Page 75 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 75

behavioural sciences we mean   Construction project.: It only   community to experience a work
                                  cybernetics, learning theory and   acquired the prefix 'Edinburgh'   which puts them at the level of the
             Interview            cognitive psychology. Meta   when it was set up there. This   man in the street, since Meta
                                  Filter makes use of concepts from
                                                                                         Filter does not employ any of the
                                                             project could be set up in any
             between              learning psychology, which is   town if certain social conditions   specialized languages of art and
                                  only a small part of the   existed.                    no special knowledge of art is
          Steve Willats           behavioural sciences. It seemed   J.W. In any form of participatory   required on the part of its users.
                                  necessary for me as an artist to   art there is a more radical   J.W. When you talk about the
                and               extend my language and to   division of labour between the   artist taking note of the
                                  develop informational tools   artist and the spectator than   language of his audience do you
        John A. Walker            beyond those inherited from the   occurs in the interaction with   mean their familiarity with life-
                                  past. If one attempts to change   traditional artworks. One   codes?
                                  the goals and functions of art and   criticism which has been levelled   S.W. Yes. People code their
                                  the area of society in which it   against participatory art is that   worlds — the way they dress, the
      J.W. Meta Filter appears to   operates then such issues as the   the artist relinquishes too much   kind of house or car they choose,
      address a central problem of our   languages people use, how they   control over what happens. Does   how they decorate their homes —
      society caused by the fact that   acquire information and change   this criticism have any validity?   in accordance with their
      different groups interpret the   their attitudes become relevant.   S.W. cannot predict exactly how   aspirations. What may seem to
      world in different ways. It seems   These issues have been studied by   someone will respond to the   them simple decisions actually
      healthy to have a pluralistic   communication theorists and   situations I present them with,   involve complex social
      society but the resulting variety of   their findings would seem   but in constructing my works 1   mechanisms. By using such life-
      interpretations is a source of   pertinent to the artist because he   take this fact into account. Hence   codes an artist manipulates
      conflict. Since the operators of   is also concerned with   I exercise far more control than   languages which are immediately
      Meta Filter try to reach an   communication.           those who use traditional artistic   meaningful to the audience from
      agreement in relation to their   J.W. Scientific theories can be   strategies. The use of task-  which the codes were derived, in
      perceptions of the world can one   tested experimentally, whereas in   orientated or participatory   contrast to the specialized art
      say that its aim is to overcome   art there is no equivalent method   techniques and the references to   codes which the audience would
      pluralism ?                 for measuring the success or   learning theory means that one is   have to learn. This change in the
      S.W. No. The work accepts   failure of an artwork. By what   entering the world of engineering   the artist/audience relationship
      relativism and is a product of a   criteria does one measure the   — that is, the engineering of   imposes new responsibilities on
      pluralistic social setting. It does   success or failure of your works ?   human response. One could argue   the artist: he is required to specify
      not attempt to legislate a   S.W. In this instance any test   that this is what artists have been   his audience, to undertake
      particular viewpoint to its   must be measured against the   concerned with all along.   research, to engage in
      audience: instead, it directs the   intentions of the artist. When a   However, although   reconnaissance even before an
      audience's perception towards a   work is transferred from one set   sophisticated technology is   artwork is conceived. Mind you,
      context and provides them with   of criteria to another, that is,   pertinent to the artist he is not   we are talking about two kinds of
      the means to internalize that   away from the original intentions   concerned with extending the   work here: firstly, works like Meta
      context in whatever way is   of the artist, then we no longer   behavioural sciences but with   Filter, a neutral mechanism which
      meaningful to them. In this sense   have a measure. We can only rely   furthering the realm of art. To do   is loaded with references by its
      the work has a 'floating base line'.   upon intelligent hunches in   so he needs a methodology and   audience; and secondly, works
      What is agreed between the two   estimating the subsequent effect   tools. By adopting those provided   like the West London project,
      operators will vary from couple to   of artworks on the future   by the behavioural sciences he is   which brings itself to bear on the
      couple and one response is not   behaviour of an audience.   able to exercise more considered   world of its audience directly by
      preferable to another response.   However, I have done some   control than hitherto.   functioning within it. (See Studio
      This does not mean however that   research on the success rate of   J.W. In your writings you have   International, January 1973,
      the work is a pointless exercise. In   traditional methodologies of art   attacked avant-garde art for being   pp. 26-8).
