 'memory' from (about) the
                        time as the audience separates into two   same period of time in the past (shared)
                        audiences, one in either room.        time continuum.
                          A recording (from Camera A1 and       Although the two machines' rates of
                        Camera B1 respectively) of the        slow-motion appear correspondingly
                        responses of each audience is played   calibrated, an audience comparing the
                        back to them in slow-motion on Monitor   image of itself replayed in slow-motion
                        a few seconds after the beginning of the   with the (live) view of a second
                        performance. Simultaneously Monitor 2   audience seeing itself in slow-motion
                        in the room displays as a live image the   has no absolute way of judging:
                        other audience observing itself on the   A. the synchrony of the two audiences'
                        screen delayed and in slow-motion.    relative times - positions - in the past as
                        Both of the machines' rates of slow-  seen in the images playing back at
                        motion, only slightly slower than reality,   present time.
                        are mechanically adjusted to be the same.   B. whether the speeds of the two slow-
                        Because the tape seen on Monitor 2    motions are the same, relative to each
                        in the room is replayed in slow-motion,   other.'
                        the delayed time between its recording
                        and its playback increases continuously
                        and progressively — the views seen by
                        the audiences from a time period sliding   As the playback is very little slower than
                        further back in their pasts (from 'short-  reality, it may be difficult to distinguish the
                         term' memory connected to their present   relative speed of an audience's present-time
                        activities to memory.)                metabolic response and their previous time
                          An audience can objectively observe the   responses slowed-down on the screen.
                         effect of the delayed slow-motion     A person in one audience is only able to
                         playback on a second audience at the   establish the synchrony of the relative
                        same time as it (subjectively) observes   slowness of the playbacks by recalling and
                         itself. One effect of an audience    correlating what they did (at the moment in
                                                              the past presently showing on their screen)
                         watching itself in slow-motion for a   to what they saw the other audience doing at
                         period of time may be to slow down its   that same moment (which they would have
                         present time movement (this effect might   seen on Monitor 2) in the past, and see if
                         be observed in watching the other    presently (on Monitor 2) the other audience
                         audience).'                          is observing those same past activities on this
                          Each audience would observe a       audience's Monitor t.
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