Page 74 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 74
concerning the operator's
Meta Filter: a new work by Steve Willats perceptions of the slides and
statements. A typical example of
a problem is reproduced above.
As can be seen in the phrasing of
the problem, reference is made to
a thesaurus which has been
specially designed for Meta
Filter, consisting of terms
describing behaviour states and
people's characteristics. In
response to a problem operators
select what they consider to be an
appropriate word from the
thesaurus, enter it into the
machine and communicate their
selection to the other operator via
a keyboard, each word having
been given a number. If
agreement is not reached at the
first attempt the operators try and
reach this state by searching for
common factors in the solutions
that they have just registered.
Both operators are given six
attempts each to reach agreement,
and if it cannot be found by then
Meta Filter selects another
problem that retains the same
attention area but looks at it from
a different viewpoint. If however
they do reach agreement they add
an element to the model they are
jointly constructing, and Meta
Filter takes their selected
employing an interactive learning organization, and from which word as the basis for the next
Meta Filter* problem. The thesaurus,
system, so that its concerns are they can make analogous
Meta Filter is concerned with made accessible to an audience inferences. problems, and Groups One and
the parameters that govern who have no special prior Two's statements are all
interpersonal behaviour, and the knowledge of its references. The Description of the work's contained within a book (The
various codings used by people work is designed to function functions Problem Book) which each
to formalize their interactions between two persons who may, Interactions between the two operator uses to record their
with each other. The work or may not, know each other. operators are structured through personal involvement with Meta
conjoins the differences in people's The two operators use Meta a learning system which presents Filter, by noting down the words
perceptions of coding structures, Filter as a formal structure for them with the same set of chosen by both parties as
by taking them back to the externalizing what is mutual in problems concerning how they solutions. Each page of problems
common basis from which they their perceptions of interpersonal perceive a symbolically coded represents one state in the
arose. A state of mutuality is behaviour. This requires the two group, presented on slides learning system, so if agreement
sought, which provides an operators to construct together projected on a screen facing each is reached both operators
optimum basis for formalizing both Descriptive and operator. The symbolic group progress to a new page. If,
interpersonal behaviour. This Prescriptive Models, and thus depicts five interdependent however, they fail to agree they
state is seen as context-dependent, re-order their mutual relationship. behaviours that underlie move to another problem on the
and subject to the references of By focusing on interpersonal different relationships within same page. Copies of problem
the parties involved in operating codings within a group the work social groupings: (1) Reference solutions are retained and
the work. The adoption of a increases the operator's behaviour. (2) Social provision displayed on screens surrounding
context-dependent standpoint awareness of such structures as behaviour. (3) Survival behaviour. Meta Filter to provide a
has resulted in Meta Filter basic elements within any human (4) Projectional behaviour. documentation of past operator
(5) Institutional behaviour. Each responses, so that people can
of the slides is accompanied by make comparisons between
two short statements made by their own models, and those of
two groups of persons (called other people.
Group One and Group Two) Steve Willats
giving alternative interpretations
Work was started on Meta Filter
of the symbolic group. The
in March 1973 with the assistance
statements and the scenes they of Derek Aulton (Electronic
describe are used as subject Engineer) and finished in June 1975.
It is on exhibition at The Gallery,
matter for a sequence of
London, 23 September—October,
problems. The latter are framed and then at the Midland Group,
in the form of questions Nottingham, early next year.
Operator One.
Problem Screen
Push buttons etc.
Typical example of one of the problems in the Problem Book
Problem Seven
Accepting the observations of Groups One and Two as providing a
description of Persons A and C's actions in the depicted scene, select a
word from the thesaurus that you consider gives Person A's
Group One
The situation between Person A and B is relaxed, informal, and they are
discussing a subject of existing mutual interest.
Group Two
Person A is sharing something with Person C, and is trying to create
mutual interest in it.
Meta Filter side view.