      directing attention to a particular   and they compare unfavourably   inward-looking and in your own   J.W. In reality we read life-codes
      way of perceiving a person's   with those employed in my   work you have attempted to look   directly, whereas in Meta Filter
      world the work presents them   projects.               outwards, to reach an audience   the codes are mediated by
      with a question mark. The two   J.W. It seems to me that there is a   normally ignored by   photography. Doesn't this
      parties construct in stages a joint   problem in understanding a work   contemporary artists. is this the   complicate the interpretative
      picture of that part of their world   such as Meta Filter. For example,   major reason for adopting   process?
      which is in question.      not much is gained by looking at   artistic strategies which differ   S.W. It is true that coded
      J.W. The photographic images   the physical exterior or indeed by   markedly from those used by the   behaviour is read indirectly via
      employed in Meta Filter are cool   examining the electronic circuits   artists of the past ?   photographs, but human beings
      and neutral in tone. Would the   which make up its interior. One   S.W. Yes. The methods developed   excel in making inferences about
      work operate in the same way   needs to operate the machine for   for Victorian drawing-rooms and   reality from limited data. I don't
      with more loaded images, say   at least a couple of hours before   salons are now inadequate. They   think therefore the photographs
      images of violence or of   one begins to appreciate its   were developed within a rarefied   constitute a barrier. Each snap
      immigrants?                structure.                  world of art institutions and in   was chosen with great care in
      S.W. It is doubtful if it would.   S.W. I agree, Meta Filter is not   social groupings with a vested   order to minimize the distortion
      The neutralism of the      immediately available to its   interest in art. Such methodologies   inherent in photography. To cope
      photographs is deliberate — it   audience in the way that a   are totally inappropriate to a   with reality human beings have to
      enables the operators to overcome   painting on a wall is because it   context in which people have a   reduce its variety to a set of
      their inhibitions. In this sense the   involves a process through time.   low priority for art and in which   simple representations, thus
      work is more subtle than it might   But this has the advantage that   the specialized languages used by   producing a symbolic world from
     at first appear, because there are   the operators can self-pace their   contemporary artists are   which complex actions can
      no situations which are not   cognitive re-orderings in the   unknown. In such situations the   be initiated. Meta Filter
      loaded. Meta Filter makes loaded   course of internalizing their   artist has to consider the   formalizes this natural process.
     situations acceptable by    conceptions of the work The   language of his audience,   J.W. I take it that your aim is not
      presenting them in an abstracted,   physical machine is not seen as   whereas previously he could take   merely to reinforce people's
      generalized form.          important except as a means of   it for granted because he   existing life-codes but somehow
    - J.W. How did you obtain the   achieving a set of re-orderings.   functioned in a world in which his   to change them ?
     terms in the thesaurus?     J.W. You have been producing   audience had sufficient   S.W. Yes. I hope to initiate
     S.W. The words in the thesaurus   works involving a high degree of   motivation to attend to his work.   changes in the way they perceive
     are those commonly used to   spectator participation for some   My aim is to externalize art from   these codes so that they can make
     describe our perceptions of other   years now. One drawback of such   this confined situation.   inferences from them to other
      people; they simply derive from   projects, it seems to me, is that   J.W. But Meta Filter is to be   coding structures and also re-
     our general vocabulary.     they are 'one-off.' If a work is   displayed in an art context. Is   order their codes according to
     J.W. I wondered whether they   time-based, only participants have   there not a contradiction here?   needs and priorities they have
     were derived from the textbooks   direct experience and knowledge   S.W. Not really, because Meta   developed. A person's social
     of the behavioural sciences,   of it. The rest of us have to be   Filter will be shown in various   reality is, to an extent, pre-
     because these sciences do seem to   content with documentation.   contexts of which the art gallery   determined. The purpose of my
     be a great source of inspiration   S.W. I don't agree, because my   is but one. For example, f plan to   works is to make people aware of
      for your work. Am I wrong in   works can be re-established. For   house it in an articulated lorry   the relationship of codes to needs,
      seeing the behavioural sciences as   example, the Edinburgh Social   and set it up in residential   to enable them to re-order their
      a kind of subject matter?   Model Construction project was   neighbourhoods. It may be   coded worlds.
      S.W. That is a mistake. By the   originally called 'Social Model    salutary for the members of the art

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